holy hell im alive.
the blockage is gone thank freakin god. not sure exactly when it went, but after i threw up all the water i tried sipping some instead. before that i had been chugging thinking that i would cause the flood effect in my intestines and WHOOSH! everything out, but maybe its just too much for you tummy to handle. after some super fun gymnastics, which IMO really helped lol! i got up and walked around and got a few good farts out of ol' nubby and i think that was it.
the only thing i found as i cleaned up around my stoma was a tiny piece of carrot, im positive it wasnt just that. i think this is what happened tho: my mom and i went out for lunch after my appt yesterday (the place was gross...never go to a restraunt called "one fish two fish" in the city ok?) and free salads came. i munched on some bits of veggies, a bite of carrot, a bit of cucumber, and a piece of lettuce. ive had way more raw veggies than that before and it was totally fine, so i wasnt worried at all. BUT my tummy was so empty cause i fast for derm appts so im not crapping all over the place when hes injecting, so maybe the salad rushed right through my system without processing well and the little tiny bit got bunched up. that would explain why i threw up my entire lunch hours later....the salad prevented it from going through.
SO salad on an empty tummy? big no-no. and im even scared to eat raw vegetation for a while now.
i mean its not like all the other stoma peeps on here havent said or warned me, but maybe its just something you have to learn on your own just how honest to god AWFUL a blockage is.
i suspected a problem after i woke up from naptime nauseous and my pouch promptly filled up with poo water. i thought i was part poo and part air, so i went in the bathroom to pop the seal and let the air out so i could empty easier and the poo water just started flooding all over the place. TIP: dont pop the seal on your pouch if you arent POSITIVE that its air in there.
so i unclipped it and just let about a gallon of water explode out, took my pouch off so that i could poke around my stoma. i was smart and took my jeans off in case my stoma made a mess. oh boy did it ever.
i kneeled in front of the toilet and it was too tight to get my pinky in there to try and break things up so i got on of the super long q-tips and gently prodded in the last bit of my stoma (lol sorry mama ding

) right at that moment i threw up lunch, for about oh 5 mins, really just throwing up for 5 mins as my stoma squirted poo water all down my stomach and my leg and as the toilet water splashed me in the face from throwing up.
pretty much the worst, grossest few minutes ever and definitly make me think twice about my veggies.
after that i poked stoma again and got a gush of poo water to come out. waterfall like, kinda.
thought i was done until i threw up again a few hours later.
SO moral of the story--i learned my lesson, and no amount of warning can ever prepare you for how much that sucks.
on to dr appts:
he decided not to inject my tummy again, he thought it was just doing its thing that it needs to do and that any medecine we can avoid is for the better. ok i guess. he injected the 2nd site on my leg and thought that the 1st one looked great, healing nicely. overall pretty uneventful.
UNTIL we pointed out the lower bit of the wound has been more swollen and tends to collect mucous and shower water when i clean it. almost like theres a little pocket under the skin there. he said it wasnt really his realm of expertise any more once its under the skin and thought that my surgeon needed to see it and make sure that no tunneling of fistulazaiton was going on.
conveniently, my surgeon is in the same building as the derm, just 9 floors up. so we called and they told us to come on up, and i taped on a skin barrier and held my pouch on and we hurried upstairs.
surgeon said he thought everything was fine and that PPG and ulcer wounds tend to have a flap of skin that overhangs the bed of the wound, creating a space. but he still had to proceed to stab it with my nemesis, the giant q-tip.
then he had to get out my other enemy, the silver nitrate stick, and SHOVED that little **** into every last bit of my ulcer.
i calculated that it was about 625 times worse than the pain of the steroid shots.
then he silver nitrate sticked my midline wound you know...just for fun.
and then summed up by saying that yep, everything looks fine.
i was crying my face off but just wanted to leave and go to bed, so i cleaned my tummy and put on a new appliance. finally after everything was done i fell against my mom and had yet another panic or anxiety or some kind of attack and hyperventilated till i was so dizzy i truly wouldve fallen off the table if she had let me go.
SO then back to the hotel, naptime, stoma poo water and puking.. etc. finally go to sleep.
then today was the ear, nose, throat doc and today was much better actually. he is pretty much the best doc ever

he was hilarious and always making jokes. hes about the sweetest guy ever, you can tell he loves his job and he LOVES that he loves his job and constantly making jokes that "well im gonna look up your nose. not very glamorous, but, thats what i do" LOL he was great.
LOL and i told him that i even tried to get one of my hoop earrings through the perforation, (just to see what i looked like with a nose ring) and he laughed and was joking around about it with me :ylol: so funny
anyways! things were shoved up there today that should pretty much be illegal. first he looked, then put on some kind on anesthetic, then he vaccumed (yes he vaccumed my nose. and my ears but that was just for ***** and giggs), shoved a cotton balled with more anesthetic up there, this horrible huge pincher thing went up there and he took two biopsies, sprayed some more anestetic, and then silver nitrate sitcked me.
couldnt forget the effing fire stick now could we?
the back of my throat was numb the whole way home, it was very weird. and gross tasting.
but ah, the bright side? i never have to get my nose pierced if i so choose. its already done for me
i guess thats about it though. i just slept for about 12 hours so that was nice but overall its been a pretty terrible few days.
and i think that probably beat my other posts and is now the longest post ever hmm?
thanks everyone for your concerns and help. it means so much