Surgical adhesions! Need help for my daughter!

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Feb 7, 2013
Hi! My daughter and I both have crohns, but she, 17, had her first bowel resection in October, and her second surgery in July to deal with scarring from the first surgery. I have so many questions for you! Firstly, is there a type of surgery, or particular surgery center or surgeon who specializes
in adhesion/scar reduced surgery? Is there anything she can be doing to reduce post surgical problems? She may be looking at surgery number three when her crohns itself is in "remission", and she is just having problems related to surgery:(
We are in Eugene, Or. Found out that one of the pediatric surgeons is "willing" to use the disintegrating film that is supposed to reduce adhesions. Today she has a MRE to determine what us going on. She had no evidence of crohns inflammation in July so this most be related to surgery. I'm fairly new to this method if seeking help. Should I repost in the surgery subgroup? Thanks!
I have no active crohns but strictures/adhesions. It is a bugger as it is a functional problem but can be difficult to treat. I have been told no more surgery, which is good and bad. Your poor daughter, I am so sorry.

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