They Say IBS, I Say Crohn's

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 29, 2010
Hi all! I could really use some advice, encouragement and direction!

I started feeling ill on 10 September. Well, there was not 'started feeling ill', more like I woke up one day and everything was wrong. I was nauseated, having what I call 'explosive' D, mucus and blood on the tissue after having a solid BM, utterly weak in the legs, completely exhausted, had no appetite, felt feverish but had no fever (it would alternate between feeling feverish and having chills), abdominal pain that would sometimes be extremely sharp and sometimes just crampy.

Being the trooper that I am, I waited it out for three days before seeing my GP, to make sure it wasn't just something I ate or the flu, etc. At my first appointment, after going over all my symptoms, my GP asked, "Do you have dogs?" I replied yes and she said, "I think it's giardia. That's really common this time of year. Here's a script for Cipro, take 500mg twice a day for 7 days." I did as she said and waited a full ten days before seeing her again, to make sure that whatever I was feeling was not a result of side effects. But I still felt the same.

After waiting the aforementioned 10 days, I went back to see her and told her that I still had all my symptoms. Curious, she did some blood tests and had me do stool samples to check for infection or food poisoning. She also did some allergy tests and found that I had severe environmental allergies (trees, plants and such) and asthma. The stool samples showed no signs of infections or parasites, but the blood test revealed I had double the amount of eosinophils. Another blood test revealed I was positive for mono. Still having my symptoms, she prescribed me Cipro at 500 mg and Flagyl at 500 mg twice a day for 10 days.

Ten days on I come back, still full of symptoms and worse. My joints were aching (most likely from the drugs I think), I had a strange redness and extreme tenderness on my scalp, the entire weekend prior I could not even stand up straight or lie on my back without being extremely dizzy and disoriented (I was walking around all weekend like I was drunk). The GP said, "If I take all of your symptoms and try to look at them collectively, they don't make sense. But if I look at them separately, it looks like you have allergies, asthma, mono, IBS, an inner-ear disorder and scalp dermatitis."

I was flabbergasted. Can I really have all these 'separate' issues going on at the same fracking time? My good friend is a nurse and she had been telling me that she thinks it's autoimmune, because it sounds like my immune system is attacking itself. My GP told me to take some probiotics and fiber for a few weeks and let her know from there. Meanwhile, I had to quit my job because all the symptoms were affecting me greatly. I could not afford to waste 2-3 more weeks testing out possible solutions. By this point I had been sick for two months.

My now (ex)-boss had recommended a particular gastro, so I went to him, told him my symptoms and he immediately recommended a gallbladder ultrasound, upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. They noticed a little acid reflux issue in my esophagus but otherwise the tests, including the biopsies, were normal. At this point the gastro's nurse called and recommended me to be on fiber for several weeks to see if it helps because they think it's IBS. But neither changes in my diet nor the fiber is helping. I think it could still be Crohn's that's hiding in my small bowel.

It's practically the first week of December and I wake up every day still nauseated, still having abdominal pains (occasionally severe), weak and tired. I still have blood and mucus on the tissue when I have a BM (I stopped having D and now have painful BM's about 2-3 times a week). Still can't work as it takes all the energy I have just to go from the living room to the bathroom or kitchen, nevermind standing up for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

All I know is that I don't think it's mono, as I have no symptoms of it (no swollen lymph nodes, no sore throat, etc.) other than my legs feeling like jell-o and feeling tired and weak. Nevermind that mono tests are notorious for being a false positive and mono doesn't explain my GI problems or severe abdominal pain. Plus, all the research I've done since September suggests that I have more Crohn's symptoms than IBS symptoms. I have to wait for the beginning of the year before I can proceed with more tests, at which point I'd like to push for a capsule endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy (?), CT, X-rays, small bowel follow through, whatever it takes. I'm convinced that just because they can't find Crohn's in my colon doesn't mean I don't have it--it could be hiding out in my small bowel and just not progressed yet.

