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Mar 5, 2010
I had to go through whats called a LEEP procedure for displacia. Before I had the surgery I was going through a month long flare up. The day of my surgery I wasn't able to take any of my meds. After my sergury I found the flare up was gone. My doc wanted to put me back on prednisone and postpone my sergury but I kept telling him that I couldnt postpone it any longer. He put me on Bentylol instead and I was still taking my pentasa. I had the sergury on March 22/10 and I have yet to flare up. I was suppose to call my doctor after my sergury so that he could put me back on prednisone but since I haven't had a flare up yet I haven't called him. (I really dislike prednisone and all the side effects!!)
What I am wondering is if anyone else has gone through surgery for something other then crohns and found that it helped with the symptoms of crohns.
Something other than Crohns? I'm failing to see how that would affect a chronic illness. You can still have flaring in your intestines and not have major symptoms. I know we all want to play doctor with our own health because of this or that but it's always best to talk to your doctor about your concerns. Don't like Prednisone? Ask them if they can put you on something else. None of us LIKE it but it saves lives and that's what's really important.

It's possible that the meds you're on now are working but you still need to talk to your doctor. They don't normally prescribe drugs that you don't need.
Actually Crabby this is possible

Hi Chikiee

I'll try to keep this short!
I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago after excruciating pain forever, and the gynae told me that i was full of endometriosis and fibroadenomas and that the endos were 'glued' to my bowels too, hence the pain, anyway having this defo reduce the Crohns (Ididnt know I had Crohns at the time) and the Pains and D went away for many years and I was in remission, then it came back, I then went down the gastro route, and got a dx for Crohns in 2005 (I've left loads out,too long!) lol
no periods! godsend
The procedure that you had, was it for cervical dysplasia? Theres a good chance that it has reduced your symptoms.
good luck
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Interesting how some things are connected like that. Although I can't imagine that it's true for any procedure.
My Mum had a hysterectomy a good 5+ years ago, and has been diagnosed with Crohn's for about 13 years ago. Before the hysterectomy she had awful symptoms and was stuck on Pred for years, as well as trying loads of meds etc...
After the hysterectomy, she's only been on Pred a handful of times and stopped trying out news meds etc.. as she doesn't need them as her Crohn's symptoms have reduced dramatically. But she didn't have the hysterectomy beause there was anything wrong, she just didn't want children anymore, yet it benefitted her Crohn's greatly. We was just talking about this the other day, and next time she goes to see her Gastro (she doesn't see him often because she doesn't need to) she's going to mention it and see if he can shed any light onto this. With you not wanting to take the Pred, I'm exactly the same. I HATE it with a passion and will avoid it like the plague, unless I really have to go on it, which I am now, but I'm weening myself off of it a bit quicker than my Gastro would like BUT he always says to me that I know my body better than he does, and if I think I can be off of it, then do so. He's like that with all my meds, as I react to a lot of meds, and can usually tell within the first half hour of taking something new, whether I'm going to react or not. So in summary I would stay of the Pred if you think your fine, but do ring your doc and tell them. They still need to know hoe your doing, and it's always your decision on taking meds. Best of luck.

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