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Feb 6, 2010
So I'm driving home from work which is about a 40 min drive. My bag has been empty most of the day. As I'm driving home my stoma is stinging a little, so when I get home my bag is suddenly pretty full and it's a decent consistency but my wafer needs changing.

So I get set up. I always change mine sitting on the toilet lid and have easy access to the basin. I take the bag off the wafter and suddenly there's a dirty coloured water pouring all over my legs! (Thank goodness I only had panties on) So I quickly mop up with some wipes and hold them over my stoma till I realise that the 5 wipes I had over it aren't going to last long at all. It's all still pouring out of my stoma. In the end I did the complete change over the sink. It was awful. The brown water kept squirting out of stoma in large amounts and there was a point where I didn't think I'd actually be able to put a new wafer and bag on. I'm just lucky I have a nice spout or I would never of gotten my skin dry. How I didn't get any on the carpets etc I shall never know. Never known anything like it!

I tell my parents and they quite frankly gave a 'meh, whatever' response :( So naturally came to you guys. I need hugs!
Oh my awful for you!

It sounds like you did wonderful managing it all, well done!

Much love, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Big Hug Michelle, I can relate to what you are saying and it's bloody awful when that happens. Luckily I had my ileostomy reversed back in March but during the 18 months I had it I had endless 'stoma showers'. A good cry really does help then once your all clean and comfy again it feels a lot better. I remember last Christmas the most horrific thing happened to me...I was dancing around the kitchen after having a few wines and normally my bag would of been tucked into my jeans or underwear but this time it wasn't as i was at home and more relaxed. Anyway as I was jumping around the sodding thing fell off!!!! As you can imagine my face crumbled as this rather full bag fell to the floor!! Everyone around me just stopped and went silent!!!! NIGHTMARE. My husband ushered everyone out and helped me tidy up but I sobbed for about 2 hours. I suppose that old saying is relevent... Yes sometimes Sh** does happen. Chin up hun and carry on xx Sarah
Oh dear. THIS is what I call 'Stomas behaving badly'. Now, you need to train the little bugger to aim. Now you see what I meant when I said Stan could hit the taps??!!

I get it. It's not nice, it's downright awful. May I also suggest you go for some nice vinyl or amtico or such in your bathroom. Carpets and naughty stomas are not a good combo.

You will get to know when to hold off for an hour or so when not to change the wafer cause your 'little ****' isnt finished. And just to empty until finished and use tape or whatever to hold off on that appliance changing. I had a very similar incident last night Michelle. Must be the Moon and the lunar eclipse...? No idea. But, when its being really active...give it a bit.

I'm so sorry Michelle. By the way, the ladies are getting a visit from me at Bella Vita on Friday. They are in the middle of a major overhaul right now, and just got the heating back on! So, I will get your lovely voucher tomorrow! Cause you deserve happy toes!
Nawhh, i've not got one my self, but that sounded like to me not a very nice event there, hope your feeling much better now after that, i guess we all get are bad day's,
then we all look for somebody to ressure and big hugsssss :hug:

Group hug :ghug:
Ah hugs from here. I'd tell the mischievous bugger you'll get a new one from Santa if it dares do that again.
Definitely must have been something going on last night because I woke up at 4:30 am with a leak aswell and had to change!

i always change over the sink because my stoma is always pretty active and its a guarantee that it will squirt whilst im in the process of having a good clean! Nothing more annoying than when i get everything dry, put on the stomahesive powder, and then spuuuurrrttt!
Sorry to hear this Michelle!!! I suppose it happens to us all...I actually just hung myself over the toilet and waited for Oscar to It's not pleasant, but we all get through it :)

I'm so sorry. BIG HUG! Make sure you stay hydrated if this has been a abnormal about of output for you.
Thanks guys. It's not unusual for it to be active when I change but it's usually thick when it comes out so I can just catch it with a wipe. Can never tell how active it is till I take the bag off either! Plus the only time it's quiet is when I'm at work. Doh!

You're all the best!!
well problem solved. change it at work, at your desk. no one will mind.... or maybe not.
stomas sometime have an evil mind of their own.
Thanks guys. It's not unusual for it to be active when I change but it's usually thick when it comes out so I can just catch it with a wipe. Can never tell how active it is till I take the bag off either! Plus the only time it's quiet is when I'm at work. Doh!

You're all the best!!

