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Dec 18, 2011
Posting my surgery, with hopefully enough detail...i wanted ro read about them as much as i could before mine to understand.
Well it's done. Was so scared heading in...last minute nerves. I did elect for the epidural and thank you again for saying it was the way to go... Once they adjusted it afterwards it brought my pain from 9-10 down to a 3 :)
So they ended up resecting the end of the ilium as well as the worst one which was actually not in the duodenum but in the beginning of the jejinum. They reinforced the heck out of it because of all the steroids I have been on-was only able to get down to 40 mg presurgey.
Surgery was wed. Procedure was done by 10, by 5 pm standing and 10 pm walking. The epi did make it hard on my left leg, but much easier to get out of bed the second time.
Yesterday the nurses had their hands full with other patients-I was not able to walk until almost 2 pm when I had it as multiple walks on my goal list. I finally said no I need to walk and that's what I would recommend to anyone else as it was much harder to get out of bed from being in it so long. Right leg didn't want to cooperate was told it was how I slept on my hip with epi. Recommend strong nurses as it was two folks who weren't confident in what they were doing...not good to find out in middle of walk.
My walk last night at 9 was great...a lot easier to get out of bed, was able to do two laps.
Pain levels for past two days have been low.
Doctor put me on liquids yesterday at 3...seems yo be happy with recovery.
Hematocrit was 8 on admit down to 6 after surgery, but was holding as of yesterday so no transfusion as of now.
Think that's it for now-just glad I did it and it's done and suprised I am feeling as well as I do-knock on wood.
Thank you everyone for your advice and help heading in!
I am so happy for you that the surgery went well. :D Yo seem to be recovering very well, too. :hug: Thanks for sharing this with us. Please, keep us posted. This is good stuff to read. :)
Frustrated. Off of everything and on oral pain meds. Can walk, but my bowels won't work. Feels like they want to but nothing has helped the last bit. Walking was helping but now it's just making me cramp. Will talk to doc in morning. Everything else is going so well if I could just get it to finish waking up:(
Good to hear all is going well. :)

It normally takes your bowels 4 or 5 days to start working. Have you farted yet?

Dusty. :)
No. I think that would help a lot actually, but no. Drinking lots of fluid and cramping a lot but notta.
Once you start farting then your bowels generally start working about 24hrs later. The farting should start soon, normally about day 3 or 4.

Chew some gum and/or barley sugar, it may help move things along.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Doc kept me as I hadn't had gas:( finally had mild last night. Lots of pain today. Told the nurse last night I was taking my pain pills every 4 hours. Wouldnt wake me for them so they wore off I middle of the night and then 6.5 hrs without this morning:( I have my nurse from yesterday and so it shouldn't be a problem
Now. Can't walk if it hurts. Plus note gut is really talking now...hopefully it'll be more active when I get up here in minute and start walking again. Sorry somewhat venting.. I've never had an addiction and that's almost how he made me feel.
Hopefully the talking means it is ready to start letting rip, keeping my fingers crossed for you. Vent all you like, this is a sucky situation to be in :hug:
Not ripping yet, the occasional silent one but the relief is still there. Husband had cabbage so he isn't having any problems letting it rip, so sad when your jealous of other peoples gas:)
Thanks for the update, glad that finally something is happening even if it is only a little bit. Me and my husband sometimes have competitions, for now he is still winning although it's a close run thing after colonoscopies :)
Honey, those bowels are gonna let rip soon. Good thing you are walking around cause you'll need to get to the loo! Are you chewing gum as suggested? It really does help!

Dont forget, pain meds slow down the bowels. Dont feel bad about needing them! You arent an adict!!!!
I'm not normally gassy...does this phase last til
Bms or a couple of weeks? Not upset, happy everything is working...just keep bloating and cramping.
They fill you up with gas during surgery as well, and it's gotta go somewhere. Be patient with your bowels. They will start working again. Chewing gum or ice chips really does help to wake them up.
Something the guys probably don't want to know, but girls may like to- isthat surgery can have you start your period early no matter where you are in your cycle due to anti-coagulants and stress on body. According to what the nurse said gals that don't get their cycles anymore sometimes can with surgery too. Again nothing horrific, just something for gals to be aware of
Thanks for posting about your surgery. I am hoping to have one next month, however with the Dr issues I have been having, surgery seems to be getting farther and farther away. :(

I can't stand it when doctors get an attitude with regards to pain management.. Who are they to say you aren't in pain?? It is their job to get you back together, not make judgements on how you are feeling!! My aesthetic has left me with the "drug seeker" stigma. When I started seeing my new primary doctor, I insisted that he do a DOPL check on me, so he could see the truth. DOPL is a program that they have here, that gives a Dr access to your prescription history. From the prescriptions written, to the prescriptions that are filled, and how often.

Some of these jerks lack empathy..

Good luck on your recovery! I hope you are complication free. :)
My doctors have been good about pain mngmnt it was just my night nurse that one night. That is the hard thing about our illness though is a lot of what we feel can't be seen so we get to feel like we are nuts. I hope they get you squared away for surgery. I'm glad I did it.
Making myself walk and walk, get tired easy, but it's a good tired. Hopefully I'll be sprung here in the next few hrs
Thanks for info on surgery. I am facing it soon I think. Scared to death, but hoping it will go well. Hang in there and I hope all turns out well for you!
Finally home. Doc was happy with everything, but wants to wait til next week to take the staples out because of all the pred I've been on...first time I saw it...not 4-5 closer to 8-10 but I don't care because he did such a great job
Hi Akpatti
Thanks for posting about women getting their periods after surgery. I had that happen after my resection and was positive it was coming from my rear. Actually was crying and stuff. Nurse had to convince me that it really was just my period. I have never seen anyone talk about it before - I really appreciate it.
You got it:)
Petted the furry children and slept like the dead...pretty good start.
Thank you again everyone for the support it helped going in and during.

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