Struggling Newbie

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Jun 30, 2010
Hi All,

I have signed up today as I need some support.

After reading a lot of your posts, I feel a bit ashamed really. I think overall I get off really lightly with regards to my illness.

The reason I need support is I am starting Modulen today. I am already really struggling. I have boiled the kettle and am waiting for the water to cool to make it up. I am having 500ml today to gradually introduce it.

I have been told I can only have 1 pint of clear fluids along side it. I was surprised at how little this was, especially during the summer.... does anyone else have any experience of this?

I am dreading taking my first sip at the moment as I have been told it will make me feel rotten for the first week or so. Also all I can see is the long weeks ahead of no food. Silly really but can't shake off the negativity I feel about it all.

Anyway, I'm not normally miserable but today I feel rubbish.

Christina x
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I have worked myself up so much about this now I am actually in tears!

I am so ashamed to be so ridiculous over it.

Anything I do in changes to my diet makes me so unwell and now I am a nervous wreck over it.... so stupid

I am 31 and have a 2 year old daughter and I should know better :redface:
hi Christina, welcome to the forum :)

i just found this link on Modulen - i thought it was really informative, and i can't see any reference to a limit on how much water you can drink in your day whilst on Modulen, in fact near the bottom, it encourages users to drink more water in the summer... have a read through - maybe the water issue is something you can seek a 2nd opinion on..
awww :( you'll be ok. from what i can see, it's a really good nutritional food, and has the added bonus of anti-inflammatory action. it also says you'll start to feel better in only a week or so... so chin up - this stuff could really be a good thing for you!
Hi there, I hope you managed to make it up ok. It will be good for your body to get some of the goodness form the drink. That in itself may make you feel a bit happier. One thing I am finding here is that it is ok to be honest with your feelings, sometimes releasing them enables you to then find a way forward. There is nothing to be ashamed about. Sometimes we just need to focus hour by hour, or day by day and hopefully week by week. Take care and sip away
Thanks so much for your support and advice dingbat *hugs* It really helps to know there are otehrs out there who understand. My family try their best but I know it's not easy for them either.

I will take a look at those links.

Christina x
Thanks Aura :)

I am still waiting for the water to cool which is adding to my anxiety.....
note to self: boil the whole amount for the day first thing in the morning!!
Hi Christina
Learning something new is always something to celebrate. It's good to learn about boiling the whole amount at the begining of the day.:ybiggrin:
OMG how long does it take water to cool!!! I am STILL waiting!!

I don't remember this problem when making up bottle feeds for my daughter! But then we did do the water bit the night before *sigh*
I am meant to have 5 100ml drinks across the day and it's already 11.30am!

At this rate I would prefer to not eat at all today
Ok its cool now so have mixed it up and put it in the fridge, as its supposed to be best chilled... this really is a waiting game

Sorry to keep on about it but this is about the only thing keeping me going today

I feel like my insides have clammed up. I haven't even had anything to drink yet today as the anxiety of it all is making me feel unwell and being nil by mouth seems easier at the moment :(
Welcome Christina, I am sorry you have to be on Modulen, I have never been on it, I would wouldnt do well, I love my food. But if it helps to heal, it should be a good idea.

Everyone's struggles are different, and no one is the lesser because they dont have as rough as time as others, support and information is best to learn here. Until there is a cure, we have to look after ourselves. No one knows when or where the problems may start. Try to avoid stress ok?

Glad you found us!
Thank you Jettalady :)

Yep I must avoid stress as that is my main trigger... if only I had a switch I could flip to turn it off..

still not consumed any modulen, this is getting silly now.
OK I am really in a mess over this now and I am so cross with myself!!

I have called my dietician again and she was so understanding but really wants me to start and has asked me to call her back when I have had the first 100mls :redface:

ok here goes....
It really isn't that bad drinking it, I preferred it when it tasted like banana or strawberry not much of a big fan of chocolate, but you can also get lemon and lime, coffee and a good few others.
I can totally relate to the anxiety you're feeling because I HATED modulen at first and hate drinking ensure but as it's your first day all you need to do is get into a routine that works for you. It didn't make me feel terrible physically or anything I kinda felt really good after drinking my daily amount because it was like an acheivement for me.

I really hope the first 100mls went ok!!! Don't feel ashamed as im sure you know crohn's is harsh emotionally, dont worry everyone here is so supportive :)
welcome to the forum! Haven't tried that yet. But i'm on elemental diet for the next 8 days! Hope everything goes well!!!
thanks everyone *hugs*

I have now had one 100ml glass with strawberry nesquik added (tasted awful)

and am half way down the next 100ml which I flavoured with coffee which is way better and I am managing to convince myself it is a milky frappuchino lol

I am feeling extremly weak and shaky but that is not surprising after I took so long to consume anything today, really need to pick up on the fluids now i'm started.

Spoke to dietician and she said there is no limit to the fluids I can have but not to over do it. She said me regimen was taken from a child's template and that bit should have been deleted for me.
Congratulations on your first 100ml!!! Why don't you give your self a treat when you get to 500. Depending on your budget... I treat myself to music downloads, 5 songs or so for a treat. It's not a big deal but I don't download a lot of music and I need to be frugal where I am at in life. So for me it's an inexpensive indulgence. I hope the idea helps you get through it. Good luck and I hope you feel better.
hi christina ive been on the modulen for nearly 2 weeks now and must say i dont find it bad tasting at all,im on 2litres a day for 8weeks,i got the flavour pots wae my prescription and also use the krusha milkshake mix.if your struggling to cool the water just put the hot water in a tub then put it in a bigger one wae ice cold water and it'll cool in jig time,i was doing either 8 250ml's or 4 500ml's,i hope it does the trick for you and helps you into remmision,as for the water i think your allowed as much as you want also i was told diet lemonnade if you fancy it now and then,hope you get through this ok and chin up lass.
Hi Christina! Hope the first day ended okay and day 2 goes much better for you!

Hang in there. I hope it makes you feel better soon.

- Amy
Thanks everyone ((hugs))

I am really struggling to drink it, I just can't bear the taste. I have flavoured it with everything possible and just cant get away from the underlying taste of it :(

Thanks for the tips on rewarding myself crohnically stinky, I will definately give it a go :)

Hainman, excellent tip on cooling the water, what a numpty I am for not thinking of it lol!! Did the trick this morning so I could whip it into the fridge to chill first thing.

Think I will try drinking the next one through a straw in the hopes I can't taste it at all...
Ok don't want to get too excited but the straw is helping :banana:

PS I LOVE this banana dude!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
Just thought I have probably put this thread in the wrong category... feel free to move it to a more suitable place x

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