Symptom Q

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Sep 16, 2014
My son is due for remicade treatment in 2 days. Today, he had two bloody stools, toilet full of bright red blood.

Also, he has thrown up 3 times in past week, he says he feels his pills in his throat. It's the pentasa pills, yes, they are big, but even when he opens them up and just swallows the inside, he still complains?

What do these symptoms mean?

He does get mouth ulcers with his crohns, could he be feeling an ulcer in his throat and it's making him gag?
Sorry no experience with throat issues but I know Clash has a boy who had issues that sound similar.
No idea on the throat question, but tagging my little penguin - her son recently had issues with his throat and swallowing.

Does he have pain when swallowing other stuff or just the Pentasa? Maybe you could have someone (nurse practitioner or his GI) take a look at his throat when you go in for the infusion?

Really hope the Remicade works like magic!!
Thanks. It doesn't hurt to eat, he just says sometimes that he feels like something (his pills) is stuck in his throat. He did say he felt a sore in his mouth tonight and it hurt to eat...that I know is one of his crohns symptoms.

And why oh why is he now having bloody stools? He was diagnosed a year ago and I feel like he's getting worse instead of better. 😰

Felling a bit overwhelmed today with all this. I want remission for him, so he can start to grow and spend less time on that toilet!!! Ugh, sorry.
Please talk to your Gi and find out when it hurts how long if it gets better
What makes it worse ( food drink pills )? Not drinking a long time
Does he have white stuff at the back of his throat ?
For Ds Gi ended up doing a rush upper egd to look for infectious esophagitis .or other damage from a pill etc...
Thankfully that was negative but after his opthamolgist check up they determined he has sjogrens ( sicca syndrome - dry mucus membranes - eyes nose and throat )
We use warm water with fresh lemon
Rheumo prescribed the sourest candy for Ds to leave in his mouth
But his current diet doesn't allow that so he suggested lemon water instead
Increase saliva and problem got better
Still has issues first thing in the morning and at night .

Good luck
Poor kiddo. Remind me - he's on Remicade every 6 weeks? Do you know the dose? Is he on something like MTX too?

Sending HUGS - hang in there!!
He get 8.5 mg/kg every 5 weeks. He is 78 lbs and dr said if he gains a bit more he may increase dosage. The only thing that seems to give him relief is vomiting. He doesn't do this every day though, this week it was 3 separate times. It's usually in the morning after breakfast and after morning pills...he takes the same pills at night and does not complain at that time. Once he vomits he's fine. He eats snacks, lunch, dinner fine, no issue.
Oh WM, Im sorry your little one is going through this. This reminds me a little bit of my son, but his vomiting came with headaches (which we know now were related to his CD). And he did complain at times that he felt he had something in his throat. Then as soon as he threw up he felt fine. I don't think it had anything to do with the Pentasa because he has had it since he stopped, but you never know. He also had a lot of mouth ulcers.

I would definitely call the doc. and the blood is also worrisome. He is getting toward the end of his remi cycle so you might see an improvement in two days, but the doc may want to test for other things especially if his stools are watery.

I know this must be so rough and him and you. Hang in there, and hopefully you will get some answers and he some relief very soon. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what works for your child.....but it can never be soon enough!!!!
You might want to ask about a Remicade levels test if the doc doesn't decide to increase the dose or shorten the interval with this new info.
One of my son's symptoms before dx was that he felt like something was stuck in his throat that he had to swallow past. No inflammation showed up on his upper endoscopy but once we started treating his crohns the symptom abated. He also had mouth ulcers with his flares.

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