Super Excellant News!!!!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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No, I am not in full remission. BUT>>>as some of you have read I am having troubles with my in-laws, with whom we live with. We are facing moving, but I needed to wait and see if I got disability first.

Well......4 months earlier than expected, I got the news today!!! I am accepted for disability!!!!!! I don't know what my monthly payments will be, but this means we can now move without a worry!!!! They decided on my case without even getting a that is sooooooo cool!!!!

**Doing a little victory dance!!!!:banana: **

Thanks for listening to my pathetic life!!!!

:congratualtions: :banana: :congratualtions: :banana: :congratualtions:​

WOW ... that is wonderful & exciting news to hear Donna !! I am so happy for you. Well, listen it's been a long day so I am going to say GOOD BYE for right now but I will return again soon !!
:emot-monocle: :banana: :emot-dance:

AMAZING NEWS! What a crazy couple of days it has been for you! I am so glad you got this information so fast, and I hope it means you can get passed your earlier worries and problems much faster.

I am so glad to hear that!!!

That's so great Donna, Congrats.
Great to hear they accepted you! Im still in the fight with em :p

Hope the move and all goes well :)
Hey Donna,

After all you've been through, and what I've read about your story in the last few days, it'll come as no shock to you that I am absolutely made up for you, and the hubby, and your kids - and once you move away from your "in laws", it might just be good for them too. Why? Because they'll get the biggest darn wake up call ever, and won't be long in figuring out how much they SHOULD'VE appreciated you when you were there.

Good for you sweetie - I'm delighted!


Congratulations Donna, I am very pleased that you got this. Somebody is trying to tell you something and this is the first big step for you to get the happiness and peace that you deserve away from the nasty people who are causing you grief just now.
You guys are all so sweet...and made my day. As far as moving is concerned, we have been looking all over. To top THAT off, we also got accepted for our new car loan as well, so we were looking into cars!!! How much better can it get??!!!

On the Crohn's side..well, had a HUGE poop accident tonite as we were looking at all those cars and houses and had to come home. But, I don't care. I got my car loan, gonna get my house, and I have your friendships here. I don't need much more than that...well, new undies would be good. lol

Love ya's!!!
That's awesome news! What a relief you must feel. Now don't get stressed out looking for the the house. :thumleft: Pick out a really cute car!

I couldn't be any happier for you.