This is Me

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Well I’m 21 year old male, living in Virginia, between Norfolk and Va Beach on one side and Yorktown and Williamsburg on the other side. I have Crohns, Asthma, Osteopenia, and an ostomy. I’ve had crohns only 4 years, but very severely since the start. I’m also receiving disability because of crohns.

I’ve had 16 outpatient surgeries for rectal abcesses, I’ve had one abdominal abcess, and 3 outpatient surgeries for kidney stones. I’ve been admitted to my local hospital dozens of times, and I’ve had ER visits probably close to 100. I have a huge tolerance for pain medicine since I am always in the ER.

My first resection surgery was in February 2004 which my surgeon removed 1/3 of colon. I then had another surgery in November of 2004 in which they removed the rest of my colon, and gave me an illiostomy, I did keep my rectum so that I can reverse it in the future, not to mention there are nerves there for guys, that if they got damaged wouldn’t be good. I also had surgery in May of this year, I had a perforated bowel, close to my stoma, so they replaced the ostomy with a new site and stoma. I was in the hospital for 6 days at my local hospital this past April and then was transferred by ambulance to a teaching hospital about an hour and a half away, which was MCV, Medical College of Virginia, which is part of VCU, Virginia Commonwealth University, and I was in that hospital for 13 days. At the same time I was overdosed at the teaching hospital, passed a stone, which I know is minor but still something, and I had my blood pressure drop to 59 over 37. They gave me a central line in my neck and in my groin area in case they have to rapidly infuse fluids in me to raise my blood pressure. When first diagnosed I was so sick that I missed half of my senior year in high school. Most of that time was in the ER or admitted to the hospital.

I’ve tried all the medicines. When I tried 6mp it suppressed my bone marrow enough that I had to be isolated in the hospital and everyone had to wear masks. Also had to get shots to raise my hemoglobin and hemocrit. I’ve been on prednisone probably close to 80 percent of the time I’ve had crohns. It keeps me out of flares most of the time, but also the reason why I have osteopenia. I’ve taken all the anti-inflammatories, I’ve tried other steroids, immuno-suppresents. Remicade, pretty much everything. I received remicade only 4 or 5 infusions I believe, but never did the 2, 4, 6 week thing, just did every 8 weeks. I flared while on it so my GI took me off so I didn’t build antibodies. I have taken quite a bit of pain medicines, including oxycontin, percocet, vicodin, dalaudid, morphine, norco, demeral, fentynal, I’ve also had PCA pumps, epidurals, and I know I’ve forgotten some things.

Right now I take folic acid, vitamin d, probiotics, digestive enzymes, phenergan, methotrexate, prednisone, percocet, norco, cipro, flaygl, fiorinal, flexiral, acidiphillus, singulair and proventil.

Wow now that I read this, it doesn’t really dent what I’ve been through but I guess it’s hard to explain through typing.

My Asthma I've had since 6months old, and got allergy shots for 6 years, 1 year of weekly and 5 years of monthly shots, they didnt help and I'm still allergic to everything. I have taken prednisone for that also, so asthma welcomed me to the world of steriods, because of the prednisone and the proventil inhalers. My Asthma actually has been under control for about 10 years, basically when I left the allergist and started seeing my family doctor for it he got it under control.

I guess the wonderful world of prednisone has made me have osteopenia now also. I just learned of this about 3 or 4 weeks ago, I've had a few DEXA scans and this is the first to come back like this. So my hips and spine have it I guess thats all that means.

I've also had between 15 and 20 colonoscopies, only one endopscopy, a pill capsule camera(M2A study).

Its Oct 27, 2006 now. Not doing SO bad I guess just rectal pain. I can manage, just always doped on my pain medications. I've been to the ER about 4 times in the past 3 weeks, not from really flaring, but because of rectal pain, which also makes me vomit from the pain level and raises my blood pressure incredibly high for me, like 180/77, I'm normally around 124/64, and once I was around 55/35..thats when they started taking me seriously, it wasnt my dr or my hospital.

I've been trying to get out and thinking that working again for the first time in 22 months will help me mentally, in turn will help me physcally, so I'm not sitting around dwelling on 'I got it bad, I got Crohns sooo bad' in other wordss feeling sorry for myself. So wish me luck, I've started working where I have worked on and off for the past 6 years since 15, and Tuesday I have an interview with a Compny that builds Ethenal Plants, and I'll be a Designer(CAD) not bad...but I dont know if I'll leave, 6 years is long time. I'm senior now lo.
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Thank you. What are tournaments? it says you've won one. And whats the arcade about?
Aloha and welcome to the forums. Sounds like you've really been put through the wringer. Hope being here will help some.

I won a snake tournament but there where only 4 people entered in it at the time.Mikey set it up. I think he can only set up little tournaments in whatever games there are in the arcade area.Once youve posted 50 posts you are allowed access into the games area and try and set a high score.
They are pretty addictive and fun.
Good luck if you try em out
hi skinsfan-i am slowly reading everyones story here..
all i can say is that i hope we can all learn from each other-(as well as be supportive -and just be able to vent..)-and..just-
wanted to say hello
Thank you andrea, I certainly understand you saying your "slowly" reading everyones story, theres so many and there so long, its hard to keep up! lol
hi skinsfan, welcome to the site. we should start a club for kidney stone fans maybe? (Ive got #4 right now, waiting for it to do something... anything :))
sounds like youve been through enough. how do you feel now? hope your stable and that some of that long list of meds will do the trick for you soon.
remicade only worked for me after infussion #6 or 7, never saw a dent before that.

I pray that you have a good time ... meet lots of folks & have a great time here with us. I am GRANDMA BEAR aka KAREN. The group here let me in due to the fact that my husband is the one with CROHN'S & the support here is wonderful so have a great time !!​
Hey Skinsfan, Welcome to the forum. You've had a pretty rough go of it. Hope that you come away from this site with something positive.. just for a little balance

Anyway, welcome again, and take care...

Hopefully I can find my niche in this community to help others just like you others have.

Thank you for welcoming me. I feel very welcome here so you all know.
Welcome Skins, glad to have you aboard hope to get to know you..quite the story. Enjoy your time here.
Wow man, I hope everything continues to get better for you, and good luck on working. Thats a very interesting story, and I agree I'm pretty sure I wouldn't know 100% how much you've been through, but you're pretty freaking strong mentally to endure all of that. Its admirable.

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