The Battle Scar Thread

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Peaches said:
OMG - You are KILLING me Carrie!! You just said everything I did to take mine!!! I took a few with the DSLR and said "Hell no!" so I took it with the point and shoot stretched back in a chair (actually - Ash took the pic!) cuz I knew standing up wasn't going to look good!!

RIS....POST IT!! This is the battle scar thread - not the Crohn's surgery only battle scar thread!!! Do it chica!! Maybe then Carrie will get enough nerve ;O)

Ok! It's probably going to take me a year or two... stupid webcam.... lol
Mine is still lopsided with a dun'lop on each side of where it opened. I also had a piece of stitching material stuck on one side that was digging into my skin and sealed into the incision. When I was going to the doctor every day to have the tunnels packed, they said it was probably a skin tag. It hurt and I couldn't pull it out on my own because it was sealed in and it had dug pretty deep into my skin so it was really red and sore. I went in one day to have more packing done and I saw another one of the doctors see me and he looked at it and pulled it out. I was like "THANK YOU!" I saw that stuff ooze out of a big hole in my stomach so I knew it was the stitching stuff! So I have an extra scar from that.

They said that I had three tunnels that were extremely deep. It was terrible to go in everyday so they could shove a foot of guazey-rope stuff in me. After a while I was reffered to a chronic wound center so they could treat it.
^Oh yes....the open wound looked like a big red smiling mouth with no teeth...My husband would pack it for me. Eventually they stitched it closed like a slip stitch. I would have to stick sterile Q-tips in the holes dipped in sterile saline.....The things we have to go through after having kids.....
Get ready for some pathetic gallbladder scars!!!

Feast your eyes on these 4 bad boys (the one under my belly ring looks like a smile):

And yeah.... those are my nasty ribs sticking out. They protrude so badly and it's disgusting.

See why I told you I felt like a loser? You guys have these insane battle scars, and stupid Ris is like oooooh well I got my GB removed.

Santos61198 said:
Get ready for some pathetic gallbladder scars!!!

Feast your eyes on these 4 bad boys (the one under my belly ring looks like a smile):

And yeah.... those are my nasty ribs sticking out. They protrude so badly and it's disgusting.

See why I told you I felt like a loser? You guys have these insane battle scars, and stupid Ris is like oooooh well I got my GB removed.


Your scars are cute! Mine's big and nasty...and the bag just adds to the I'll never wear a bikini again, you at least still hve that option :)
Ummm baby - I'd take that "disgusting" body anytime!!! We are gonna have to do a self image redo on you buddy! And lapi scars are the BEST - it means you didn't have to have such invasive mess done. Be proud of your scars ;)
My ribs make me feel self-conscious. Terribly. My right sticks out more than my left. I can't wear certain shirts because of them. And I know it's not just me. Josh sees them too. AND when I was little, my mom took me to the doctor because the right one stuck out too far.
Santos61198 said:
Girl, after seeing those pics of you yesterday, I'd LOVE to see what kind of bikinis you wear!!! ;) (yeeooow!!!)

lol...I don't have a pic of me in my bikini on this computer...I do have some other interesting pics though...might be a bit much for people
Ris, your scars may be small but they are still significant. Why do they have to go in at such far apart points? And what's the wee scar in your belly button? Is that from the GB as well?

Like the belly jewellry BTW. I forgot to put mine back in after my MRI and it's closed over now :(
:( That sucks hun. I've had my belly button pierced 6 times. This time it's staying in because I had it done with titanium.

I have 4 scars, and that includes the one under my belly button that smiles :) During laproscopic GB surgery, they go in at 4 points (usually): upper abdomen, 2 on the right side, and 1 in the belly button. I'm not sure why so far apart.... maybe so they can get in there with all the tools and not get entangled in my stomach? IDK about you, but when they're all in there, I don't want them mingling! ;)
Santos61198 said:
Girl, after seeing those pics of you yesterday, I'd LOVE to see what kind of bikinis you wear!!! ;) (yeeooow!!!)
Ummmm...back in the day (remember - that surgery was 13 years ago!) I wore all sorts o bikinis. Now adays not so much. Tankinis are my friend ;) Here's a pic of me a little bit before my surgery :sigh: I miss my itty bitty body....
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Ooh La la! Better to be well and not so itty bitty though :) I am way more itty bitty than that and I feel like poop!! :(
Dang peaches

An Ris not sure why u worry
that's a bangin hot bod

I got no scares too show really unless I shave my head lol long story
but can't post pics anyway
Cool! I have 13 scars on my tummy. Most of them are from laproscopic surgeries. One is like a c Section scar, but bigger and one is from when I had a PEG. Oh, not to mention that i have an ileostomy bag that also takes up a lot of space on my tummy. Fun fun!
god Ris!
wish my bod looked like that hunny!
My hystarectomy scar looks like a map of Wigan!
I had a hysterectomy when I was 32 and the incision took 28 stitches-it's a bada** scar but I ain't brave like Ris and Peaches! You ladies rock!:thumleft:
No one should say anyone's scar is ugly, though...I look at it like it's physical proof you fought back against disease and won!
A male friend of mine told me that we shoudl all be proud of our scars. They are our forever badges of honor.

And hey .. some people say scars are hot. ;) haha
OMG!! You guys look great!!! Now -- no way no how am I posting my tummy. I got sewn up the belly button is lopsided...Its winking right now!! LOL, ouch!!! my butt hurts...Sue (i'm gonna keep posting this pain in the a$# as, my husband is gettin tired of hearing my complain--maybe I should just not eat!) Sue
Sue-2009 said:
OMG!! You guys look great!!! Now -- no way no how am I posting my tummy. I got sewn up the belly button is lopsided...Its winking right now!! LOL, ouch!!! my butt hurts...Sue (i'm gonna keep posting this pain in the a$# as, my husband is gettin tired of hearing my complain--maybe I should just not eat!) Sue

You obviously didn't look at my picture...yikes! I too have a lopsided bellybutton...and it's itchy as hell! lol
Peaches said:
Here's a pic of me a little bit before my surgery :sigh: I miss my itty bitty body....

I tried to resist posting this, but could not.
Please permit me to say, "Va va voom!"
I think I just found my favourite thread .........bahahahaha............ anyone care to add? Hungry??

Dusty. :)
Wow haven't seen this one in ages, many from here have left. The poster Mini and I are very close even today.

I have some scars but there is not enough money or all the tea in China to show mine lol. Just to gross for me lol.
Old but great thread here. I had trouble finding pics of scars before my resection so I'm posting here for others that are curious about scars for crohns surgery. This is me one day post op. The two tiny cuts are where they attempted laproscopy..... But they did have to open me up as you can see. 9 inches of intestine were removed then resected.


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This is 11 days post op. They have removed the staples and replaced with steristrips. Will post more as it heals.


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Hi all, I am going to post my pic of my under carriage after I had a pilonidol sinus op. Was my most painful op to date. My under carriage looks like a war zone after various abscess draining ops.


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Just before colectomy. What you can't see is the large Pfannenstiel scar and numerous laparoscopic port scars.

Scars are awesome! :thumright: They are great silent storytellers.


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