Thinking I should go to the hospital.

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Jan 5, 2013
My crohn's has been acting up a lot the past couple weeks. Today before work I was on the toilet for 20 mins, figured I should take an imodium. Puked it up less than 5 mins after taking it. Lots of dry heaving and bile. Quite a bit of pain, though my tolerance is very high.

I've had an abscess and resection, currently have a lot of pain and upwards of 8 bm's a day.
Taking nothing for pain or maintenance. Treating with non- medical marijuana
You definitely shouldn't let yourself get dehydrated, if you did go to the ER they could give you some IV fluids and that may help.
I'm hoping they do something,. most of them up here don't know much about crohn's, which makes it a hassle.
Sounds like maybe you should see someone. As clash said you might need some fluids and they would hopefully put you on some steroids as well as it sounds like a start of a flare. Good Luck :)
I'm hoping they do something,. most of them up here don't know much about crohn's, which makes it a hassle.

I know that feeling, I'm in the CF (just been diagnosed and haven't been released yet), and when I go to the CF clinic for sick parade, they look at me like I have ten heads unless it's the NP that I normally see, who knows enough to call my GI doc, but I always have to talk to my medic first.

I have an old XC teammate who is doing her family med residency in PG.
I'm trying to put off going to the hospital. I got some Tylenol with codeine to try to manage the pain. Currently have no appetite, had some coffee earlier and it didn't stay down. Usually smoking a joint helps with pain and lack of appetite, but I don't feel like smoking it cause I'll probably eat a bunch of food, then be in pain for the night.

Going to see how the next day or so goes before I go to the ER. I hate going to the hospital, was in for a month before I got my surgery. Not the best thing to go through at 16.

Does anyone have ideas on flare friendly food?
Hey sector,
Welcome, nice of you to join us. The only way i have been managing lately is all liquid diet ( helps hydration) and last week started making smoothies with juicing for my meals. This seems to calm the tummy some, as i am nauseated 24/7 nd vomit daily but the smoothies go down easy. Hope you get better soon. Best advice i can offer is small meals frequently throughout the day. It cuts down on the load hitting the colon and isn't as harsh on it. I will find the compiled list of do's/don't foods and list for you. Some easier ones for me b4 smoothies were mashed tatoes, rice and oatmeal. Ginger, peppermint or chamomile help calm the tum too. :) Best of luck to ya! -hugs-
I'm going to try some soup and tea and see how that goes. I have no energy, probably from not eating much. Been in bed since yesterday just watching Netflix and sleeping.
That's where I've been too, but i tell u these smoothies I've started are a life saver. I wasn't eating at all! No appetite and couldn't muster the energy, but got a nija blender for smoothies for Christmas and use it every morning and night ( my 2 meals) i make myself eat. I use a little ice , frozen yogart ( minimal diary) with frozen peaches or pineapple ( seedless fruit) and almond milk. I haven't had milk in 33 years and can't tolerate dairy ( big no no ) so heard bout almond/rice milk. It's actually pretty good and has a lot of vitamins in it we need. Might be worth a shot! Wishing you the best! -hugs-
Thanks, I have a blender, perhaps I will venture out tomorrow to get some smoothie stuff. I just started making soup and it made my stomach turn. I'm thinking I need TPN again, but that involves being admitted. I tried a feeding tube when i was in the hospital but i pulled it out after 30 mins.
When I hear your pain level is high and you can't keep food down I would call your doc right away. Signs of major inflammation. Heating pads and cold foods help.
I agree with "xX_LittleMissValentine_Xx"
I really don't want to end up on prednisone, my sister has crohn's and it made her face swell up like crazy.
I was on it when I was in the hospital, but I was under 100lbs so I don't know if it's going to have the same effect on me or not.