Unknowingly, I've had these symptoms ever since I was a teenager, I just never thought much of it. They didn't last nearly as long (maybe for a week or so), but they'd go away again, then come back every couple of years, or even sooner if they felt like it. I've also had chest pains since I was 12 and has yet to be diagnosed (all the cardio tests come back negative), along with a bulging disc in my back and occasional back spasms. I've been tested for diabetes and thyroid disorders, but they've come back negative as well. My nurse friend is thinking Lupus or Crohn's (or heck, even both), but I'm extremely frustrated. Bills are piling up, Christmas is coming, and I feel miserable. Sometimes I feel like I'm overreacting to my symptoms, but I'm very good at listening to my body and knowing when something is wrong.

I'm so sorry for this being so long, but I wanted to be thorough. I know none of you are doctors (or maybe there are a few of you on here), but I would like your input. Do these symptoms correspond with any of your Crohn's symptoms? Do you think I should pursue this thing until they can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that it isn't Crohn's or should I just accept that it's IBS?

Thank you so much in advance for your answers. I've been reading this forum off and on since September, and everyone on here is so good and encouraging. It's been really informative to me as well--I never would have know about the small-bowel follow through or capsule endoscopy without reading these posts.
I think that if you're finding blood on the toilet tissue then you certainly need to push and push for more tests to get to the bottom of this (excuse then pun haha). Blood is not typical and not a feature of IBS, no matter what the Docs say.

Sadly it can take a long time to get answers and I know how hard that is when you are so poorly. Yes you can have many different things wrong at once sadly :(
Just an off-chance idea, but have they tested for cytomegalovirus? I hope whatever it is can be diagnosed and treated soon so you can get some relief!
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When I was a little kid, my Crohn's came on very suddenly (my only symptom was D though- but everyone is different). I was misdiagnosed with IBS for a very long time. I hope that you don't have CD--it sucks!! I really hope the docs can figure out what is going on so you can start feeling better soon. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you!
it's odd that your doc is suggesting lots of separate diagnoses. Most doctor hate multi diagnoses ('s_razor#Medicine).
Since you are having back and chest issues, you might want to try a Rheumatologist (sp?). I have something called ankylosing spondylitis which is a none rh arthritis. it cause back and chest (rib) pain. It is caused by inflammation and is related and co-diagnosed with crohns. It is also treated the same way.

The nausea might be form the acid. I know it's worse for me when i sleep late and I wake up with heartburn and nausea.
Good luck.
StarGirrrrl: Thanks for being a good advocate. If I had everyone responding to my message telling me I was wrong I would have given up. I will definitely keep pushing.

Christy: They've not tested me for that but I will bring it up on my next visit. Thanks for the idea.

Nicole: How did they finally find it?

Outlier: I thought docs hated multiple diagnoses as well, especially when everything I was going through was screaming 'autoimmune' to me. It at least warranted further research or something I thought. That's a GP for you I guess. The ankylosing spondylitis is interesting and I'll bring that up as well. I definitely want to see a rheumatologist, but the nearest one to me is 2 and a half hours away. After my next round of tests in January is when I'm going to plan my trip to see one.

Do any of you know anything that would help with the weakness, whether vitamins or over-the-counter, etc.
You may want to try drinking boost or ensure if you are not keeping food down or in, that would help with the weakness by getting some vitamins and calories to your body. You also might want to try vitamin B-12 that goes under your tongue, many crohnies (with disease in the small bowel) don't have enough B-12.

My crohn's is different than the symptoms you are describing, but with crohn's many of us have different symptoms.

As far as the blood, if its bright red that means it is in your colon or rectum. If its showing up a difficult BM or straining it could be hemmorriods. Anyone with Gastro issues has a pretty good chance of getting them. But, anytime there is blood involved with your GI tract you have to get it looked at and get to the bottom of it.

If you are dealing with joint pain, pain that effects your everyday life I would get to a Rhuemy as fast as possible. Regular docs are just not trained to deal with auto-immune joint issues (gut issues either for that matter). Make sure if you are taking over the counter meds for the joint pain you stay away from NSAIDS (Advil Aleve Etc) they can mess up your guts.

Have they tested you for celiacs?

