Swelling in legs, especially the ankles

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Apr 26, 2012
Hi, need advice. I have had a dx of Crohn's about 5years ago. Lost blood but recovered. I guess a mild case. I was on endocort ec, pentasa which went well. I cont'd to improve and phased out endocort ec, and went to imuran and pentasa. I was doing great but then the Holidays. I got an upper resp. Infection, placed on antibiotics. Slowly improved until I got sick with an apparent sinus infection again, took antibiotics. This was in January. In Febuary went to my Dr when I started sweeling in my ankles. After countless tests it turned out I had Mono which caused liver enzymes to go up, liver and spleen enlargement. My Dr started me on endocort ec again and i cont'd the imuran, pentasa. My blood tests came back recently with lower enzymes but still elevated, low platelets, low RBC's, low protein and low albumin. Ankles are still swelling after I get home from work. I started B12, vit c, iron and a multivitamin. Do you think it will improve with time? Thanks for any help.
My guess is yes it will but I'd have to look up the medications which will take some time for me (I'm not feeling well at the moment). For now you could try icing and massaging (lightly) the area.
I hate to tell you, but if your case is similar to mine, the leg swelling has nothing to do with the meds but rather a result of low albumin. Albumin is a protein that helps the re-uptake of fluid into the veins, with low albumin you can very likely experience prolonged leg swelling. My albumin level is around 0.8-1.0 and my legs are so swollen from the knees down. I let my doctors fluff me off and I just kind of dealt with it in my own way for too long, but now I am demanding answers on how to correct this issue because the swelling climbed up to my waste and got so bad I had to go to the ER this past Saturday. I weighed 211 lbs. and am usually 185, so 26 lbs all water weight. Lasix helps sometimes but it just makes you piss like crazy and it only covers up the problem. I am drinking Ensures and trying to boost my protein level but the doctor said it could take months, and that is saying that I am absorbing the extra protein that I am trying to take in...doubt it.

I have found that compression socks help if you are on your feet all day. Also, elevating them above your heart (make sure they are high enough) is good for swelling but for me it just displaced my discomfort from my calfs to my thighs.

If anyone else has had this problem please let me know what you did because I am about to lose it. Every doctor I see just blows me off and hasnt really provided any answers or strategies.
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My father was originally from Mount Pleasant (but I digress). I had the swelling in my legs and arms before the doctors diagnosed me with Crohn's. Do you have pain associated with the swelling or strawberry colored lesions on your legs? If so, it could be an external manifestation of Crohn's. Prednisone releaved my swelling for the most part and Lialda has kept it away.

It's interesting to me that the use of compression socks makes the discomfort move from your calves to your thighs. That happened to me right before I had a huge flare and they put me on Prednisone.
I agree with fowbowski - it's most likely the low albumin levels.

In your case, what may be most relevant is that the liver is the organ that produces albumin from the foods that you eat.

If the liver is sick (as in mono) then you get low albumin levels.

My suggestion to both of you is that you ask your doctors about getting an albumin infusion.

I've had two episodes of severe leg and feet swelling and both were due to low protein/albumin levels. My doctor told me to drink Ensure and eat more high protein foods. I can't stand Ensure, but I did find a brand called Bolthouse that makes protein drinks that actually taste good. Also I eat lots of scrambled eggs and cottage cheese. They are high in protein and they never seem to upset my stomach.
Thanks for the advice. My albumin and protein were low at the time. Do you know why your protein and albumin were low? Was it diet or medication? Thanks again.