omg. there is a lot to say here. have been thinking a LOT like really have spent hours just staring at a wall and thinking. and so theres a lot of....thoughts hahah that have resulted.i feel bad cuz i have only been posting my crap on here recently and nothing else, sorry for that but i suppose we all do sometimes.
allright so this past weekend, thur-today, i was in the chicago area for my cousin's wedding reception. i wasnt even sure i was gonna go, with the fevers and all but in the 24 hours before flight time the fevers were bearable so i went. obviously.
anyways, so we spent the weekend mostly doing family gatherings of sorts, we stayed at my nana and papa's house so spent some quiet time there as well. i had to use dial up to get on the internet which i mean it was fine but gets annoying to be online for a long time. so when i couldnt sleep at night and didnt have internet, i spent many an hour just laying in my bed, listening to my ipod and thinking.
i mentioned somewhere else on this forum about my cousin cathy who died in a car accident when she was 19. actually august 15th will be exactly ten years. and as cathy was the grooms sister....of course she got brought up many times. sometimes in sadness and sometimes in happy stories and stuff. my aunt and uncle actually just opened her room just before the wedding celebrations. i guess when she died they just shut the door and could never go in there or move anything which is understandable i mean not really i have NO idea what that pain must feel like but understandable that they just had to ignore some parts of reality for a while. my aunt had started to go thru cathy's things a little bit, and as there were about.....7 twenty-something y/o girl cousins visiting all at once, my aunt wanted us to be able to have some of her clothes if we liked something or whatever. so that situation was incredibly emotional, more so for others than me as i never really got to spend much time with her, maybe once a year when visiting or something. some of the other girls were really close to her. and of course all the aunts were emotional as well, it was just you know...tough.
however i didnt really get emotional until that night when i was laying in bed listening to ipod and just staring at the ceiling and thinking about how she was 19 and she lost her life. and that i am 20 and i have the blessing (not in a religious sense) of...well
and it made me so sad that she didnt get to keep hers and ashamed that i have mine and not even living it. i have something that could be taken from me at any moment, and i havent even been caring to use it.
and i dont know how much of that is my fault? are there things that TRULY hold me back from living life? or is that just me not....trying hard enough to get over the hinderances (is that a word?). im thinking maybe you can use your gift of life no matter what.......
its like when i see people who have their health, to me the WORLD is at their disposal. they have the ability to go and do.
and that night i realized that to cathy now, i look JUST like those healthy people look to me.
i have something amazing and im not even using it

and im realizing that maybe that is my fault......that i have had the ability to change my situation all along but just never looked to see what was in my own hands.
spent so much time focusing on trying to fix the bad "gifts" i was given and never just dropped them to play with the amazing gifts. i think i may have spent the past 20 years focusing on the negative in a postive way....not lamenting over the bad gifts but proactively and usually positively dealing with them. but still......that is focusing on the bad.
and that....feels terrible SO effing terrible to come to such a realization.
thats the first main thing, there is another but i will post it later, tired of typing now...