Subdural Hematoma/MRI results

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Aug 9, 2010
Okay, March 1st, I went for an MRI as a follow up after having a seizure and passing out at Walmart January 4th, two days after being in the hospital for kidney failure. Anyway, January 4th, I was in Walmart when I had a seizure & fell, passing out. I awoke in the ambulance and was taken to the hospital where I underwent a Cat Scan.

That was normal and the ER doctor said I needed to get an MRI and EEG & suggested I call a Neurologist. I called a Neurologist and made an appointment & he ordered first an EEG, that was normal, then ordered an MRI. When I went for the MRI March 1st, I wasn’t expecting it to be abnormal but the radiologist said it was abnormal and I sent me to the ER where I was transported to River Bend Hospital in Eugene, after contacting my Neurologist.

I was taken to a Neurosurgeon and he explained that there was a collection of blood on the entire right side of my brain & it was putting pressure on the brain, so much so that it was pushing my brain to one side, known as a Subdural Hematoma & they would need to do surgery to drain it so less than 2 hours after being there, I underwent emergency surgery where they made an incision in my head and pulled the skin back and drilled a small hole in my head and inserted a drain.

The drain remained in my head for a full day and then they took it out. Without the surgery, I almost surely would have died. Anyway, I’m doing fine, out of the hospital as of today and I feel pretty good considering I had brain surgery.

Good news is, they did a cat scan yesterday and it came back clear, the doctor said there isn't anymore blood on the brain and the brain filled the space where the blood was like it's supposed to.
Oh EA, I am so relieved that you have come through this and are working toward being on the mend. Thankful that the subdural h. was found. Sending healing thoughts.
Thanks Kelly, yes I'm thankful it was found. It was hard to miss on the MRI cause there was so much blood but thankfully it was old and it had stopped bleeding and the cat scan I had yesterday morning showed all the blood was gone.
Wow! So glad to hear all is now well, what a relief!

Subdurals can be real buggers 'cause they can be slow forming so the initial CT Scan may not pick it up, like in your case. So you had no symptoms in between times?

Take care, :hug:
Subdural Hematomy/MRI results

DustyKat, no I didn't have any symptoms, that's what was so weird, doctors didn't understand that either but very glad it was picked up by the MRI and got it taken care of, feeling pretty good considering
That is freaky ay? Thank goodness it all turned out well and you have no ill effects, YAY!

Dusty. :)
Subdural Hematoma/MRI Results

Well, back from the Neurologist & one of the first things he said was that what happened was totally unexpected and that he thinks the bleed started before I ever had my seizure and that he thinks the bleed is the reason I had my seizure. He told them to send me immediately to the hospital once he learned the results to get it taken care of. He didn't expect the MRI to be abnormal but once he knew what it was told them to get me into the hospital. I go back to him in 3 months for a follow up and he may or may not want another MRI to make sure I'm doing good. I don't go back for 3 months unless I have symptoms.

And he prescribed an Anti Seizure medication & wants me on it for three months until I see him again. Bad part is, he called it in and now I have to wait until he gives prior authorization so the insurance will cover it hopefully. I called the doctors office to be sure he contacts the insurance company, so hopefully he'll do that and MAYBE it'll be ready tomorrow. Crossing fingers

Neurologist said, had it been a fast leak, I wouldn't have survived.

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