Stool coming from my...lady parts?

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Jun 6, 2011
stool coming from my...lady parts?

Uhm so today I went to the bathroom and I noticed that I may have had some stool leak from my vagina. I was in the ER on tues because of pain in my left side and my urinalysis had white cells and keytones in my urine. Aside from having pain on Tues I haven;t been in any pain really besides a few twinges, it doesn;t hurt before I pee or anything...what is going on!?
Sounds like a fistula to me. I have several in my vagina...before I got my stoma I used to find it amusing to have farts come from there...but I'm weird like

I also wanted to add, that mine aren't painful at all so I never did anything about them. They don't impact my life, either sexually or on a day to day basis. Might be worth getting it checked out though.
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I thought it might be such but it's not a lot of stool and I wasn't in much pain, but the white cells does seem odd to me.

Anouther question...I guess to reassure myself. On Tues I had a little accident and had to sit in until I could run hoe and shower. Is it possible that I could have had some "leftover particles" that were now being evacuated?
Like the others say, I would get it checked out. Do you have a GI that you see? The White cells might be signs of active inflammation which has caused a fistula and there's always the danger of developing an abscess which you really don't want.
Also, fecal matter can lead to infection in the uterus and such too....Last thing you need!
Yes - sounds like a fistula. I had one from my rectum into my bladder. So used to pass faecal matter and gas via urethra. Eventually needed surgery. Some of the newer drugs can have good effect in healing fistula I believe. Good luck.
There is a slight chance there could be left over 'bits'...I would clean up as best as possible 'up there' and def. keep an eye on any additional output. If anything else comes out, I would consult with a doctor. I had fistulas near the outside, and my doctors never talked about infection risks - BUT if there is a fistula and it is higher up, that could be a real concern.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I've decided to go ahead and set up an apointment with my gyno. I sent them an email and they seemed pretty concerned to see me. Plus it' better safe than sorry.
My urine is looking more and more cloudy...and I seem to have developed swollen tonsiles. I also have a naggy pain in my left side. Nothing extream but a nusiance all the same.
Definiely something going on. I had a bowel to bladder fistula and my symptoms were pain, cloudy fizzy urine and frequency and urgency to pee.
Have you been given an appointment yet? Guess it might have to wait til after the holidays?
I haven't got one yet. I was hoping to get in before the 27th but I wasn't able to call them till way late last night and everyone was gone. Hopefully I can get in before the holidays though.
I got an appointment in with my gyno for Weds. I'm glad I was able to et in before my GI appointment. Tha way if I have one I can tell him, if not than I can selectively leave that out lol. I'm still on the fence about maybe having a fistulea I keep thinking it's probably nothing or maybe just an infection. I woke up this morning with a swollen abdomine, my left side a little more swollen than the right but then again I am on prednisone right now so that could be why my tummy is swollen.
I'd keep them both in the picture! I don't like the sound of the swollen abdomen. Is it hot to the touch? The problem with fistulas is they can lead to abscesses and they are nasty. A CT scan is usually what will confirm a fistula and/or abscess.
I have a recto-vaginal fistula. After I had my kids I would sometimes pass gas there and stool maybe four times. I had not heard of a fistula and thought somehow I was imagining things. I mentioned the gas and the gyno said "sometimes childbirth changes things down there no big deal" Stupid woman, I believed her - stupid me. I was too embarrassed to mention the stool. After a while it settled down and it was not until I had a regular rectal abscess that the surgeon noticed the recto-vag one and put a seton in there.

Even if it suddenly doesn't seem to cause any issues it would be wise to have them check it out. Abscesses are not fun and I would not want one too close to your girl parts.