It's just physically and emotionally straining, stresses me out. Really wish I didn't have to deal with this, or sound like I'm complaining with the whole "Woe is me routine".
Hey, sorry to hear you're so sick. Been there.
I really think you need to see someone straight away. Yes, it's the worst when they don't understand. Prednisone doesn't effect everyone the same and you might need it to go into remission. I had all of the bad side effects from prednisone, but it temp put me into remission. I think I was at home and in bed a lot from July until now. I really think you need to be seen. I'd hydrate and juice. Forget food until you get help.
Keep us posted.
I will thanks. Going to try to smoke a bowl to help me get to sleep. I can already tell the soup was a bad idea, even though I only had half a cup.
If your body is telling you to go to the ER then GO. Prednisone is not that bad, better than feeling like crap. Good luck!
Yep, lay off the food . I JUST started smoking ... It's legal here now plus I can get my green card. Amazing what a few hits of pot can do:)!
I'm trying to put off going to the hospital. I got some Tylenol with codeine to try to manage the pain. Currently have no appetite, had some coffee earlier and it didn't stay down. Usually smoking a joint helps with pain and lack of appetite, but I don't feel like smoking it cause I'll probably eat a bunch of food, then be in pain for the night.

Going to see how the next day or so goes before I go to the ER. I hate going to the hospital, was in for a month before I got my surgery. Not the best thing to go through at 16.

Does anyone have ideas on flare friendly food?

BRAT diet~ Bananas, rice,applesauce,andweak tea. Wouldn't do coffee or tea right now. The caffiene stimulates your colon. Mashed potatoes are good too.Though there is a thread on here that says not to eat fried pot. and to peel the whole layer of skin really well. Drink supplemental drinks like "ensure" to help keep your strength up. I will pray for you!!:ghug:
I'm sorry if I'm about to sound harsh - but I'm on prednisolone and my face is swelling up! I hate it too! But a few weeks ago I was in so much pain that I couldn't carry on with a four hour shift at work and I couldn't eat. I ended up in hospital for 5 nights until they could see I was getting better. I'm two weeks into the Pred, I'm feeling so much better, I can eat as normal and live a normal day.
Your body is telling you there is something wrong, you need to be able to eat to function properly. If a crohn's flare goes untreated it can cause serious problems. The sooner you get checked out the sooner you will be feeling better again. Please look after yourself. x x
I was going to post with some things to eat but now that you're in the ER I hope you can get some help. Keep us updated and hang in there man
Bless you sector. I'm so very glad you chose to go in, our bodies can only handle so much unfortunately. Hopefully, you'll come out feeling good and can start/continue on your juicing, smoothies and small meals. Best of luck to ya. Thoughts and prayers! -hugs-
I'm out now, got morphine, hydromorophone, fluids and zofran for nausea. Sent me home with a script for Pentasa 2 tabs 4xs daily and some T3's for pain. Need to get coverage, pills were 160$ for 1 month.
Update: Not feeling much better. Been in bed for most the week. Still have little to no appetite, just having jello, soup, almond milk, Gatorade and toast.

Have to call the doc on Monday and try to get in to see him.
I think its time to consider prednisone you'll feel better in no time.
My 15 year old started to feel better within a few days.

I hope you start feeling better soon.
The doctor said the blood work was fine and didn't think I needed steroids. Was just an ER doctor so I doubt he knows tons about it. My GI doctor is 10 hours away and my referral to the one in town hasn't gone through yet. So that makes things a little difficult.
The insomnia from these pills is horrible.
Two things:

The first thing the ER will do is put you on a liquid diet, for a few days at least. I think this is key and being disciplined to do it at home is hard. Do chicken noodle soup, lots of Gatorade, Cream of chicken, Popsicles, sugar-free Jello, Sugar free jello-pudding.

Secondly, I just want to point out a thought that came to mind after reading the first page of this post. It is insane thinking of the side-effects & legality of MM vs Prednisone. This country needs to amend some laws.
i would start calling your GI now and leaving messages so they understand the urgency of the situation and work you in. Best of luck! Thoughts and prayers. -hugs-
Hey sector 9
How are you doing now? Just read your thread and you totally did the right thing going to the hospital. It is always better to be safe rather than sorry especially the way you were feeling beforehand. I hope you are starting to feel better and my best wishes are with you.
Carol :ghug:
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