Throbbing-like pain near upper left rib and stomach

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Jul 13, 2011
throbbing-like pain near upper left rib and stomach

Feels like something is pulsating or throbbing and sometimes when it happens i'm bent over and it feels like when i start to sit up that it's almost pulling something.. weirdest feeling ever, but i've gotten it A LOT lately and it's starting to make me worry...

has anyone felt that before????
Press center of chest, where ribs meet. If that feels bruised or bad pain, then you may have an ulcer. Or, it can be reflux. I would have that checked as soon as you can. Feel better!
It's mostly likely G.I related, but with those sort of s/s in that location, there are a couple of other not-nice things it could be.

I'd have it checked out and even if the results are "You got gas" at least you'll have peace of mind :)
I'm not sure exactly where you are talking about but i've had two types of pains under my ribs one which feel nearly like it's comimg from my heart was gas. (bye bye beer) try rubing you stomach (it will make you burp like a baby) that should give you momentery feeling better

if it feels like its coming from your ribs it's self it can be from a form of arthitis called ankylosing spondylitis that goes with crohn's (not to scare you). if it's more ribs then heart area get talk to your doc. about AS
Okay, thank you so much everyone for the support and advice! It's scary when you feel a new pain and you don't know what it is. I'll probably go to the doctor this week to see what he thinks.
It feels like it's spa-sing almost, which gives it the throbbing feeling I guess. It's just very weird. It doesn't stay all the time, just comes and goes.
Is it when you breathe? I have had pain under my ribs when I breathe which is aparently inflammation in my lungs. Usually feels better after some ibuprofen but check with your doctor before taking that coz they don't usually advise it with crohn's.
x x
no it's not when i breathe. i had it again today, and when I put my hand on where it was coming from I felt a hard bump... idk if that is a muscle... or what it could be... :(
I really couldn't be at all sure but it may be the start of a small hernia. If you tighten your abs it may bulge a little if it is a hernia. Then again, it may be a tense knot of muscle..
Ain't the human body wonderful! Try not to worry whatever it may or may not be.
Saw this on your blog - I have it too. It's just always there and I know when it begins to throb that it's gonna be a looonnggg night :(
Feels like something is pulsating or throbbing and sometimes when it happens i'm bent over and it feels like when i start to sit up that it's almost pulling something.. weirdest feeling ever, but i've gotten it A LOT lately and it's starting to make me worry...

has anyone felt that before????

im having this right now,not the pains intense when u breathe too?mine pretty bad at the mo,dont know if i need something to eat as had my pain killers on a empty stomach,gna try lol and get to sleep see if that helps,if it carrys on i think i need a trip to a &e. :( the pain like a paralysing pain,really sharp but throbbing...hope u get sorted soon.x
All I will tell you is to get it checked out. I started having pain in lower abdominal area and ignored it for a while. It turned into an abscess and fistula. Better now, but don't wait around to long. Oh and to let you know it had gone into the muscle so that is why I was getting pain and spasms.
I've told my doctor loads and no one listens!! Seeing GI in two months tho.. hope they listen.
I know I'm late to the game here, but my pain is always where you have described. Upper left abdomen, right where the ribs end. Mine is inflammation of the connective tissue. It feels like I have been shot basically, and you can feel the inflammation by hand (why I was hospitalized for "bowel inflammation" last year). Its also warm to the touch. Doctors have never been really concerned about it, except when I went to the ER for pain management.
As i've said, I get my pain there too. It's a hand and a half below my left breast.

Today it's swelled up and i've got a burning lump there now. Hurts to touch, feels hot out and inside. Jabbing, sharp pains.

Allie, was that the same with you?
As i've said, I get my pain there too. It's a hand and a half below my left breast.

Today it's swelled up and i've got a burning lump there now. Hurts to touch, feels hot out and inside. Jabbing, sharp pains.

Allie, was that the same with you?

Yup, that's exactly where my pain is too (I even measured it with my hands LOL). When my flare is at its worse it burns up which is quite scary. Sometimes I have the sharp pains, but usually its more like there is a hole a bullet wound hole. Its really hard to describe, but its constant, high pain. It can come in waves as well. I've been on tramadol for the pain for over a year because I can't function well because of the pain.
Hmm, interesting. I shall bring that up at the doctor tomorrow as well as everything else. :) Thanks!
My daughter is being seen by Children's Hospital for stomach pain on the upper left side as well. She says it throbs in pain especially after she eats. She says it is always there but much worse when she eats. The doctors have done many tests and have not found what is causing the issue so far. Have you received any kind of answer or treatment that has given you relief? Or even what is causing the pain?
I'm so sorry your daughter is enduring so much pain as well. It's definitely really tough.. But she's lucky to have someone who loves her who is fighting with her, trying to figure out what's going on. I still have a lot of pain unfortunately, but I have been diagnosed with a few different things. I haven't been on this forum in forever, but when I saw you asking for help I had to respond thinking maybe it could help you. I have been diagnosed with: Gastritis, GERD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (unspecified), Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Dextroscoliosis, and Arthritis. I'm a bit of an inflammation mess, so don't assume your daughter has these things wrong too, I just wanted to show some possible answers. If your daughter has really bad menstrual cycles with her abdomen pain I would really look into Endometriosis. It took over 10 years to diagnose that and it mimics a lot of GI diseases. I will pray that your daughter gets some answers and relief soon. Never give up! :) I hope I didn't overwhelm you. Just trying to help.
Hey 618huffman!

