Namaste Yogis. Welcome to the Crohnsforum.com yoga studio. Please take off your shoes and socks and change into your comfortable clothes as class begins soon. I'm David Chapman, your certified yoga instructor and fellow IBD patient.
I feel it's important to start off with a disclaimer. There's a reasonable chance I have no business opening a yoga studio. If you're interested in joining our studio, I suggest doing so with an open heart but don't turn off your logic and intuition. If any of my suggestions don't ring true for you, don't follow them. This is especially important considering I will be making blanket statements without being able to evaluate your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Everyone is different, please take care of yourself first and foremost. This may mean discussing anything mentioned here with your doctor, therapist, etc before taking part.
About Yoga
The practice of yoga is an ancient methodology first systemized by a sage named Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Here in the west, when most think of yoga, they think, "I'm gonna get all stretchy, put my legs behind my head, and then do that downward dog thing." The physical poses are called asana and those are only one of the eight limbs of yoga. Yes, there's seven more. Over time, I'll be making suggestions that will hopefully allow you to experience all eight limbs.
About This Yoga Studio
The Crohnsforum.com yoga studio is for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Anyone can potentially benefit from taking classes here but they will be specifically structured for people with IBD. We'll be focusing on stress reduction, emotional processing, lubrication of the joints, and relaxation techniques. There won't be any power yoga here
We will be building a foundational practice which will then allow us to proceed to deeper practices. If you want to take part in the deeper practices I post, I ask that you first take part in the foundational practices. I feel this is vitally important as some of the practices we will be doing will take you deep within yourself and you need to be ready for what you might face. This will make sense later on. I just said practices like eight times in one paragraph, I am a master orator.
I feel it's important to start off with a disclaimer. There's a reasonable chance I have no business opening a yoga studio. If you're interested in joining our studio, I suggest doing so with an open heart but don't turn off your logic and intuition. If any of my suggestions don't ring true for you, don't follow them. This is especially important considering I will be making blanket statements without being able to evaluate your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Everyone is different, please take care of yourself first and foremost. This may mean discussing anything mentioned here with your doctor, therapist, etc before taking part.
About Yoga
The practice of yoga is an ancient methodology first systemized by a sage named Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. Here in the west, when most think of yoga, they think, "I'm gonna get all stretchy, put my legs behind my head, and then do that downward dog thing." The physical poses are called asana and those are only one of the eight limbs of yoga. Yes, there's seven more. Over time, I'll be making suggestions that will hopefully allow you to experience all eight limbs.
About This Yoga Studio
The Crohnsforum.com yoga studio is for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Anyone can potentially benefit from taking classes here but they will be specifically structured for people with IBD. We'll be focusing on stress reduction, emotional processing, lubrication of the joints, and relaxation techniques. There won't be any power yoga here
We will be building a foundational practice which will then allow us to proceed to deeper practices. If you want to take part in the deeper practices I post, I ask that you first take part in the foundational practices. I feel this is vitally important as some of the practices we will be doing will take you deep within yourself and you need to be ready for what you might face. This will make sense later on. I just said practices like eight times in one paragraph, I am a master orator.