Terrified of Colonoscopy

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Oct 11, 2013
Bath, UK
After managing to avoid them for almost 10 years, my gastroenterologist has told me that I need to have a colonoscopy.

The last one I had was done in 2004, I was given picolax as the prep and the procedure itself was done under GA. Prior to that I had one in 2002 which was done under sedation that they couldn't complete due to the excruciating amount of pain I was in.

I've been given Klean Prep this time but after the experience I had with picolax last time, I've got myself into a bit of a state. It made me feel so ill and I was still going to the toilet after the procedure. I'm wondering if I was to cut out food earlier than they suggest would it make the prep any easier as I find it really hard to cope with diarrhoea?

I'm terrified about this whole procedure.
It's been a while since I had a colonoscopy (I don't have a colon anymore). The worst bit was the day of not eating on the prep. I needed a good barrier cream - I used thick sudocrem - to stop the burning, but other than it honestly wasn't all that different to my normal bad diarrhoea days. I was still going after the procedure too.

Now I don't do preps any more - last time that I was supposed to, I called the hospital and they said I could skip it. There are no set rules about what makes a prep suitable for each patient, so if you really hate it it may be they'll let you take a smaller dose, or possibly even forgo the laxative and have an enema in the hospital (though I'm not sure that's preferable).

Make sure you have as many of the clear liquid foods and drinks that you're allowed - sugar sweets, squash, coke, water, jelly, clear soups or whatever you like. (I can't stand the clear soups or jelly, but I found I could eat and drink quite a bit and still be ok for the tests.) This will keep you hydrated and keep your energy up and make you feel better in yourself. I'm not sure that cutting out food earlier would be that helpful in this respect. You're still going to have to pass a lot of liquid even if you've not eaten much, though you might try eating a very bland, low fibre diet in the days leading up to the test.

I have no memory of my colonoscopy at all so good sedation must be possible. Ring the hospital with any concerns you have prior to the colonoscopy so you can get things as sorted as you can in advance rather than trying to sort things on the day. Tell them you get a lot of pain and that you really need to be fully sedated and that you'll need pain relief following the procedure (maybe take some of your own pain killers). Or, if you can, maybe get a friend or family member who can tell them your fears on your behalf if you're worried about speaking to them.

You'll get through it!
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You can begin a gradual reduction of foods a few days prior so that you are eating soft foods and liquids to prepare yourself. The diarrhea is unavoidable but it's possible to help clean out a bit before to make it more bearable.
I give myself an enema before colonoscopies. Docs don't know that I do this, but the drinks cause me pain and make me sick and they always tell me that I'm always clean as a whistle.

Disclaimer: I don't have Crohn's.
I usually fast for far less than the length of time they suggest. I've had many preps and I'm good with all of them now that they dont do that GoLytly stuff.

I guess everyone reacts differently.
I hate the prep and my new dr dosent put me all the way under!!! I have then scheduled every 3 years for now but the prep does suck!!!
I just had a colonoscopy just 2 weeks ago. I was as terrified as you! Mostly of the prep because I had heard horror stories from my family. Plus, I had inflamed hemorrhoids at the time.

I was told to do a liquid diet the day before, and then take GoLytly the next day with an all liquid diet also. This was horrible! I ate very light 3 days prior to the day of my first all liquid diet so I was not too worried. But apparently a little food goes a long way.

I recommend going on an all liquid diet 3 days prior to your prep, and eating very light before going on your liquid diet. If you do this, your prep should not be bad AT ALL. Yes, you will be on the toilet for a few hours, but just because you will be using the bathroom at random moments. But if you have ate nothing but liquids, then only liquid should come out, and nothing else. Also, after my colonoscopy, I could not eat as it took an entire day for the GoLytly to leave my system. I thought it better not to eat than have chronic diarrhea all day. The day after my colonoscopy I had no problem eating with no diarrhea.

The colonoscopy itself was not bad. They put me out so I don't remember anything! I was so nervous, I cried on all my nurses and my anesthesiologist! But, that was honestly the easiest part.