Ohhhh...we professional shitters have to stick together! Stan behaves himself mostly at work too..unless there is an audience. Kossy is right, rehydrate yourself. And if you can figure out what caused the output to be like that. But if you're anything like me, good luck with that. Stan is behaving badly again tonight. Just slapped the boy. Honestly is it the moon or the low pressure systems???

Hugs mate, dont worry, tomorrow is another day. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm so sorry to hear you had such a bad day with your naughty stoma ! :kiss:

Even tho I don't have one, I have watched the pain this brings when these things happened to Gab. It breaks my heart !

Hope he behaves better now !

Aw, geez, Michelle. What a crazy bloody thing to happen. I usually shower and then change, and my stoma is quiet as all get out in the shower, and just as I finish drying myself off to put on the wafer, it starts acting like a little terror. Luckily, I can just hop back in the shower, but still.

These moments can be so demoralizing and so frustrating in the moment. I'm sorry that your (and Martin's!) day was interrupted with Stomas Behaving Badly (do we get an episode on a reality talk show?).


Michelle, ugg.... I have been there but not quite as bad as that. "It" seems to have a mind of its own. Just when I think I have figured out "Its" schedule, change does happen; )... Guess we have all been there. Almost sounds like you had a temporairy blockage, thank God it cleared itself all be it inconvenient. I always make my change while naked and sitting as far back and my butt will allow on the toilet seat. I have had a few times when it turned out to be a good idea. We have vinyl flooring in the BR and that is also a good thing. Well lets not have any more accidents like that for awhile ok?.  Take care Michelle. Bob E from the foothills of Maine Think Spring... Please
I've had my bag fall off at home,I've had to tape my bag to my body while at a pub because it started to fall off. I have no clue how often I had to mop the washroom floor during the first month or two.

The worst I had was when I just started back at work, it involved a lot of tape, me putting the men's room out of action, changing into non-work appropriate clothing and a cab ride home 2 hours early.

I'm with Martin on this one, I change standing over the sink in my boxers, with everything I could possibly need laid out.
Mistey-Eyed - Yes, can totally relate to the misery caused. Sounds like you might have had a tummy bug. I was recently coming back from a track day at Brands Hatch on my motorbike. Bag started to come off on the motorway home, felt that warm feeling as my leathers started to fill up! Sort of exceeding the speed limit (wouldn't like to incriminate myself here lol) to get to the services, got pulled by an unmarked police car. Was about to be making a Court appearance - asked if I could say something in mitigation - was cautioned - showed him the disaster going on in my leathers. Off you go he said and made sure I got back on my bike safely! Restores your faith in the 'old bill' a bit!
they should make plugs/caps so you can plug it up for changing! anyone who has ever changed a baby boy knows you gotta have a way to cover that or it'll spray everywhere!

Hey Misty, do you really spank your stoma??
I do relate to what happened to you.... there have been times when my stoma decided to keep going after I had taken the bag off. I am laughing as I remember some of those nights in the bathroom with a major clean up job facing me before I can go back to bed. I call my stoma MT.Vesuvius. it can erupt at any time and with no warning. Reading everyone else's stories slould make you feel better. You are in good company!
Tay - wow that was brave of you to show him! Guess if you thought it might get you off then it's understandable.

But yes, everyone's stories did make me feel better. I was just more annoyed because I was changing the wafer to be on the safe side!! There was just no indication AT ALL that it was going to be that liquid. Think it was because I had some pineapple at lunch.....
i'm too scared to try pineapple, its on the 'bloackage list' lol you could have possibly had a minor blockage, it makes output very watery.
Aw, Michelle! We've all been there at least once! And yes, please do make sure you are hydrated. That watery output is a sure sign you need to double up on your fluids and add some gatorade.

Hope the lil bugger is behaving today. Have you named him/her yet?

- Ames
I agree that it was a minor blockage. Mine gets that way sometimes too. It seems that it always happens a day or two AFTER I washed my bathroom rugs. I'm always having to wash those damn things. Sorry for your accident!!
pinnapples and pinnaple juice turns my stoma into Niagara Falls. I only eat it if I feel I have a blockage. its like my personal Drain-o.
Well everyone, my tales of woe get worse! On Wednesday I had my work christmas party. Didn't drink, wore a little black dress, it was all great. I get to bed about 2am which is rather late. Then at 6am I awake to a wet patch on my leg. The bottom of my bag somehow came undone and there is output all over my pyjama leg and bed sheet! Luckily it was pretty thick so didn't seep into anything and didn't get on my duvet cover. It did mean that I was very tired on Thursday.

