Success stories thread ?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 28, 2010
Hi All,

I have been looking for a thread or a section of 'Success Stories' but can't seem to find one, so wondering if anyone can please point me in the direction, if there is one?

I have read accounts among the "My Story" posts of how folk are doing, and what is working for them, which is great. But not all the posts in My Story are success stories, which is fine of course. But it would be great if the 'successes' were all in one place, as they would be much easier to access.:)
What do you mean by success stories? No one is cured if that's what you mean.
Hi Minx, my personal success story is with LDN. I'm actually coming up to my 1st year anniversary since being on this medication. I have had no signs of any flare ups and have not had to take prednisone since I started which is remarkable for me since I've been on and off of prednisone for years.

Astra, Mayflower & RobK -- many thanks for the info. I have read the success story thread and it is exactly what I was looking for :)

It is wonderful to read of people with Crohn's who are now well, (or in remission) and are able to work full-time, travel and go on physically demanding vacations, have fun with friends, as well as being able to eat more or less what they want. For the past 5 yrs I have been such a very long way from being able to do any of those things, but reading the stories gives me hope for the future, that one day I will be able to get my life back.

Thank you to everyone who posted on the success stories thread, and many congratulations on your good health. Long may it continue. :)

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