Guys, thanks. Yes my first attempt at the ileostomy resulted in a section of herniated small bowel about 5 inches from the ileostomy and I was in agony for 3 days before they decided I needed an emergency revision.
So I now have an extra 6 inch scar down my middle where they had to open me up to see what was going on. Now wishing I had had open surgery from beginning but maybe it was just bad luck.
To add I insult to injury it took 5.5 hours in the recovery room to find any pain relief that worked. Eventually 3mg of ketamine per hour and a max dose of Oxy-codon worked, but it seemed like a lifetime to get to that point.
Since then have had terrible colic pains as the gut has been very slowly waking up. Another night of agony eventually led to finding a combination of Buscopan and oxy-codon to provide the relief I need when this happens.
However, on the positive side, the new stoma is nice and pink unlike the purple, blood starved little bastard left after the first procedure. Also my initial scars (laparoscopic entry sites and anus wound are healing very well) I have been taking arnica, and while I generally think homeopathy is largely baloney, I have quite a lot of personal anecdotal evidence arnica, for whatever reason, works for me.
Sending out good vibes from my hospital bed to my fellow crohnies.