ok this post is gonna be the longest post in the history of the world, basically:
first off-
@kittee-thank you for the bounty of hugs
@erin-the eakin seals are EXACTLY what dan and i were talking about! even the brochure about them is identical to the one he dan linked me to lol! i just requested my free sample! thank you so much for that tid bit of info! im so excited that i can get them hah!
oh and thats a good idea to go look on the uoaa board, duh, lol i didnt even think of that. i have browsed around there quite a bit, but not registered or searched anything specific, i think i will.
hmm what is the WOCN? i mean i did look at the page, but is it any different than a home care agency? i am using the VNA(visiting nurse association) and they work with wounds and ostomy frequently. is the wocn specialized or something? and i also have found a medical supply store in my area and have been told that there is an ostomy nurse oon staff. im looking forward to talking to her to see if she has any specific ideas for me. i just have to muster up the strength to make the trip--not so easy atm.
lol and as far as clothes i have been living in sweats and t-shirts since surgery too! its easiest for now, i dont like the feeling of having anything remotely tight over top of my wound and stoma. so sore everywhere, i just dont wanna be touched. that is a good suggestion about pants too. i am DEFF going pants shopping. however, i just got some mini pouches today and they are TINY! i think i could still wear my low rise jeans and have the bag over the pants instead of under. i wear mostly long tanks and shirts anyways, so it would definitly cover. and in browsing uoaa ive read that some girls wear tighter tank tops underneath all tops (after stoma is healed of course) to kinda hold the pouch and everything in. would feel more secure that way i suppose. well, i dont know what will work yet, but i am really looking forward to shopping and trying stuff out

thanks for all your help, that was a lotta info right there!
allright now on to my update of today:
had an appt with the surgeon b/c my wound still feels wrong. i have this nagging feeling that there is another pus pocket that is stuck in there
well he took a look and JABBED at my sore for 298357 minutes. he said it *looked* fine to him, no signs of infection. but i had a blood test taken, a culture of the pus in the wound was taken, and then i also got a CT scan of my belly which would hopefully show if theres a collection of something else under the skin. he also put me on augmentin to just help take care of the infection. im a little nervous about this as antibiotics have sent me into a flare many times in the past. but now since my colon is not attached, he said that they would not be so harsh on me. it sounds reasonable to me, but im still nervous. i think i will eat a lot of yogurt....
well so ANYWAY, we get home and later we go to change my bandage and since the edge of my adhesive for my baseplate has been peeled up due to the wound being right there, i can see under it. well, tonight all i saw was a huge mess of yellow goo and turns out my stmomahesive ring had melted from getting wet i guess.
so, at 11 pm, we had to change my appliance. and as i mentioned before....i am a NIGHT POOPER!!
so it took over an hour cause we kept having to stop to catch the poo. and of course it didnt start till i was totally clean and had the skin prep on, and then stopped once my bag was snapped in place. grrr.
i have heard of the marshmellow thing, but i was afraid to try that now b.c i didnt want to get too bound up. my poo already is pretty formed. and also heard to stck a piece of rolled up gauze in there or something, but there was wayyy too much coming out for that!
any suggestons for what to do when you HAVE to change your bag when you stoma is active?
good news is that we squirted stoma paste along the edge that wants to lift b/c it is cut short due to the wound, and it seems to be laying on my skin better. hoping that it holds!
so that was today. we will hear from the surgeons office tommorow to see the results of the CT scan. also when i was changing my packing tonight i noticed that my bellybutton is like....pulled taut? and is very tender and firm to the touch. i didnt notice that before, pretty sure it wasnt like that yesterday. and the surgeon didnt notice either! pressed all over my belly and said everything felt nice and soft and didnt feel a collection anywhere. well, i guess he missed that spot

will find out tommorow though if the CT was able to show it.
ok so couple more questions about stoma/ostomy:
-does anyone remember how after the surgery there was a kind of crevice-like crack between your stoma and the surface of your belly skin? inside this crack is SORE! but i have looked at pics of stomas online and they dont have the space, so what happend? does the skin heal up to meet with the base of your stoma? i dont like having the crevice there! but as long as it will go away as it heals then im fine!
-also noticed that my stoma is like, different colors. there is the darkish red red, like "beefy" red as the nurse described. and then there are some areas, more toward the base, that are whitish colored. whats that about? is that something that goes away over time too and it becomes all one uniform color? once again , the pics i looked at are just all the same beefy red color.
-also have mentioned the irregular shape of my stoma, the bumps around it. did anyone else have something like this as their stoma was healing? i mean i can imagine that the swelling does not reduce in a symmetrical manner, so will the bumps even out as it continues to heal?
hmm well, thats all i can think of for now. i feel like there was more, but when i remember ill come back.
in regards to the stoma questions, im just looking for feedback! i dont mean to be asking you guys to tell me if something is normal or not. i will talk to my surgeon about these questions, just everything has been so consumed by the infection now so the curious stoma questions arent getting asked. it is my own fault though of course!
thanks for reading people, you all deserve medals is you make it through in one piece