Thoughts creating pain..

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Jan 20, 2014
Just joined this forum because when I google search anything it seems to take me here =)

I was diagnosed with Crohn's at 17. My problems started at 16 and it took FOREVER for any sort of help from doctors. My pain seemed to start after the death of my best friend and my parent's divorce.

After my diagnosis, I decided to help my problem on my own and went completely natural until my pain was bearable. Pain just seems to be a normal thing I have adjusted to, but recently decided I can't do this on my own.

My pain has been severe lately. Whether I eat, not eat, sleep, or don't sleep. I work full-time and clean an office once a week. I got extremely scared when I had 2 days of nothing but blood coming out in the toilet. I just want help, even if it means going to the doctor and blowing ALL MY MONEY.

Finally, my NEW gastro (didn't like the first one) got all the tests out of the way and decided it wasn't bad enough to do anything right away. 2 weeks to wait on biopsy results and my next appointment. I called in the meantime because I figured since I am seeing a doctor I should be able to get some form of relief. They ONLY did a colonoscopy (said it isn't good for the body to do both an upper and lower scope at the same time - ********)

Prescribed me Prednisone, which has helped me eat and actually gives me ALOT of energy. But the pain is still there. Not as often.. but there.

I guess my main question here is.. do any of you experience a constant pain in your gut? Seems like ANY form of thought or stress triggers pain immediately for me. Why is this? I thought the food and bowel were my issues. I can think or look at something and double over in pain. I also just wake up in the middle of the night with pain several times. I never go to the bathroom.. I'm just in pain.

Do you guys have this as well?
Yes, the pain is constant. I got a horrible head cold once and it went away. Also ask if you can have a pain consult. They have some things that work for some people
I am afraid since I am new to the doctor, he will look at me funny for asking for a pain med. How should I go about that? The constant pain just feels like it's everywhere in my stomach area. I never throw up though -- I know that is generally what happens to most Crohn's patients but I am very good at keeping my stuff down. It feels burny and stabby. But if I have someone rub the sore spots on my back (feels like my kidneys but someone said it could be adrenal glands) it makes the pain go away temporarily.

THey found the inflammation in the ileum. So about 2-3 hours before a bowel movement I am in ALOT of pain down lower.

Just feels all over though.

Nurse gave me a Xanax prescription my first visit. She could tell I was extremely nervous going there. I don't like those though.
Yeah, Xanax, not my friend either. It helps your doctor if you know that something has helped you in the past, like morphine. The more open and candid you are, and the more information you can supply about where it is, type of pain, level of pain, and how often, the better the discussion with your doctor may be.
So keep track and tell them that it is not bearable. Many people don't press the issue, and doctors do worry about the narcotics.

So, it can be a tough conversation. However, you can insist on help and ask then for a pain consultation with a specialist. Sometimes you can refer yourself, depends on insurance usually. Pain specialists are usually anesthesiologists.

What also works for me is the heating pad. If you feel it coming, try a low setting on the heating pad. Usually the pain is the stool passing the angry swollen area. Nothing will help really, but some things are soothing, like the massage or the warm heating pad, or a hot bath. The goal should be to fix the problem so there is no pain. Diet, or sometimes fasting to let it heal, taking your medications properly, or even surgery can help. If you want something natural, try bone broth. It will help coat and increase the thickness of the lining. It all takes time, so try to be patient. If it gets real bad, go to the ER and get morphine. That sometimes helps to set the mood at the doctor for talking serious pain treatment. Remember to be persistent, if not, they figure you aren't suffering that much. I sometimes call the doctor's office to report in about bad days, so the nurse records it. When I go in, the doctor can see how bad my weeks have been since the last visit. You could do the same with a journal, good adjectives help. With all the great drugs, there should be no reason why any of us have to suffer. Just be careful to get a system going for tracking your medicine if you get narcotics. You sometimes get to the point that you don't watch the proper dosage due to lack of sleep, pain, and the mental confusion that goes with it. I use my cell phone and check my meds in on the calendar, with a reminder when I can take the next dose if needed.

I hope this helps you. There are some good websites if you search for How to ask you doctor for pain medications.
Sorry about the requote! Didn't see your answer - my computer must be slow!

So.. as far as the thoughts and such causing pain.. does this happen to you as well? Like if an argument is about to happen or if an irate customer comes in.. I try hard to make the pain I get. Sometimes seeing something that freaks me out does it too! It's horrible!
The adrenalin release, painful sometimes. I used to get sedatives for that, now I just have a lot of mental control and I learned to get out of that type of work. Retrain into something without the stress. I have burned out my adrenalin glands a few times. So something is probably wrong with them. I also feel almost a flow of fluids during stress, like acids are coming out from everywhere. Anxiety of some kind due to the pain it may cause, and then you get the pain from thinking about that, and so on. Devil's circle... change your life to better fit your handicap... there are programs for that if you can document it.
I love my job too much.. I am good at sales and being a supervisor at a bank =)
do GI doctors ever prescribe anything for fatigue and concentration?
I have been doing everything natural for years and good habits and all that.. so I know I'm doing all the right things there.
A lot of times I'll just go sleep on my lunch break. But even just following a conversation or remembering to do things is a number one problem for me.
Yes, they do help with some medicines, but the nutritionist is usually more help. I do glucerna, and Ensure, and try to make sure I get the liquid form of multivitamins so they absorb something. Also, B vitamin shots can be great help, as well as many other things like exercise. I love to nap, it helps me the most, but I usually break out in a sweat due to the poisons I am dealing with in my body, then the chills, so I have to work around good days and bad days. I do think the main problem is that we are constantly fighting infections and burning up resources, and that the damaged digestive tract doesn't get proper nutrition, so it can't keep up the energy levels we would need to stay focused and on track. Again, figuring out what works for you, and knowing that it may work today, but not tomorrow.
i had abdominal pain for a long time and last july realised something was missing!no pain!took a while to sink in!its been pretty good since then.i,m guessing the meds eventually worked.patience be regimented about meds take note of trigger foods and avoid.all the best,good luck
Regarding fatigue and concentration, my neuro prescribes Ritalin for me!! Huge help! I was nervous about going on it but it's like night and day difference!
As for your pain, I too am in constant pain. I've gotten second opinions, etc. My GI recently completed a research study in which they found that over 50% of patients in endoscopic remission still experience pain, frequency, fatigue, etc ... Problem is they don't know why. He said there's a med going into preclinical trials now to help us stuck with symptoms! (However it's like 10 yrs from approval). In the mean time, there are some meds to try to help with symptoms: antispasmodics can help with pain (Levsin, levbid), and some other meds like lyrics and Effexor can help some people as well! Good luck!!!
Some of my pain is from the cramping. Dicyclomine helps me with that. There are other meds that also address the cramps. Some of what you described sounded like it could be cramping related so a med for that might aid you some.

On the fatigue, what really helped me was vitamin d and iron supplements. You might want to have your doc check your levels to see if you are low in either or both.
I have similar stomach pain issues that seem to really come on when I'm in "fight or flight" situations or when I'm nervous about something ie my gf's mom is getting married in 2 weeks and when I think about going to that my stomach hurts already. I have been given all kinds of pain pills, but for me pain pills (tramadol, codiene, percocet,etc) all just exacerbate my stomach issues. I'm not sure where you are located, but if medical marijuana is an option, I would look into it. Its the only thing that helps my stomach feel "relaxed". Sometimes I'll feel like I cant take a deep breath due to a combination of stomach pain and anxiety, and marijuana helps in seconds. I cant take xanax either by the way, more than .5mg at a time and I black out until the next day less than .5mg and I cant tell that I've taken anything

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