This thread is really old, but the information in it is still relevant.

In the 4 years since my last reply, I have been diagnosed with Behcets Disease, an autoimmune disease of the blood vessels. Behcets can mimic IBD as there are blood vessels in the entire body, including the intestines. I was diagnosed December of 2012.

As for the throbbing abdominal pain right below my left rib, I still have the same exact pain in the same exact place. It is still one of the central symptoms that I use as a way to figure out whats going on. I just actually got home from a pain management appointment, and I am on the butrans patch and tramadol to manage the pain so that I am able to lead somewhat of a normal life. They never found a reason for my pain. I have had many CT scans, colonoscopies (last in May), blood tests, etc. Earlier this year, when my rheumy figured out that I still had this chronic pain and was still on patch medication for it, he decided he is not being aggressive enough in my treatment. He thinks the pain might be current inflammation that needs to be treated. My pain management completely disagrees and thinks it is nerve damage where a major artery and collection of nerves intersect. The plan right now is to start Humira this Friday, and see if it changes my pain.

Kelly (SunshineSmile) is right, it could be endometriosis, depending on her age. It is a bit high for those fibers to appear, but it is possible. Endometriosis is diagnosed via exploratory surgery usually. I had heard I might have endo so many times, but then they decide not to do the surgery.

I have honestly gotten comfortable with not knowing why I'm in pain. My doctors believe me and keep me going. However, I truly hope your daughter's pain is not chronic.

Best of luck on your journey to figuring this out!

Alisa (Allieinwonder)
Thank you very much for your reply. I hope they find what is causing your pain. They currently have her on 3 different meds. Trying to find something to ease the pain and try to figure out what is causing it. She is only 17 years old and a senior in high school. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. If they figure out what it is and how to control it I will let you know. Maybe it would help you as well! Good luck! I wish you the best! Thanks again!

I'm so sorry your daughter is enduring so much pain as well. It's definitely really tough.. But she's lucky to have someone who loves her who is fighting with her, trying to figure out what's going on. I still have a lot of pain unfortunately, but I have been diagnosed with a few different things. I haven't been on this forum in forever, but when I saw you asking for help I had to respond thinking maybe it could help you. I have been diagnosed with: Gastritis, GERD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (unspecified), Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Dextroscoliosis, and Arthritis. I'm a bit of an inflammation mess, so don't assume your daughter has these things wrong too, I just wanted to show some possible answers. If your daughter has really bad menstrual cycles with her abdomen pain I would really look into Endometriosis. It took over 10 years to diagnose that and it mimics a lot of GI diseases. I will pray that your daughter gets some answers and relief soon. Never give up! :) I hope I didn't overwhelm you. Just trying to help.
I really appreciate the information. Thank you taking the time to respond. I will be sure to ask the doctors to keep these issues in mind as well as they are trying so many different meds. I pray for you and wish you the best. Thank you again for your help! I will let you know if they figure out what is causing her pain and if they have found something to help. Maybe it could be a help to you also. Thanks again!
I'm so sorry your daughter is enduring so much pain as well. It's definitely really tough.. But she's lucky to have someone who loves her who is fighting with her, trying to figure out what's going on. I still have a lot of pain unfortunately, but I have been diagnosed with a few different things. I haven't been on this forum in forever, but when I saw you asking for help I had to respond thinking maybe it could help you. I have been diagnosed with: Gastritis, GERD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (unspecified), Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Dextroscoliosis, and Arthritis. I'm a bit of an inflammation mess, so don't assume your daughter has these things wrong too, I just wanted to show some possible answers. If your daughter has really bad menstrual cycles with her abdomen pain I would really look into Endometriosis. It took over 10 years to diagnose that and it mimics a lot of GI diseases. I will pray that your daughter gets some answers and relief soon. Never give up! :) I hope I didn't overwhelm you. Just trying to help.

I could not agree more! I thought I had IBD, the doctor thought I had gallbladder disease then IBS. I ended up in the ER due to severe pain in my lower back and nausea. Turned out to be endometriosis! My OB/Gyn did a pelvic ultrasound and found that my uterine lining was WAY too thick - especially since I have been on progesterone shots since April (now discontinued). He is doing surgery on me in October and wants to rule out both endometrial cancer (my grandmother had it) and uterine fibroids. After doing research when I got the pending diagnosis, I'm pretty sure I have adenomyosis, as well. Not to mention, I have Polycystic Ovaries. My lower abdomen blows up like a balloon from the bloating and cramping, too. :(