Wish I had better advice to give you, you know your body better than anyone else, if you really feel something is going on then there prolly is.

Only other thing I can suggest is to make sure you trust the doctors you are seeing, write down your symptoms for a few weeks so you know exactly whats going on, bring that journal with you to your appointments so the doctors can see it in black and white and you don't forget something, that seems unimportant.

Good Luck!
StarGirrrrl: Thanks for being a good advocate. If I had everyone responding to my message telling me I was wrong I would have given up. I will definitely keep pushing.

Christy: They've not tested me for that but I will bring it up on my next visit. Thanks for the idea.

Nicole: How did they finally find it?

Outlier: I thought docs hated multiple diagnoses as well, especially when everything I was going through was screaming 'autoimmune' to me. It at least warranted further research or something I thought. That's a GP for you I guess. The ankylosing spondylitis is interesting and I'll bring that up as well. I definitely want to see a rheumatologist, but the nearest one to me is 2 and a half hours away. After my next round of tests in January is when I'm going to plan my trip to see one.

Do any of you know anything that would help with the weakness, whether vitamins or over-the-counter, etc.

It was suspected after multiple blood tests, CT scans, and small bowel x-rays. But my doctor didn't want to make the 'official' diagnosis until I had a colonoscopy with biopsy. I wish I was diagnosed when I first started getting sick 15 years ago because the disease gets progressively worse when left untreated. =( How are you feeling??
The symptoms you sound like Crohns but i am not a doctor. The key thing you mentioned is the blood, mucus, and the symptoms persisting in years past. Crohns usually starts in your teen years (15-30) and mine started when I was probably 14 and got extremely bad this year when I was just passed my 16th birthday. My doctor has described how Crohns is usually the most aggresive during those years and particularly in males. I would say that your symptoms are Crohns based on what I have been through. I would try a pill cam to look at the small bowel and decide if it is Crohns.
I just had another appt. with the GI today. When they called regarding my colonoscopy results back in November, he had suggested I take fiber (he's working off the assumption that this is IBS). I've noticed that my symptoms get worse when the barometric pressure drops significantly--including the GI stuff--and that, despite the fiber. We had a huge snowstorm come through last week and for the first two days my joints hurt, I was even more nauseated, tired and weak, etc. It was horrible.

Anyway, I told him all this today and he said he wants me to have a HIDA scan, even though the gallbladder ultrasound in November was normal. I asked him about blood tests, so he took some samples for the CRP and Sed Rate (I had asked him about the Prometheus test but he said this would be the first step. He's also not quite ready to do an IBD panel). He told me that if the HIDA was normal, we'd pursue the small-bowel follow through after that.

He seems really convinced it's IBS/gallbladder because of the constant nausea and abdominal pain, but to me it still doesn't explain everything. I am going to keep on carrying on, pressing the issue until they can definitively say without a doubt that it is or is not Crohn's. In the meantime I may go see a rheumatologist to get his/her opinion as well.

Thank you for all the help! I will keep everyone informed. I hope the new year is finding every one of you well!
One worry more about blood mixed in the stool after a non painful BM. Often if blood on the tissue (or just the surface of a stool )and painful BM it MAY be a tear/fissure or haemorrhoid causing the blood.
I just had another appt. with the GI today. When they called regarding my colonoscopy results back in November, he had suggested I take fiber (he's working off the assumption that this is IBS). I've noticed that my symptoms get worse when the barometric pressure drops significantly--including the GI stuff--and that, despite the fiber. We had a huge snowstorm come through last week and for the first two days my joints hurt, I was even more nauseated, tired and weak, etc. It was horrible.

Your story sounds very, very similar to mine. Although I have never had blood in my stool that I have noticed (though I have had very dark stool that's never been tested), most everything you've described fits my story to a T. My bowel problems tend to worsen when ever my arthritis does too. It's been a particular struggle to treat my arthritis thanks to the harshness of most of these meds on my po' little guts.

