The Month from hell...

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Oct 3, 2009
I have had the month from hell, and going to keep it short as possible. A month ago I got a head and chest cold and was so sick and got my cycle which causes pain, I ended up in ER to find out I had Pnemonia, which I have never had in my life or a cold/flu in 7 years. Also found out my potassium was dangerously low... how did that happen. Was on antibiotics for the chest and high potassium levels. Because I was coughing so hard I pulled something in the intestinal area and had to bring my knees up to my chest everytime I coughed. I was never this sick before, ever.

Then I started to get dizzy, and ended up with an inner ear infection, and I was so dizzy I was scared to drive home, but I found a way and got more antibiotics for the ear and dizziness. Doc said no driving...peachy. In the midst of the illness I got the H1N1 shot and still felt ill. Then along came my cycle again.... pain and at least all this time my Crohns was behaving and had for months until... I had Turkey. Because our Thanksgiving the hubby was working and I was sick, we had it last Sunday. OMG, it was soooooooo fatty and my hubby removed the fat on it, but too late, I ate it and it stuck in my intestines for 3 days!!I even took digestive enzymes in case. Pain, gas bloat, and painkillers every 4 hours. Dulcolax, to push the grease out. Then my doc called me in to discuss my ER potassium levels and said they were ok and gave me the flu shot and told him what happened and he said I was lucky I didnt end up in ER from a bowel obstruction! My worst nightmare!

Now I am eating pretty much normal and still have some gas and back on Flagyl. Little things I got were mouth cankers, yeast infections, and my cycle.

It scared me alot but I am glad the pain is finally gone. Went out shopping first time in a month, groceries. So the moral of the story is I will NEVER eat Turkey again, and most xmas' I am ill, now I know why. Many years later to figure that out!
Ive never eaten turkey in my life so ive never had this problem, but at least you know not to eat it anymore, even tho it did make you ill
Sorry you've been so ill, Pen. Hopefully you'll start to get better now. I've had labyrinthitis (inner ear infection) twice now. Have you had it before. The first time it was so bad that driving wasn't even a consideration... all I could do was lie in bed and not move a muscle and keep my eyes tightly closed. I was left with quite a bit of residual dizziness... but strangely that mostly cleared up after I recovered from a second bout earlier this year. Considering it's supposed to be "very rare", I know loads of people who have had it, including my wife, and it can affect people very differently... mostly it's milder than my first bout.

I haven't eaten any meat for over 20 years now, and I don't think it's done me any harm. Don't think you'll miss much if you give Turkey a miss.
sometimes we don't get the luxury of just having one thing to deal with - we get everything thrown at us from all directions :( sorry you've had so many issues Pen.. and although it's probably not much consolation as you had to feel ill to discover your reaction to turkey, but at least for future thanksgivings, you're going to feel so much better ! :)
Agent X20 said:
Sorry you've been so ill, Pen. Hopefully you'll start to get better now. I've had labyrinthitis (inner ear infection) twice now. Have you had it before. The first time it was so bad that driving wasn't even a consideration... all I could do was lie in bed and not move a muscle and keep my eyes tightly closed. I was left with quite a bit of residual dizziness... but strangely that mostly cleared up after I recovered from a second bout earlier this year. Considering it's supposed to be "very rare", I know loads of people who have had it, including my wife, and it can affect people very differently... mostly it's milder than my first bout.

I haven't eaten any meat for over 20 years now, and I don't think it's done me any harm. Don't think you'll miss much if you give Turkey a miss.

Thanks for the info on the dizziness issue. I have always had problems with my ears, with water behind them, since I was a kid and also had 2 ear operations and put tubes in my ears. Turns out they misdiagnosed and I am totally deaf in the left ear. The dizziness is scary tho.

I am not a big meat eater , never was. Could be why my Gi ordered B12 shots monthly.
I will never eat Turkey again so we are looking into going to the butcher shop for a ham instead. I dont eat pies because of the lard or cheesecakes. Not a biggy, I am on a diet and so far lost 17 lbs, in 3 months and my Doc was pretty happy about that!:) me too.

Thanks for your support Ding and IMisspopcorn means alot, K Skitt, I assume you are a vegetarian???
Jetta do you eat venision? My doc said to eat all of that I could stand. Hardley any fat in it and the protein is much better than farm raised animals due to feed and feeding habits.

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