Tender stomach

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Oct 11, 2009
My ostomy reversal surgery was over two months ago now and I have been doing increasingly better since the surgery.

This week however, I am having unexplained pain behind my scar in the middle of my stomach. It is not in the scar tissue (although I have a bit of pain in the scar tissue too), but feels more like it is behind it. It doesn’t feel like normal Crohns pain. It feels more like I got punched in the stomach; like a bad bruise. It hurts when I move, but doesn’t seem to be effected by food. It doesn’t hurt more or less when I eat like my normal Crohns symptoms.

Also, my stomach has seemed distended for about a week too. It is very hard and sensitive to the touch. I have not had constipation, which would have been my first guess as to why this would happen.
Anyone have any ideas of what this could be? These are new symptoms for me.
Sorry to hear about this, Nicole! I have no idea what it could be. I have no experience with this. Are you past the point of getting abscesses due to surgery? That's the only thing I could think of with feeling distended, but no constipation. Keep us updated! Are you going to call your doc?
Thanks for writing Marisa!

I don't think it could be infection at this point since everything looks healed up, but maybe on the inside?

My stomach is still very hard, hurting a bit and sticking out a lot. I should have checked with the Dr, but I guess it will have to wait because it is the weekend now, and I will be on a business trip next week.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond!
I hope you get it figured out soon and it's not an infection. Could be new scar tissue, like you said. Hopefully someone else on here may have more insight! Hang in there girlie :)
Hi Nicole,

I would just incase get that checked out by the doctor, which I am sure you planned on doing! But I have had and sometimes still do have what you are describing. The hardness gets softer with time, but the inner feeling beyond what you know is scar tissue can be like Marisa said new scar tissue healing. When I have my bad moments my tummy gets very soar and sensitive to the touch right in the area where the closure (reconnection) was and right around inside where the incision was. I was told it is scar tissue inside. I had cortisone shots for the scar on the top layer of the skin once the scar healed completely becasuse that was also causing discomfort. They have told me that it is probable adhesions which is very common for having surgeries and reversals.

I dont know if this will help any but hopefully everything will be okay! I hope that the pain starts to subside and that you feel well again soon :)
I do not have much to offer except that sometimes i have a similar pain in my 3 abdominal hernias... I hope that you get treatment and are feeling better soon my dear friend.
If you start vomiting then go to the ER right away as it could be a sign of infection or a blockage (scar tissue can cause blockages). Even if you're on a business trip, couldn't you call the doctor's office and ask them what they suggest?

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