Thickening of the terminal ileum/pregnancy

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 21, 2013
I had an MRE. The report came back as thickening of the terminal ileum (which is where my Crohn's was found originally). The report said the fluid sac that was a question of an abscess is no longer present. There is also a question of a collapse of the sigmoid, but further testing may be necessary.

So, on to the point. Are these things that should concern me when trying to become pregnant. My husband and I would like to start trying, but I am afraid my doctor will say I need surgery. I still get loose stool every once in a while, but I have not had any abdominal pain since I got out of the hospital. Any advice on the subject? Thank you! (I do not have an appointment with my doctor until July 16, as he only has one office day a week in my area).
Hi BethLynn85,

I am have no experience with what you are experiencing and I must apologise that your question has only just now been found. :( The are having issues with the submit a question forum so I have moved your question here, Parenting/Trying To Conceive.

I hope someone will soon be along to help you out.

Dusty. xxx
It is not a problem. I was actually able to talk to the radiologist that read my MRI (one perk of being an MRI tech) and he said it actually looked better than it had before and that I shouldn't worry. And I see my GI doc Tuesday so it's all good!
Thanks for the update and that is good to hear. :)

Good luck with the appointment!

Dusty. xxx

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