Surgery Date

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Jul 31, 2013
Stockport, UK
We have a provisional date of October 1st for my son's small bowel resection and possible ileostomy. What kind of recovery time can he expect? He is worrying about missing so much school having only just started his A-levels. Thank you.
My son had a bowel resection and it took about two weeks to be able to get back to school. He actually tried to go back on day 10 for a half day but it really wiped him out. As far as pain meds, he did need them in the hospital (5 days) but after he came home I think he only took pain meds in the evening for 1 or two days. What we did is alert all of his teachers and he was able to access much of his work online once he was home. He took missed exams once he got back. Unfortunately he acquired a c-diff infection in the hospital and so it was several more weeks before he really felt better. I hope your son has a speedy recovery and years of remission and wellbeing.!!!
No advice but sending hugs!

Tagging Clash - her son had surgery a while ago
hi my child doesn't hav ibd ,i do .. if he is in fairly good heath generaly, he should recover pretty quickly as children are pretty quick to heal, the main issue will be learning to cope with the ileostomy ( which i had ). if he has to have one that is .once he has got that mastered he will be fine, but a word of advice is let his teachers know that he may need to empty his pouch quite often n will need bahtroom breaks as n when, as the stoma can be very active somtimes,, best wishes to you both, hope all goes well..
I would guess a minimum of 2 weeks. It sounds like he is old enough that rough-housing on the playground isn't an issue...
But I was still sore/tender after 2 weeks and a full day of classes will be tough. Is there anyway someone can pick up assignments/homework for him and allow him to keep up from home for a few weeks?
Just saw your post in another thread about your son being in the hospital for a blood transfusion. So sorry to hear that, and I hope his upcoming surgery brings him some relief.
My son had a small bowel resection and was in the hospital six days and back at school on day eleven. His was open surgery that was scheduled on a Friday, so he only missed that Friday and the following school week. Four of the days were weekends and one was a no school day.

The hardest class to miss was math since that is a class that builds on each day's lesson, but the other classes were fine. Many teachers said he didn't need to do the homework as long as he understood the concepts.
Having things pushed back can be frustrating, but try to take comfort in knowing that the surgery isn't an emergency and the doctor feels comfortable pushing it back a bit. Hoping things go well for you guys!!
ERGH! More waiting! It is so hard when you prepare yourself for something to happen and then are told to wait more. :ghug:
How's your son feeling? Is he able to wait?

We had the opposite issue. My son was schedule for 17 January and got bumped up to 11 January. There was no way he was going to make it to the later date without another ER trip. We found out at 7pm and he was in surgery at 7am.
He's not saying much Mehita - typical teen! The delay has come about because his surgeon is off sick. The next planned surgery list is now October 12th - J's IBD nurse has requested that he be put on that list but no guarantees! Really hoping we can make it until then without another A&E trip. He's been on EEN since his last hospital stay in June which is pretty miserable for him - he really wants to be able to eat without the fear of an obstruction.
That is terrible--I would be upset too! How is your son doing in the meantime?
If the surgeon is that sick that he/she is out that long, it must be something serious. Is there any option to get a different surgeon? I wouldn't want to keep waiting like that!
We don't know what's wrong with him - IBD nurse has no idea. There is another surgeon doing some of Mr B's ops but from what I can gather he's not had much to do with IBD. GI wants us to wait if possible. Hopefully seeing GI next week along with an adult GI. Another option is to try to get J into the adult hospital as he's now 17 but that will still take time and may not be any quicker than waiting for Mr B.
Sending big hugs!! Your poor kiddo, I hate that he has to wait so long. I would want the best possible surgeon though, so I understand why they want you to wait for the one you had originally, but what a pain!!

Thinking of you and your boy :ghug:
Very sorry to hear! I hope the surgeon is able to get back sooner but I guess if he is ill you would want him fully recovered before he is back doing any surgeries anyway!
Oh my goodness, another 6 weeks is quite a bit....I can imagine how frustrated your son must feel, especially being on EEN and chomping at the bit to eat some solid foods. Hang in there, and it never hurts to see someone else in the meantime in case something happens and your original surgeon is unable to do it. sending hugs
Still no surgery date unfortunately. J is doing ok health wise thank you - just frustrated as we are no further forward and annoyed as it's now probably going to have an impact on the holiday we had planned for December. We saw his GI last week and he doesn't want anyone else to do the surgery - he seems to think Mr B will be back at the beginning of November. We also met with a GI from the adult hospital. He was due to present J's case yesterday at a multi-disciplinary team meeting so that if we do hit further delays we may be able to go to the adult hospital instead but this would be a last resort.
Sending big hugs - how frustrating. Your poor son! I hope the surgeon comes back very very soon!
That's so frustrating! Worth waiting for a surgeon your GI trusts though. I really like our surgeon and would always rather wait for him if needed. Hope it doesn't take long
More confusion! So J's current GI just called with the results from the MDT meeting at the adult hospital. They say that they can see active inflammation in small bowel on scans and don't want to do surgery as would have to remove too much bowel. They want to wait for results from Humira levels/Ab tests and if Humira not working then transfer J to the adult hospital and start him on Entyvio. Not sure what to think!!
UGH! I am starting to feel like the forum has slipped into some Twilight Zone episode!

Wish I had some insight. All I could do is send some good vibes your way and hopes that the path becomes clearer in the next few weeks.

I guess you don't want them to do surgery if they're unsure about it, but it does seem like a big u-turn. Your poor son has been waiting for so long--hope he's doing OK.
Your poor kiddo. I wish I had advice, but I don't. Sending hugs :ghug:.
Couldn't believe what I was hearing really. The paediatric GI has been talking about surgery since J was admitted to hospital in June. We'd met the surgeon and stoma nurse, tried out a bag, had 2 provisional dates for surgery..... Am so glad we have had the opinion from the adult GI even if it does leave us without a definite plan at the moment. Would have been awful for them to operate and then find out that they couldn't actually do the resection.
This is so weird! I did just read a paper yesterday or today about GI's treating trying to get inflammation down prior to surgery.