The sweetest thing

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Oct 16, 2013
My wife got a service dog a week ago. Two or three days later, I had trouble with my stomach. Every time that I visited the bathroom, the dog sat in our room, next to the bathroom, supporting me. Today, has been a bad day for me. I wonder if he can sense it because he keeps going down to the end of the hall, close to where the bathroom is?
Definitely! Whenever I'm having a bad day with a lot of belly pain, my cat will curl up next to my abdomen. When I'm not in pain, he always wants to be on top of me, but he seems to know when I'm in too much pain for that and just cuddles next to me instead. Animals are more empathic than we give them credit for!
I'm thinking it must be the same with all animals. I have chickens in my backyard. When I've been flaring pretty bad and bend down to their level they'll come around me silently and just cuddle next to me. But, the thing our big birds like to do best seems to be cleaning us. We'll kneel to their level and they'll sort of peck at us like they would clean themselves or each other (have to admit that it doesn't hurt when they do it).
My dog always knows when I'm upset, emotionally. She waits outside the bathroom door when I'm in there, though I think it's more because she misses my company and doesn't like being left alone than because she's concerned for my well-being. I now have an ileostomy so my time locked away in the bathroom has greatly reduced - which is happy for both of us. :)
My dogs are both sensitive to how I'm feeling and get very snuggly and clingy when I'm not feeling well. Whether it's my belly or my head, they are always right by me no matter where in the house I go when I don't feel good. They like to just come up and put their cheeks against mine and then give me a kiss.
My dog always knows when I'm upset, emotionally. She waits outside the bathroom door when I'm in there, though I think it's more because she misses my company and doesn't like being left alone than because she's concerned for my well-being. I now have an ileostomy so my time locked away in the bathroom has greatly reduced - which is happy for both of us. :)

We have had our dog for a week and a half now. He is supposed to be a service dog for my wife. He seems to spend a lot of time with me both because my stomach isn't the best and because I take him on walks.

dogs really are wonderful, aren't they? There seems to be no creature which love as unconditionally as a dog.
We've increased our dogs to three! We had two female German Shorthair Pointers, and a friend of ours who had a 6-month-old puppy Shorthair (half-sister to one of mine) decided he just couldn't keep her anymore. She knows us pretty well, has stayed at our house frequently and knows our dogs well, so we decided to take her in. Now we've got a houseful! Molly, Maia and Morgan.
I swear my dog knows when I am in extra pain. Normally she'll lay on the couch at my feet, but if in extra pain she wants to be on my lap near my tummy. She's also 1/2 Shih Tsu so puts off extra heat. She makes a good little warming pad :)
One of my two miniature dachshunds is really switched on to any of my pain.
He becomes very close and snuggly when I'm having a rough time. I was astonished a while ago when a migraine came on and I came inside and lay on the cool floor of the lounge room. He came up to my head, sniffed exactly over the affected area (ignoring the rest of my face/head) for a decent while and then just sat next my head until I finally crawled off to bed later.

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