CDD- thanx for the kind words

how did your appt on monday go?
ok well wow its been a long time since ive updated here. my PG is looking pretty good as of late, dont have my camera handy but will post a recent pic soon.
im on 3000 mg of cellcept/day, along with double strength roid injections and FINALLY it seems they are doing their job. ive also stopped using the adhesive on the appy back, i just leave the plastic on the flange backing and tape down the edges. it leaks yes, but is so much less traumatic to the PG to change it, so i have been able to keep it cleaner.
i actually went in to have a colonoscopy yesterday, just to see how things look in there, its nice with a stoma, you dont have to prep

but, when i tried to do the enema in the morning before we left, i culdnt even get the thing up in there. i knew my stricture was really tight in there, but i thought it would be ok, but no it is like a wall in there. i cannot feel any opening whatsoever, can only get in like 1 inch up. but we went anyways so my GI could look for himself, and he knew that he might not be able to get the scope in, but put me to sleep anyways cause they were gonna do an endoscopy too.
the colonoscopy failed as i figured it would, but the endosc showed ulcers back in my esophagus again, which isnt a suprise, they have been bothering me on and off. medrol pack for them.
as far as my butt, i figured i should shedule a dilation with my surgeon, but my gi doesnt think its necessary yet, like we should wait and see if it even LOOKS like ill be able to keep my colon in the first place, and if theres that chance then well work on getting it back in shape. but i guess if its just gonna come out theres no point in messing with it.
i am worried about it in there though, what if the whole stricutre just closes the entire thing off? what if it heals shut from wall to wall?? idk he said that that wont happen but....
AND i am still worried about this stupid fistula on my stoma, even after this PG is gone will i stil need a revision surgery?? can i have the fistula on there forever?? idk.
ok so that is how my body is doing, as far as my mind, not so much. for how much better my belly has gotten, my mind has not made the same progress at all. i just feel like crap all the time and a waste of oxygen. im just tired, really thats all. i hate being awake, i hate sleeping, i just hate it all. i have dreams of dying and blood and injury and see mangled screwed up people in my dreams. i dream that people die, or that my dead cat dies and then i wake up like "oh thank god its only a dr......dammit!!!"
so i dont wanna sleep and that just adds to everything i guess. the only time i feel the slightest bit of comfort is when the perc has kicked in and for a brief 30mins i feel content and at peace. im only taking perc like once a day now though, which is good cause the pain is so much better. its weird how that does not even make me feel better though.
i find myself salivating when i think of 1 year ago, in the weeks after surgery, i felt cared for and hopeful and ready to get on with life and CONVINCED that this was the end of the trouble. i felt like my fam was right there for me and proud of me even, and now i just feelk like a bother, an annoyance. i felt justified in being a bum, comfortable in the routine of healing.
its so strange. if i smell those adhesive remover wipes that i used early on in changing my appy, it brings me right back there to the early days with my ostomy and how much better it was then.
i would take that, even all the physical pain i felt, over where i am now any day. emotional pain hurts more and it just keeps on piling on...
as i said to pb4, though different cicumstance but still applicable, there is no painkiller for this kind of pain. theres no way to escape it. it gets to a point you cant even cry anymore, cause you always are only difference is no tears are coming out.
its a horrible existence and i hate it and i hate myself for staying stuck here.
anyways, ive started cognitive behavioral therapy, and i guess hopefully that will help.
we will see huh?