Strange conversations

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Nov 12, 2010
I know I get "slap happy" late at night on this thread. But here's some things I heard at my house tonight that I never thought I would have conversations about.

Claire yells from the bathroom, "Moooooom, I'm pooping."
Me, "Okay, let me go get the the flashlight."
Claire, "It's light brown. You don't need the flashlight."
Me, "Fine then. Do you see any blood?"
Claire, "Nope - just all poop, Mom - brown brown poop."
After the poop police (that's me) arrived and noted it was indeed NOT all brown, she grins and says, "'s MOSTLY brown."

A few minutes later she moved to the bedroom

Claire yells (there's a lot of yelling on prednisone), "Mom, my butthole stings."
Me, "Claire! We do not say butthole."
Claire, more yelling, "Well, what do you want me to call it?"
Me, now yelling, "How about just your bottom? Or your behind? Or be French and call it a derriere."
Claire, "Whatever! It is stinging so now I want you to look. Bring the flashlight."
Hunter, the 12 year old, rolls his eyes and says, "Good grief!"

Yes, sports fans, I looked at it, I applied Aquaphor to it, but I did NOT bring the flashlight.


I hope everyone has had a good night.

Love, J.
Lolz, poor Hunter!

A Crohnsie Wish: Tomorrow may you only have conversations about school supplies and skipping ropes.
That is hilarious. I love kids so much haha they're so honest.
Claire sounds like a funny little girl. It's really cool that you guys are close enough that she CAN call you to look at her "derriere." My mom and I are like that too. If I needed someone to look at my brown eye, other than a dr, it would be her. Even though I'm 21 haha. But I can usually position a couple mirrors the right way and see it myself.
J, I'm glad to see you're still finding humor in your days ! )
That is an awesome story! LOL

love to you,
Haha, I can't wait till Claire's old enough to join this forum!! She's a regular character!! I guess for now, we'll just have to settle for second-hand accounts. I'm with Claire, btw, what's wrong with butthole??
LMFAO! That is just the best J!

Claire is such a hoot, I love her to bits!


Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Haha...too cute! I DO wonder what strangers would think LOL! We have the same discussions at our that you can laugh at it!

You're much more delicate in your house than we are in ours w.r.t. language. After 28 years of my own illness and 10 years of my daughter's, nothing is sacred anymore. Although with the 2 year old we have to watch ourselves from time to time.

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