This is working for me so far 6 weeks symptoms free (yogurt)

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Sep 17, 2020

I use yogurmet sachets each time I prepare batch.

I have Crohn's long time lurker on this forum now writing to give back.

Please let me know what you think.

I bought lake land dairy yogurt maker on eBay to make mine my mood has also improved my stools are now formed and I have one bowel motion a day and can smoke a packet of twenty. But I don't advise you smoke.

I use organic milk to prepare mine.

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you need to provide some more info! like when are you eating, breakfast, etc. Are you only eating yogurt or do you eat other food? Are you on any meds other than yogurt? What was the severity of your crohns?
I don't know how it works but it could be to do with the fact that it's made for 24 hours or the yogurmet sachets used. I linked the article that I first found on it and got removed.

Before that I had severe Crohn's with open draining fistulas and frequent bowel movements.

I still am on medication 200 mg imuran and remsima but even they weren't helping.

The article is on healthy gut website just search healthy gut 24 hour yogurt.

It is what it said it would be a game changer. I eat in the morning it's packed with 100 billion CFU of probiotics per 100 grams.

Trust me I've never been better.
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Just for those who are curious, I bought a yogurt maker and am making 24 hour yogurt right now from raw goats milk right now. I will report back.

I have mild crohns, really mild. So I may not be as good as a test candidate.

Hey mopop, how long did it take for you to notice the effects from 24 hour yogurt?
I use organic milk, I first tried with goats milk but didn't use it, it tasted horrible. Don't know if milk type has anything to do with it.
mopop, thanks for replying so fast and thanks for contributing. If this even works for 1% of the people with crohns that is a huge win. I willing to give it a try and give a second opinion.
oh, and I am using the yogurmet sachets also to try and closely mimic mopops claims.
Did you get the probiotic yogurmet sachets with bifida and achidiplious. I heat the milk to 94 degrees Celsius and then cool it wash basin filled with water to 38 degrees Celsius. Then I mix little bit of cooled milk with yogurmet sachet in a cup and stir well until all mixed properly.

Then I add this to the incubation utensil along with the remainder of the milk. I got the Lakeland dairies yogurt maker from eBay and set it properly on 38 degrees on C2 setting for 24 hours. Then once done I put it into the fridge for 6 to 7 hours at max setting before eating.

I tried to remake a fresh batch using some of the starter from an earlier batch but didn't turn out same effects. It seems you can only use one sachet per batch. But one batch lasts me a week.
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I got these
Yogourmet Freeze Dried Yogurt Starter, 1 ounce box (Pack of 3) (Packaging May Vary)
(Edited to remove link to commercial site)
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Funny, if you look at the 24 yogurt websites is says to use the one I bought first and not to use the one you bought.
Yes they must have updated the link, it links to Amazon USA but when I used it used to link to the probiotic version. It even says one tablespoon contains 44 billion CFU. I see Amazon USA doesn't stock the probiotic version anymore. I see the second link is currently unavailable also.

When I first bought it it definitely was the probiotic version linked, but regardless that is the one I've been using.


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I bought the eurovision yogurt maker over the weekend because it was on amazon and cheap. First batch with raw goats milk was a complete failure, product ended up liquidy even after 24 hours. I think its getting too hot, so I ordered a thermometer to check. Today doing a batch with whole milk and the probiotic sachet.
If it gets liquidy it means that the bacteria have run out of food the consistency I get is like store bought.


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I bought the eurovision yogurt maker over the weekend because it was on amazon and cheap. First batch with raw goats milk was a complete failure, product ended up liquidy even after 24 hours. I think its getting too hot, so I ordered a thermometer to check. Today doing a batch with whole milk and the probiotic sachet.
I posted instructions on how I make mine.

See picture of my yogurt.
just completed the 24 hours yogurt, looks good. I had to macguyver the machine to get the temperature to work. I used whole milk and the new sachets this time, and it looks good. I will eat it tomorrow and Saturday and report back.

Seriously, why hasn't a company made a cheap yogurt maker. How hard can it be to make a uniform heating plate set to 110F. There is definitely money to be made by someone who makes this product.
Thankfully I had a yogurt maker Lakeland dairies yogurt maker from eBay and it makes soft cheese also, it can make other things If I remember from the manual but didn't try them.
No mine is never sour, have you got the temperature range correct, did you use the correct settings on the yogurt maker, if it tasted sour I've been told that it's been over done.

The bacteria ran out of food, was the consistency runny also.
consistency was very firm. I could tip the jar over and nothing would run out. Maybe I will add a little sugar next time before I make it to give the bacteria more food.

Temperature looks good. I spot checked and it was between 110 and 120
No I keep my temperature at 38 degrees Celsius thats 100 farenheit. That's my setting on the yogurt maker.

Maybe that is why it's sour. I wouldn't add sugar to it as I have found sugar to be a really bad culprit with my Crohn's. Did you follow the instructions on the website.

I posted my own in an earlier post when you want to make the next batch if you want to you can use them.

How did the yogurt go down with you, did you notice any difference, in mood or symptoms. I know that you only have mild Crohn's, I found giving up sugar, tea and coffee helped potentiate my progress.
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Yogurt was no problem to eat. I followed the instructions. I think my main issue is that I have such mild symptoms I may not notice anything, but I thought I would try and give you another example. I will check back in tomorrow.
There's loads of stuff on this 24 hour yogurt as part of the scd diet.

