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Jul 7, 2010

I want to get a tattoo but I'm unsure if I want just the ribbon or the ribbon that's in a butterfly design. Any ideas? Anyone want to share their tattoos?
I feel silly for saying this, but I was happy I had no tattoo.

They do not allow people with tattoo's in the newest 3 Tesla MRI scanners here. Even if you know there's no metal in it. I don't know if you should consider this or not, just trying to help out. It could mean the difference between an endoscopy and a simple MRI scan.
Wow, Kiny, that's really interesting! Thanks for that info - too late for me, but it might help others make a decision about getting inked or not.

- Amy
I feel silly for saying this, but I was happy I had no tattoo.

They do not allow people with tattoo's in the newest 3 Tesla MRI scanners here. Even if you know there's no metal in it. I don't know if you should consider this or not, just trying to help out. It could mean the difference between an endoscopy and a simple MRI scan.

WHAT? A simple MRI scan? MRIs are VERY expensive and aren't used in place of a scope. You'd have to have some crazy expensive insurance to be able to get an MRI done instead of a scope. And if MRIs were allowed all the time instead of scopes, the whole system would go bankrupt. Furthermore MRIs don't take biopsies either.

Sorry, bit off topic. :p I have a tattoo but its not Crohn's related.
WHAT? A simple MRI scan? MRIs are VERY expensive and aren't used in place of a scope. You'd have to have some crazy expensive insurance to be able to get an MRI done instead of a scope. And if MRIs were allowed all the time instead of scopes, the whole system would go bankrupt. Furthermore MRIs don't take biopsies either.

Sorry, bit off topic. :p I have a tattoo but its not Crohn's related.

Not sure what to tell you about that, they are here, I had one last week. Pretty sure I'm not the only person with Crohn's to have gotten an MRI instead of endoscopy. MRI are very common here for Crohn's patients.

What they are not used for is for replacing the initial colonoscopy or endoscopy to form a diagnosis, since that does require a biopsy, but they are used for follow-ups.

We get T3 MRI scans to follow up on our disease. Yes they are expensive, the MRI scanner is a very expensive machine from Siemens, they broke open the whole wall just to get it inside the complex, it weighs 12 ton, lifted in with a crane, but they are used for crohn's a lot because they are not intrusive and give crystal clear images. They're used for pregnancy too, something that wasn't done in the past either.

You can find more info about the use of MRI on Crohn's here:

"Consequently, this technique is reliably applicable to the follow-up of patients with CD. More extensive series should be investigated that involve defined disease patterns (fibrosing, inflammatory, fistulizing) to more precisely define the role of MRI in patients with Crohn's disease."

Since that article, MRI has advanced tremendously, this research was done with 1.5 MR iirc.
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Hm interesting. I have one small tattoo already and have never had problems with it being an issue. I've always been scoped before mris and such.
Hm interesting. I have one small tattoo already and have never had problems with it being an issue. I've always been scoped before mris and such.

I think eventually it won't be an issue anymore.Because most tattoos do not have metal in the ink anymore.But 3TMRI and dot MRI are so much more powerful than 1.5 MRI that most likely some don't want to take the risk yet. I think there are tests to see if you have any metal in your tattoo.
I've had MRIs done before its just not a normal test done around here unless its life threatening. Followups are not life threatening. I'm more shocked that such an expensive test is being used when its not necessary.
My personal fear has always been that colonoscopies or endoscopies might make the scarring of the intestin worse, even though it is needed for the initial biopsy, there is no way around this atm. I completely agree that an MRI does not replace a biopsy for diagnosis.

The "tube" they use for colonoscopies is still quite thick, it has a camera, a light, air pressure tube, something to take the biopsy, it's a thick and quite rigid tube. I had a colonoscopy about 10 years ago and was in horrible pain when they took one, didn't get many painkiller, I wonder if I had gotten any at all, I was literally screaming in the room where they did it, worst pain I ever felt in my life, I wonder about the side-effects of taking a colonoscopy sometimes.
Ah! I recently had a colonoscopy before starting remicade. This was my 6th one in less than a yr and the only one I had problems with. I remember going to sleep but I woke in the middle and starting screaming for him to stop. Now I'm not so sure about being "knocked" out for the next one. They better super drug me haha.
I'm usually given Versaid and some other relaxer during either procedure if not fully put under. I'd never get either done while fully awake. Of course its going to hurt but doctors don't normally force it beyond what the tube can get through. Usually its not a problem when its just a followup scope and you're having little to no issues at the time. But issues or no issues, I'd never be fully aware during a scope.
I want a tattoo and I just didn't know if it would have complications with my disease. My mom is telling me that because of my crohn's and my weak immune system I am more likely to get hepatitis or something like that. I am currently on pentasa, iron pills, vitamin D and castrate. I will be starting humera (sorry if spelled wrong) on the 20th.i just don't want things to get worse.
Dave_christiano getting a tattoo shouldn't affect you at all. If the needles were dirty then anyone would get hepatitis whether they have Crohn's or not. Just make sure you go to a reputable place rather than the local prison. ;) Lots of us on here have tattoos, I do too. :)

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