The military and Crohn's

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Jun 20, 2010
I'm a cop in the air force and I find myself fighting the air force more than my actual disease I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem
Hi Condiff33,

I am in the Aus army and battling to stay in. I have no symptoms what so ever even though I have an elevated CRP of 36. Was hospitalized initially with severe stomach pain and had a laparotomy as they couldnt get a good enough look with a laproscopy.

Was healing fine when an abscess burst through the original wound. Back into hospital and had that drained but since then I have felt great. Took 6 months to see a GI as none where I was posted. Was started on 25mg of Imuran but took another 4 months to see him again and get the dose increased to 50mg. Am now in the same location as GI so should be able to have monthly reviews and hopefully get this inflammation under control.

He cant believe that I am so well considering I have been on virtually no medication. Unfortunately the army dont see it that way. They feel I am too big a risk and even though I can perform my duties on a daily basis they have deemed my undeployable.

Looks like I might be unemployed soon :(
I havt been on meds either I was just diagnosed yesterday but have had symptoms for 8mths and I cant do my job and I'm non deployable so that sucks but in the us air force I will probably be Med retired getting paid and I wont have to worry about anything medical wise......or even if they medically discharge me I will still be covered medically so I'm fortunate but I've had such a hard time trying to be at work I'm sick all the time and noone cares I'm just a number to them
If I get a medical discharge I leave with nothing as the army didnt cause teh crohn's. So no disability pension, no paid health care, nothing.

I am unlikely to be deployed in the short term and can do my job no problems but that doesnt seem to matter to them. It is fit for deployment or not at all.

I am trying to drag the process out as long as possible but think I am fighting a losing battle.
Wow that sucks.....if you want to night it you can say the stress from the military did it to you because you were fine before you went in and the military has been so stressful it caused it to show
Unfortunately my job isnt that stressful and have been trying to stay in so didnt want to say that the army has aggravated the condition.

I had never been sick in my life before the 'episode' so thinking something must have triggered it. Doctors initially said they found parasites in my bowel wall they think was possibly from when I went to PNG so I was treated for that and not crohn's.
I myself am not military but my husband was in the ARMY.I know they gave him such a hard time through the chain of command if he needed to rush me to the ER or for a scope when I couldn't drive.I ended up with severe dehydration and renal failure in Dec. and when he told his chain of command he needed to find a babysitter for our 2month old at the time and to see me it didn't go any higher then the Platoon SGT.He was working on 3 days of no sleep ru`nning from hospital,to take Vivvi to the babysitter to work and they put him on CQ Duty which he didn't except.The day he was at CQ Duty they told him 10 mins. before the range was closed that he needed to be there to shoot.The SGT that told him got in his face and asked my husband if he was being disrespectful because no one gave a crap about his family.My hubby was so irriated he said no I just want to hit which then lead to him getting an Article 15.The Commander didn't know a thing until I called him to see if my hubby could get out early to get me.They still order the Article 15 as they said my hubby threatened an NCO even though the doctors they sent him stated it was not a threat.He was even told while deployed if I was not there for his homecoming to immediately file the divorce papers as I was just there for his money and benefits.Believe me if that was the case I would have gone for a higher then just an E-2.Oh well I can happily say we are still married and he is no longer in the ARMY.He is actually going to college to become an RN.But best of luck to you both.I know my husband's friend, Mallory in the ARMY just found out she has Crohn's and they are doing everything they can to get her chaptered out.No benefits or help medically.
Hi Condiff33,

They feel I am too big a risk and even though I can perform my duties on a daily basis they have deemed my undeployable.

Looks like I might be unemployed soon :(

Hi Lulu, how's the situation right now? I even want to join Australian Army. It looks impossible.

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