Good luck with your appointments.
The swelling seems to have gone down and the weird pain has simmered to a mild annoyance only occuring right before I have to pee. Yesturday I was peeing a lot(like 3 times in an hour) My belly isn't hot to the touch nor is it hard to press on though I do have rebound pain when it's pressed on(it hurts on my left through to the right side.) I've written down all the days that things seemed not so normal so when I see my gyno on Weds they have a clear picture of what's going on, I can also have a list of things to tell my GI. Somthing tells me the prednisone is also making some of the symptoms appear, or maybe it's maasking the symptoms...*shrug* Thanks everyone for all your help. Honestly I thought all my lady problems were resolved a couple of months ago when I got the IUD taken out(it was causing bleeding in between periods, monthly yeast infections and heavier periods and cramps)

I also used to pass gas through my vagina as well when I was very sick but one of the ways they diagnosed me was through a CT scan and never said anything about an absess or fistula. Thanks everyone for the help I'll keep you updated on Weds how the appointment went/what they find
She checked me out and from what she felt/ saw she couldn't see anything abnormal.she said im if I had a fistula then id be passing stool through it everytime I went to the bathroom or basically all the time in general. still curious why I keep passing white cells in ny urine though...I don't have any type of infection...
Might be a fistula to the bladder, rather than the vagina. I used to pass gas, not stool but some people do. Hopefully the GI will shed some light on the matter.
She checked me out and from what she felt/ saw she couldn't see anything abnormal.she said im if I had a fistula then id be passing stool through it everytime I went to the bathroom or basically all the time in general. still curious why I keep passing white cells in ny urine though...I don't have any type of infection...

You would NOT be passing stool through it EVERY time. I had a fistula through my left fallopian tube and a wee one in the vagina. None of which showed up on a CT scan by the way. Only in emergency surgery did they see it. I didnt pass stool through it every time. (thank goodness, since I was going 30 times a day!) Its more of a slow leak. A small amount, not always noticible. As for the white cells in your urine, I dont know, but if that is happening my guess is you are very inflammed, and need to be taken care of.
The thing is I feel like something isn't right in my body, especially my left lower quad but yet its not severe enough for anyone to take notice. Maybe its just something small and not really anything to take notice but I still don't feel right. The prednisone also isn't working as good as it usually does. O find myself still passing blood and mucous and I think im in mire pain than I was before *shrug* I see my gi on tues do ill discuss it with him then
You know your body better than anyone, and dont be put off by Dr's questioning that. Personally, with my own experience, I would think your sigmoid is causing you problems. Thats what got me with the fistulas. It was so strictured it perforated and caused the fistulas as well. Had I been paying attention (which I wasnt..I just thought things would get better on their own..HAH) I was very fatigued. Occasionaly pain, fever, night sweats, the big D, smelly discharge, and leaking through my lady parts. Then...WOW, when it perforated. I was still working though! Too busy to stop! I am stupid. Dont let the GI be stupid. You can tell him my story if you like.

I wish you well!!
You know your body better than anyone, and dont be put off by Dr's questioning that. Personally, with my own experience, I would think your sigmoid is causing you problems. Thats what got me with the fistulas. It was so strictured it perforated and caused the fistulas as well. Had I been paying attention (which I wasnt..I just thought things would get better on their own..HAH) I was very fatigued. Occasionaly pain, fever, night sweats, the big D, smelly discharge, and leaking through my lady parts. Then...WOW, when it perforated. I was still working though! Too busy to stop! I am stupid. Dont let the GI be stupid. You can tell him my story if you like.

I wish you well!!

There is an area in my sigmoid colon which during my sigmoidoscopy was difficult to get through(and very painful) he mentioned it was "coiled" I was in to much pain to qustion anything during it though. Perhaps the coiling is giving me greif. I don't know.

I do get the pain and I'm constantly tired and needing a nap. Since starting prednisone I've gotten more solid stools but their thin and difficult to pass. No fever and nothing foul coming from me that I can tell(but then again when I had the yeast infections I didnlt have a foul smell either) Really I'm tired of being in pain and not knowing when my body will decide today will be a good day or bad day...
I agree with Terrienut. I only passed stool when my stools were soft, which makes sense if you think about what's actually happening there. The passage of gas was unmistakable though.
rectovaginal fistula. I currently have two which are needing surgery to repair. My suggestion for you would be see your Gastroenterologist, discuss the problems, and he will more than likely refer you to a surgeon to be examined. THat is if he feels you should need surgery for repair. If it is small, sometimes they heal on their own, but because of the risk for cross contamination and the higher risk for infection, I would advise just going to the doctor and having him take a look.

I know I am a last responder to this thread. I hope all is well and sending my thoughts your way!!