So on Thursday night I have another christmas party about an hour away from where I work so my co-worker said I could stay at his so I didn't have to drive to work the next morning. Again, the party was all good but had a few drinks.. very naughty of me. Then we get home 2ish and I get in his bed (he's on the sofa) and I'm so paranoid my bag was going to leak! I couldn't sleep for ages and kept telling myself I was being silly. I'd changed everything that day so it was all fresh etc. My output was very liquid from drinking though. Then at 6am I awake and feel the skin around my wafer.. it's wet. There was a leak! Then I feel the sheet, and it's wet. Now I'm freaking out. I sit up and there is wet output ALL over my pj top. I get out of bed and then suddenly.. SPLAT. The bottom of my bag was also undone and all the contents where now splattered all over my work mate's bedroom carpet. I was quite frankly horrified. It all stunk of dog food too. I had to go wake him up to give him the bad news. Luckily he was lovely about it. Made me take a shower while getting clean stuff for me to wear and luckily managed to get it all off the carpet! It had all seeped into the mattress too but he managed to get cleaned up. I still went into work though. Feeling gross now. Dreading going to bed tonight!! I'm going to be SO paranoid.

Some may call me mad but despite it all.. I still love my bag and I'm VERY tired.
Oh Michelle! Oh, bless your heart! Squishy belly hugs!

I hope you can get some rest tonight. May the poo stay away!

OMG Michelle! I hope you have a better night tonight and manage to have a poo free sleep!
I think the worst time I had with wafers and such was trying to "recover" after a particularly nasty leak - I think the skin gets a little damaged from the stool, doesn't really get dried out or else starts to weep a bit and then breaks the seals of the wafer, etc....

And yup, paranoid to leave the bathroom for DAYS after. I have only had mine just under a year, and except for the last month, have had nothing BUT troubles.... packing gauze around the wafer to help absorb any leaks, sleeping on "blue pads" (absorbable pads used for incontinence) to lay on in bed or sit on on the sofa ' all just in case - and just when you think it is safe to sit somewhere that isn't covered in a blue pad - WHOOSH!!!!

Big squishy cyber hugs (so as not to actually hug the sh*t out of you...) from The Moon
So glad to see you Moon! Squishy Belly hugs to you. I dont have to hug too hard.

Michelle, did you get some rest I hope???
You guys are scaring me lol... and I havent got the stoma yet boy what to look forward to. I took care of a bed ridden lady for 3 years who had one. I found the flatter she was when I changed hers the less it had movements when I changed her?? But I guess changing our selfs laying flat would be hard :(
Moon that is awful!! What has made it better recently? Luckily I can still forget about it most of the time. During the day I can stop a leak before it happens because it always happens at the top and I smell it before anything comes out! I think I seriously just need to try a load of new products!

I did thank you, Misty. Ended up sleeping in my summer pj's the night after as I'd run out of my winter ones! Had a perfect night and the wafer I put on after that awful incident lasted until this evening, so not too bad. I just don't think I'll be trying out wine again for a while!

Thank you for everyone else's responses though.
Oh, Michelle! You must have been mortified, you poor thing!!

Hope you can get the leak situation sorted out and start getting some decent sleep again!!

xo - Amy
Hi Michelle
I seem to have periods where my bags don't seem to stick properly leading to the same experiences you are having. Not sure if you can get 'dodgy batches' of bags - anyway I know this is probably like teaching grass to grow but when im frightened to go to sleep because of the fear of leaks I get some heat into the wafer by putting it on radiator for a couple of minutes prior to application, I use mircropore tape around wafer as a 'belt and braces' approach and finally I stop eating mid afternoon so my guts wont be active overnight!
Best wishes and Happy Christmas
Thanks Amy. I really was!! It was one of those 'I can't believe this is happening' moments! So glad he was so good about it.

Thanks for the advice, Tay. I always sit on my wafers before putting them on for the same thing. I think I need to be more strict with taking the loperamide. See if having thicker output overnight helps. Which reminds me.. I need to go and phone for some samples!
I'm using the dansac still. Ever since those leaks, they've been more than perfect lasting for up to 5 days!! Saying that, I've been way more careful with taking my loperamide so maybe liquid output was just what caused it. I still check around my seal in the night when I wake up just to be sure now!

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