Swine flu advice in the UK

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 18, 2007
I appreciate this subject has been broached before but I'm specifically interested in the UK.

Just wondering if anyone has been contacted for the first wave of vaccine? I have no idea if I am at increased risk or not, I'm not on immunosuppressants so I guess not?? But crohns is an autoimmune disease so who knows???

My GP will just say 'no need' if I ring him, he berated me for wasting his time with a 'dicky tummy' when crohns first raised it's ugly head so I have no confidence in his opinion.
Well, my GP says I SHOULD worry (I´m not even diagnosed, but he knows I have immunity issues and undiagnosed bowel desease). I´m glad the swine flu is practicaly gone in Brazil (south hemisphere, it´s getting HOT already). But I got a really bad flu at that time, and when I called him, he sent me immediately to the hospital to get checked. He also gave me a week out of work, so that I could fully recover and be out of risk.
hi Matt.. i am also unsure as to whether we're considered in the 'high risk' sector and are therefore entitled to the swine flu vaccination.

i would suggest that you bypass your GP completely, and contact your hospital specialist, either by appointment or via message through his secretary, and ask for his advice. if he thinks you should have it, the GP will not be able to deny you.
Those with a supressed immune system due to disease or treatment are considered 'at risk'. I believe you're only offered the inactivated version of the vaccine suffering from IBD if you are actually taking immunosupressant medication. So I'm not sure you would be entitled Matt on the basis of just reading the guidelines.

However it's always worth asking, if you don't ask you don't get. I'm not on Azathioprine anymore but I still have quite a low white cell count, so maybe if you are in a similar situation you might be able to get it anyway, just to be safe. :)

In terms of whether people anywhere in the UK have been offered the vaccine yet, yes they have. My Dad was contacted as he had a heart valve replaced February 2008 and he is taking up the offer.
Hi Matt. I'm in the UK and on azathioprine. I haven't been contacted yet. I've had the "normal" flu jab and when I asked my GP about swine flu she told me to get in touch late October (this was early October). If I don't hear from them, I'm going to contact them, but I want to wait a few weeks to see how it goes first (ie whether any nasty side effects manifest themselves)
Your GP sounds utterly charming, I think I'd be considering a change.
Hmm, your GP sounds like a twit. My GP immediately suspected Crohn's and I have total faith in him - I am so lucky.

I have already been invited for both the ordinary flu jab and swine flu - I am on Azathioprine.

Idiots everywhere - its like some kind of epidemic...

I reckon you should get a new GP and get the treatment you are entitled to.

I got a letter today inviting me for the swine flu vaccination with the 'first wave' of people to get it. The letter said at present they are inviting 'those with a serious underlying health condition' and 'pregnant women' as supposedly they're the most likely people to suffer badly if they were to catch swine flu.
Sorry I am not from the UK but here in Canada, I was booked a month in advance and got my H1N1 the other day, as Crohn's is very much in the priority group, because of a comprimized immune system. BTW if anyone does get the shot, get it on the opposite side of the arm that you DONT sleep on, can get really sore and is not recommended to get the regular flu shot with the H1N1 our bodies have a tough time with it. Even healthy people are told two get it 2 weeks apart.

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