I don't use the scd diet just this yogurt I can't stick to any diet because I find it too restrictive and myself I lack discipline. But this is the only thing I used from the diet
ok, this post will be a little descriptive, but hey, that is what we do here.

Background, for the first 40 years of my life I would poop once a day solid, solid to the point that there would be no residue on the toilet paper. I could literally eat a battery and my stool would be formed solid, never any stomach pain. Plus I could literally feel the urge to poop and wait for hours before going. Really good control. After 40, out of nowhere, urgency, to the point of running to the bathroom, diarrhea, etc. You know the drill. I was able to get this under control with some diet modifications and supplementation (took about 2 years). yes I go to a gi dr, bowel, cam, MRE, etc. The whole works.

So my new my normal bowel movement happens almost immediately upon waking up. Its normally solid, but a very soft solid. The kind of soft that can break up a bit when flushed. I normally only go once per day. Sometimes get stomach pain and other mild symptoms. Very mild crohns

I ate the yogurt yesterday morning.

Today I woke up, did my normal bathroom and it was much firmer, no reside on the toilet paper type of firm. This could be an anomaly but a good sign. I will keep trying the yogurt for the next few weeks and see how things go.
ok, this post will be a little descriptive, but hey, that is what we do here.

Background, for the first 40 years of my life I would poop once a day solid, solid to the point that there would be no residue on the toilet paper. I could literally eat a battery and my stool would be formed solid, never any stomach pain. Plus I could literally feel the urge to poop and wait for hours before going. Really good control. After 40, out of nowhere, urgency, to the point of running to the bathroom, diarrhea, etc. You know the drill. I was able to get this under control with some diet modifications and supplementation (took about 2 years). yes I go to a gi dr, bowel, cam, MRE, etc. The whole works.

So my new my normal bowel movement happens almost immediately upon waking up. Its normally solid, but a very soft solid. The kind of soft that can break up a bit when flushed. I normally only go once per day. Sometimes get stomach pain and other mild symptoms. Very mild crohns

I ate the yogurt yesterday morning.

Today I woke up, did my normal bathroom and it was much firmer, no reside on the toilet paper type of firm. This could be an anomaly but a good sign. I will keep trying the yogurt for the next few weeks and see how things go.
This was followed up by normal soft stool about an hour later so, not much of a change for me so far.
I think you have to go easy on the yogurt too much can cause diarrhoea as well.

Did your mood improve? It helped immensely with my mental health.

My background is that I always was a sugar junkie and junk food eater after years of abuse I believe my body just gave up and then I started smoking also.

I started with pentasa and meds have been increasing in strength ever since, even few hospitizations and now on biologics and 200 mg of imuran daily I weigh 56 kilo's.

Diagnosed 16 years ago through all the testing confirmed by biopsies.

Also glad to hear you had a normal poop before the diahoria poop, go easy with the yogurt, pace yourself and find the right amount.

I think the science behind it is that it's probiotic which helps with Crohn's but normal probiotic I found in health stores were only limited strength, our gut microbiology is altered in Crohn's verified by fecal analysis by some studies, these are packed in probiotics with 44 billion CFU per table spoon. I am going to try helping it work more better in future by taking inulin supplement which is food for probiotics or eating more bananas during the day.
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Update having much better results with using in conjunction with inulin day 3 with inulin and no bowel movement for 2 days now, worried it might just be consitpation but don't feel constipated.
I did 5 days straight of 24 hour yogurt and it gave me a lot of stomach gurgling and gas late afternoon. So I took off for 2 weeks, going to make another batch tonight and try again next week.

Did you follow the instructions like starting out slowly like half a tablespoon on first day then gradually increasing your intake until stopping at full cup.

Like I said according to the article if you use too much too soon it can give you diahoria.

You can try with your next batch and maybe try using one litre organic milk that's what I use.

Sorry you had those issues we are all different perhaps it's not for you. But it has worked wonders for me and others also who make it on the scd diet. Scd diet is hit and miss also.
I have mild crohns, so I didn't feel the need to start slowly. I had maybe a cup full each day, at the end like 2 cups. I am going to give it a whirl again. I will report back.

I used organic milk and the starter you mentioned.
so far taken it for 5 days. Changes, not sure. I would normally go once in the morning upon wake up. LIke need to go type of go. always solid'ish. Now, my morning urgency has lessened and I normally have another solid stool in the afternoon, not urgent. I am going to keep on it for another 2 weeks and see what happens.
Perhaps I was wrong, it's just pot luck as it's a part of scd diet. Scd diet in itself is hit and miss for different individuals.
regardless if it works, thanks for posting about the SCD yogurt. At the bare minimum, my kids like seeing how yogurt is made and they are enjoying it. Plus its cheaper than buying store bought yogurt.
I like to post an amendment the yogurt starter I used has been updated to giprohealth yogurt starter. This is the scd compliant one I've been advised. The other one contained an scd illegal item the culture biffidus family all of these are illegal. I'm going to report the links to the earlier yogurt starter so they get removed. Sorry about the misinformation.