I love when some people associate this worm therapy with hygiene theory and try to associate changes in T cell to hygiene to make the theory work. They for whatever reason associate this parasite with exposure to bacteria like in that article. It's an immune modifier, the mechanics are not because you are rewiring the immune system the minute you stop the therapy the disease comes back, no matter how many times you introduce the parasite to the host.
These worms are just immune modulaters just like any other drugs, they aren't correcting the hygiene theory.
Just like genetically engineered probiotics aren't fixing any dysbiosis at all, they are just immune modulators.
But these worms sell way better if you start blabbering about the hygiene theory cause it suddenly sounds natural, infecting someone with a bacteria over and over is not natural, it's immune modulation.
I have nothing against it, it's just that they should stop trying to package and promote this as correcting the hygiene theory.