Point by point.
1. Debate Rules - Need for References
Part of your post is a lecture on the need for someone putting forth a point of view to provide "supporting" links for that view point, yet I don't see a single link or even reference to debate rules by an independent authority, surely you should have provided them if only to avoid irony.
2. Is putting forth an opposing view in need of support?
It seems to me that if you are putting forth an opposing view point, according to your own contentions, you should provide the references that led you to that conclusion.
3. Was it an unexpected attack?
I take it you didn't follow the exchange between myself and baistuff in the thread "What's your theory on how you got Crohn's Disease?"
http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=11227. Before you take a look at the exchange, review some other the other responses. As they say, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."
4. Was that a link?
As you go through the exchange notice that a link was provided and that both Clash and my little penguin were involved in the exchange. And that Clash's post proves he went to the link but doesn't understand the data.
5. To Debate or Not
In any debate I have been involved in, one did not take the opponents statements or references as definitive but did one's own research on the topic, looking for both confirming and contradictory information.
6. I don't need no ... Google!
When I began this thread I took for granted that folks taking drugs such as are prescribed for Crohn's disease had done their research at least into the side effects of the drugs they are taking. Check it out
a less scare but incomplete list of azathioprine side effects can be found at
And the other drug's side effects are no less daunting. And surely, they researched the disease itself.
7. What was I thinking?
When I was considering taking a biologic, I was provided with a manufacturer's brochure that laid out the stats, I do not have the brochure despite a serious search, but I do have my notes which you are welcome to dismiss. Naively, I assumed that anyone contemplating such a step as taking a biologic would have been afforded a similar courtesy by their GI. The basic stats were 25% remissions in the control group and 53% remissions in the biologics group and anything I have seen since supported a substantial remission rate among the various control groups, some less, some greater. Like UnXmas in his lesson on debating, I assumed a "common knowledge" that was not present. I thought, again naively, that for some the TB option might be helpful. (As mention, elsewhere I was told that both groups had been treated for TB where needed)
8. The Bigger Issue
I have no dog in this fight and nothing to gain whether folks follow my advice to discuss the topic with their GI or not. But to paraphrase your last paragraph "suppose you " did have something to gain from your claim (you know like the drug companies)..."people could spend hours searching journals for something that isn't there" So where is their library of case studies demonstrating the efficacy of their product, they surely have something to gain. Surely, we should be able to resolve the issues quickly by reference to it. Surely, if it were all so clear...
9. What now?
Personally, I've had more than enough of this topic, you're on your own. I've already made my decision, I took the TB part but not the biologic part. And how you make your decision is your business, if you don't think that your well being is worth wading through a few Google links, I doubt that there is anything I can say that will convince you.
10. Happy New Year.