Stomach pain?

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2012
Not usually one of my daughter's symptoms but at diagnosis she told doc she had some stomach pain but not debilitating. Since released from hospital, she rarely complains of stomach pain but when she does she tells me it is Crohns type pain so I guess she knows the difference.

Today, after her swim meet we were out to eat and it hit her so she and I left and sat outside where she could relax. She said it wasn't bad and she just thinks it is because she didn't drink enough water at her meet and that she notices when she doesn't drink enough the crohns type stomach pain comes on. Easy enough to fix but does anyone know why this happens? Is there really a connection or could this be coincidence?
Just a theory, but I would have thought that you really need to keep hydrated to help your food move along. Liquid would help "keep everything flowing" in your stomach/intestines, so maybe things slow down or stick in her stomach when she doesn't drink enough. There - that's me used my few brain cells for today!:thumright:
Makes sense as she recently went full food so there is a lot more to be moved and she was out in the hot sun two days in a row exerting quite a bit of energy.
My son also has pain that he describes as Crohn's pain. He gets it fairly frequently but I have not been able to nail down a cause. Don't have any insight into any of it...wish I did...
Yes, have her push fluids and she how she does.
Believe me once she figures out how to stop the pain she will want to do it!
I agree with the dehydration theory. Ryan has these pains when he doesn't drink enough or eats a marginal food like cabbage, lettuce...
He also has them if he has ulcers in a certain area (like transverse colon now), he hurts when food reaches that area.

Don't you love it when the kiddos tell the GI something then he gives you that look....Like did you know this? Why didn't you call? LOL
I think there are also different triggers for different people as well. When I have a bad flare cold temperatures are unbearable for me, even without a fever.
Hope it was just her exertion and some dehydration!! And that she's feeling better by now! :) Is the pain gone?
Yep! Drank her water and a little while all gone. She says it always works so I am not worried just like to know why the water works...whats the connection?
I find I get dehydrated pretty easily which leads to stomach pains. Just have to remind myself to keep up the fluids, particularly as some Crohn's meds (eg sulfasalazine) can dehydrate the body quicker as well... that could contribute?
Maybe the lack of fluid slows down transit time. Just a thought, I could be totally wrong. Glad the fluids resolved the problem and she is feeling better!
It sounds like dehydration to me hun...she has identified that decreased fluid intake causes it and replacement resolves it. It is not uncommon for dehydration to cause stomach pain/cramping and replacement of fluids restores electrolyte imbalances which will in turn resolve the pain/cramping.

Dehydration may not necessarily be confined to exercise, IIRC she has had some looser bowel motions recently too?? So she will be loosing fluid that way to. Not to mention your hot weather there at present.

Dusty. xxx
Being in the water is dehydrating all by itself. The water leaches water from the body due to the fact that the water concentration outside the body is greater than the water concentration inside the body. Like seeks like and so we lose some of our water whenever we swim, bathe or shower. My son says he gets dehydrated just taking a shower and always drinks water before and after.

Since she is swimming competitively her activity level probably adds to the dehydration.

She might want to try using a high quality rehydration formula like Hydralite when she's swimming. These formulas are a better choice than things like Gatorade, which can cause diarrhea in normal people if they drink too much.

Hope she wins all her meets and finds a way to avoid the stomach pain so she can excel without paying a price.


It has to be the hydration thing. We had the same issue this week. Ryan has been in band camp for 2 weeks. First day was hard, but when he got a camelbak and stayed hydrated, he felt like a million bucks. My Crohnie is one of the few kids that didn't get sick from heat and have to sit out. Go figure!

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