My gastro symptoms started in about '06 and went into full swing in '07 at age 18. My arthritic symptoms started even earlier but didn't become impossible to ignore until 2010. I was eventually diagnosed in November with Psoriatic Arthritis/Undifferentiated Sponyloarthropothy. These are kind of sister diagnoses to Ankylosing Spondylitis and share many symptoms as well as the link to Crohn's. Definitely make the drive to a (good) rheumatologist. My GPs would run the RA Factor test and when that was negative, basically tell me there was nothing wrong. Also, a large percentage of people with inflammatory arthritis do not have elevated SED rates or any other symptoms bloodwork can show. I'm one of those people. You also need xrays and if possible, a nuclear bone scan.

I've had an IBS diagnosis since '08 but have only just begun to fight it. The more time I spend in this forum, the more irritated I get that fiber and probiotics have been my only (totally ineffective) treatment for going on 3 years. Even if I came back negative for Crohn's, Colitis and Celiac in my colon, it's obvious something worse is going on.

Good for you for fighting this now! It took me way too long to work up the gumption.
Hey Trouble. After reading you seem to be having a lot of the same symptoms as I'm having! The fatigue/dizziness and the weird "drunk sensation...I brought that symptom up when I had my doctor appointment and she gave me a weird look like "Thats odd...I have no idea what to make of that". The abdominal pain and such as well. Also mine seemed to come on suddenly one day and has been causing me complete chaos since around late September.
I really hope you get some answers and get whatever it is under control! They said I have IBS and I've noticed/thought my symptoms tend to fall more into the Crohn's Disease symptoms, but then again I have no idea. I wish you well and hope you get answers ASAP!
I have been diagnosed with IBS when I was 22. I am now 37 I have severe d with blood and muscus. I am always given cipro/flagyl and predisone/percs when I am flaring up as the Dr's call it. I went through colonoscopy. GI said IBS and wanted me to take the pill endoscopy. I just have not done so yet. I am getting worse with blood loss now I am 50,000 units of vit D and I take b 12. I am A - too....also they went through the mouth. The GI said the crohns could be in my small bowel area which is rare. I am scared to death of doing the test. I am tired of all the testing , dr appointments . I had a baby and had huge issues I am a- and I didn't find out till I was 6 months pregnant the I was pregnant and I am not sure if I can even have any more children. I was on percocets, I got tired of them. SO now the GI dr has put me on a low dose of methadone for pain control of abdominal pain. It has worked so far. I want to have another child though if I can. I do not want to be on methadone but I was told it is better than perc's. I was also told I need to follow through with the testing. Have any of you ever had to use almost a half a roll of toilet paper just to clean up the back end? I am at my wits end. When I get the methadone I get looked at funny it has nothing to do with drugs or being an addict. I am just exhausted with everything. I know I have to follow through especially if I want another child.

Your story sounds very, very similar to mine. Although I have never had blood in my stool that I have noticed (though I have had very dark stool that's never been tested), most everything you've described fits my story to a T. My bowel problems tend to worsen when ever my arthritis does too. It's been a particular struggle to treat my arthritis thanks to the harshness of most of these meds on my po' little guts.

My gastro symptoms started in about '06 and went into full swing in '07 at age 18. My arthritic symptoms started even earlier but didn't become impossible to ignore until 2010. I was eventually diagnosed in November with Psoriatic Arthritis/Undifferentiated Sponyloarthropothy. These are kind of sister diagnoses to Ankylosing Spondylitis and share many symptoms as well as the link to Crohn's. Definitely make the drive to a (good) rheumatologist. My GPs would run the RA Factor test and when that was negative, basically tell me there was nothing wrong. Also, a large percentage of people with inflammatory arthritis do not have elevated SED rates or any other symptoms bloodwork can show. I'm one of those people. You also need xrays and if possible, a nuclear bone scan.

I've had an IBS diagnosis since '08 but have only just begun to fight it. The more time I spend in this forum, the more irritated I get that fiber and probiotics have been my only (totally ineffective) treatment for going on 3 years. Even if I came back negative for Crohn's, Colitis and Celiac in my colon, it's obvious something worse is going on.

Good for you for fighting this now! It took me way too long to work up the gumption.

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