Surgery??? What should I do?

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Jul 9, 2011
So I just had a colonoscopy on Tuesday. I went to the doctor today and he says that most of my colon needs to be removed. I do not want to end up with a bag. He said that he will try to avoid it. I am just so confused don't know what to do. He is saying it has to be removed because there is a large part of it that has lots of inflamation and nodules in it. He did remove some and the byopsy came back negative for cancer. Thank goodness.

I need advice. What would you do? I want to get a second opinion before just doing the surgery. I have had Crohns for about 12 or so years been up and down with it. Tried prednisone, remicade and now Humira for a year and here I am back with a horrible result from it. None if the medicines are working. I had to have blood transfussion 2 years ago and my iron levels stay low to where I have iron IV's.

Some advice would be appreciated.

Have you tried a radical shift in your diet away from processed foods towards whole fruits and vegetables?
No I haven't. He never mentioned any diet. Saying I need to have this done in the next 3-4 months.
Sounds all too familiar... By all means get a second opinion to put your mind at rest. I got a second opinion because I was in absolute denial, and unfortunately, the first dr was right. No one wants a bag, but you have to deal with the cards that you are dealt with which is death. I had a very hard time psychologically adjusting to having an ileostomy. After the surgery and lots of recooping, I felt so much better. Lately I have not been so lucky because the Crohn's returned and did more damage than before, so my ostomy had to be relocated to my left side. My situation is a little complicated because the surgeons that operated on me previously were not colon rectal surgeons, and my GI dr at the time was not treating my condition more aggressively after the proof was in all of the many scans that I endured. This time around, I made sure that I was going to have the best of the best operating me, and the Cleveland Clinic saved my life. My advice to you is that the next dr you opt to consult with, make sure that they are reputable. Always keep in mind even in your lowest moments that you are a strong person and you will not let Crohn's get you down. I've had to tell myself that a million times. Good Luck! :)
I agree with ksiwek81 - definitely get a second opinion from a colorectal surgeon, and if you do have the surgery, make sure the surgeon does your type of surgery on a regular basis. You don't want the general surgeon who does a resection every couple of months. Look for the guy or girl who can say, "I do your surgery every week and have done so for the last X number of years." Good luck!
Can I ask what your current symptoms are?

Best of luck with everything. This is the exact reason I've been putting off having a scope
Get multiple opinions. Ultimately even thought you don't want the bag it may greatly improve your life.

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