Good luck with your colonoscopy!! And your prep!
There are a lot of different preps out there (best one I've used is Suprep) but the main thing I keep in mind no matter what prep I'm using is that once I'm running clear (output is the same as input) then I'm done and don't have to drink anymore. Most preps say to drink it the night before and then the morning of the procedure. I haven't had to drink it in the morning since I was a child (when my parents made me because because that's what it said to do). I've talked to my doctors and nurses about it and they all agreed that running clear is most important.

I usually have looser stools so I never needed much prep but some members claimed that they were running clear yet the scope wasn't so clean, likely because they deal with more solid stools or have constipation (that's more of a guess though, I'm not entirely sure but you know your body best).

As mentioned be sure to continue drinking or "eating" fluids (like jello, the pretend eating :p) to keep hydrated because those preps can dehydrate you (gotta be well hydrated for that IV).

I do usually eat the day of prep but just a light lunch and that's it. Never had to change my eating habits before.

I always tell my GI and the nurse that I need to be sedated more. My GI constantly asks how I'm doing and I reply, "I'm not ready." He keeps asking until my responses make less sense. I haven't had a bad scope with him and don't think I ever will. I had one GI who started the procedure before the sedation had time to start working at all and that was unacceptable. Just one bad experience is all it takes to make you nervous over something that used to be super easy. I'm glad that my GI understands and waits for me to say when I'm ready, assuming I can speak coherently. :p

Good luck and let us know how it goes. :)
Today is the day of the prep and I've been getting so stressed out about it that I've been feeling sick and getting headaches.

I've got to drink the first lot of Klean Prep at 2pm but I can't seem to find any idea of how long I'll carry on having diarrhoea for? Am I going to end up with it all night and during the morning before the test (my appointment is at 10am tomorrow)?
I've just had my first glassful of Klean Prep and I didn't find it as awful tasting as the barium I remember having in 2002 but I'm feeling overwhelmed by the quantity of it that will need to be drunk.
I can't seem to stop crying at what the next few hours are going to bring and it's horrible just waiting for the Klean Prep to work is awful.
I found using a drink in straw helped drink it quickly. I don't remember the name of the prep I used last year, but I had to drink 1 cup every 5 minutes till finished. It was a 4 litre jug! I drank 3/4 of it then quit because I was running clear. My two colonoscopies were done in a twilight state. I was awake for the entire procedure, the only pain I experienced was when my GI moved the scope into the small intestine and that only lasted less then a minute. I've always found the prep the worst part of the procedure.

I agree with Jennifer about experiencing one bad procedure. I had to have amniocentesis with both my pregnancies. They take a sample of the amniotic fluid by inserting a long needle into your belly. The are guided by ultrasound. My obgyn did the procedure the first time and while scary, was not that bad. During my second pregnancy a different obgyn performed the procedure and it was HORRIBLE! Had he done the first one I would probably would have opted not to do it for the second pregnancy.
For me after finishing prep the diarrhea usually stops around 4 hours later. Continuing to drink fluids to flush the prep out of your system and rehydrate you is important (stick with the guidelines of the prep though, some ask you to not drink anything so many hours prior to the procedure).

By now you're probably finished with the prep. Keep us posted on how the scope goes. :)
Skybird, we've all been where you are today. Today is the worst part of the exam. Tomorrow you will be OUT LIKE A LIGHT during the exam. I have had several colonoscopies and I only remember part of 1 of them. And even that was not so bad. I said something so the doctor knew I was awake and they upped the propofol a bit and I was back out. It didn't even hurt, felt more uncomfortable than painful.
The procedure is over and I'm resting at home now.

I had a few problems last night with the side effects of the Klean Prep. I had the worst pain and spasms that I'd had in years plus I ended up being sick several times. It took a few hours for that to settle down and for me to get a bit of sleep and I was still feeling very rough when I arrived at the hospital.

I was crying when I was sat in the waiting room but the nurses were very kind and reassuring. The doctor preforming the procedure itself was my regular consultant anyway and actually did a marvellous job of keeping me calm. It was a bit uncomfortable but I got through it with just the painkillers and the sedation. I was also offered Entonox if things got too bad but I got through it without.

The doctor found patches of inflammation in two parts of my colon as well as an area in my rectum. I'll have a follow-up appointment within 4-6 weeks.

Thank you everyone who has offered me words of encouragement and support. I really appreciate it.

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