I've been having symptoms to Crohns since I was in my teens but was just diagnosed last January when I was 21. At first when I would go see doctors they would say it was just stress. As the years went on I just got used to the symptoms ( they started off mild). Then April of last year I had gotten my first tattoo on my left foot. My foot got huge and wouldn't go down I thought it was infected, I also had an abnormally large and painful bruise on my right leg. I went to go see a doctor who didn't even look at my foot who just went by my diagnoses and wrote me a antibiotic prescription. He was almost out the door till I yelled "Hey what about this bruise on my leg?" I don't remember the medical term he used but basically just a bad bruise, which I thought was strange considering I didn't even bang my leg and it certainly didn't feel like a normal bruise. So I took the antibiotics and what a surprise it did nothing. So I went to another doctor at a different hospital. This doctor did multiple tests and called me the very next morning to see me again. After a few months of tests I had my answers. My foot was large because I had Polly arthritst in both ankles and my right knee the bruise (again can't remember the medical term) is something I get with flare ups. And last but not least my stomach pains, the weight loss, the constant throwing up and lets not forget the unpleasent part was crohns. Thankyou to the Doctors I have now for giving me the right answers