Subway is the best food you can eat?

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Jan 29, 2011
I just want to mention this, because it seems so counter intuitive, but I can eat subway all the time and have no symptoms and it appears to reduce inflammation as well.

I was doing sun therapy and I started going to subway on my way home to tan. I thought it was only the tanning, but I was shocked that subway seemed to be a big part of my recovery as well. The increase in my health was rather shocking.

Not sure if this is some sort of interaction with my probiotics (florestor and udo super 8).

This is what I eat:
Italian bread
Turkey (I think Tuna and spicy italian work too).

oil and vinegar
spicy mustard
black olives
I don't know about it being the "best" food you can eat, but it's one of my safe foods. White bread, turkey, and mayo are always easy on my tummy. I can do tuna too but I find Subway's tuna to be kind of gross sometimes. :p
I can do subway turkey sandwiches and be ok but not with those veggie toppings.

I wouldn't call it great, any fast food place probably doesn't use the best cuts of meat nor is it organic.
Wow, well everyone is different. Subway kills my gut - I think its the bread, though. The meat they serve it chock full of preservatives and fillers. Oil and vinegar probably help you but I cant see anything else beneficial.
Barelyalive I wonder if they key is taking the probiotics with subway? Although who knows, it seems like in time they will determine that IBD and Crohns are really many different diseases and that will help to explain why one thing works for one person, but fails for another.

For those who said Subway was trash, I agree completely. I read all these books about going vegan and avoiding bread, but that is why i wanted to post it, it just seems so counter intuitive.

Although I have not noticed this through subway, I am thinking that spicy mustard probably should not be on my list of foods to eat and have stopped ordering it when I go.
I stopped eating from most fast food and restaurants when I started feeling terrible... I just like to be able to choose the ingredients that make my food. Wonder if you took them same subway ingredients and bought them all organic and gmo, preservative and dye free if it would make an even bigger difference.