Hi everyone and please excuse the length of this post,
I'm about to be sent on another round of 'let's figure out what this is' and running another gamut of doctors, tests, and more tests, and because of past experiences, I am both skeptical and just really really frustrated and tired of both the experiences and of the amount of money this is going to cost me (again).
The reason I am posting here is because in addition to what has become a chronic series of GI issues which is making my doctor want to screen for possible IBD issues as opposed to just IBS (or my blood disorder acting up badly), I also manage a lifelong genetic blood disorder which has its own set of symptoms, problems, and also exam and labs-related abnormalities.
That said, I was wondering if anyone who has another pre-existing condition besides IBD which can possibly alter the results of blood tests and/or other lab exams that are used to help diagnose or interpret GI-related symptoms can share their experience with doctor(s) interpreting lab results and the like and 'fighting' over how to interpret the results.
What I mean is: How do the doctors (or you) know that the results are from Problem 1 as opposed to Problem 2 and what is their approach to differentiating?
The blood disorder I mentioned previously shows up in certain blood tests and general exams and labs. Unfortunately, some of the values that this condition can alter are also values used in determining GI-related health. Some symtoms can overlap, too.
I've struggled with severe GI issues for 7 years now and though I have had some 'unusual' test results that were considered 'more unusual than what my normal would be', my doctors have almost always attributed the results to a flare-up of my blood disorder as opposed to anything GI-related. Mostly because they KNOW I absolutely HAVE the blood disorder as opposed to 'We don't know what kind of a GI issue this is, so it's more likely the former as opposed to the latter and you're also getting older so maybe the pre-existing condition is getting worse.'
The whole bit about me getting older and my blood condition getting worse resulted in me seeing a very special blood specialist who specialized in my particular disorder... only to have them disagree with my doctors. My condition was/is likely more stable than what the exams/labs/whatevers were showing so it's probably something else!
According to the blood specialist, GI pains (and pain in general) COULD be a problem with my condition worsening with age, BUT it would be more of generalized pain and not the episodic weeklong-ish bouts of D, extreme pain, 'feeling blocked', extreme bloating at times, mouth ulcers, occasional C, and extreme fatigue. In his opinion, the unusual blood test results possibly warranted another look from another angle.
This was communicated to my other doctors... who pretty much all disagreed at the time because previous x-rays, CT, ultrasound, and upper endoscopy (but no colonoscopy) done in years past ended up being fairly unremarkable... and so it's been like a game of ping pong and at some point, I just quit getting labs done, seeing the doctors, and just shut up and dealt with the GI issues as well as I could with the blood issue already being more than a handful to deal with.
After all these years, though, with my GI issues only getting worse and worse and my lab values in some departments getting more and more skewed, my primary doctor is actually rethinking the interpretations of my past lab tests and is wanting me to undergo another series of exams and such to look for other non-blood issues.
This means more specialists, more exams, more labs, more diagnostics... and more money.
Thing is, I STILL might/probably will! get values that could be interpreted as 'blood disorder flare' as opposed to 'anything else disorder' and so I'm skeptical. What good will exams do if anything that comes of it is going to be read as, "Your pre-existing condition is getting worse and it's making your GI issues worse so go see a blood specialist (who's going to turn around and point back in the other direction)?"
Can anyone relate to this? How was it/did you dealt/deal with/with it?