TI Inflammation

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Dec 26, 2009
Has anyone been told their inflammation of the Terminal Ileium is caused from Aspirin?

I am being seen at the Cleveland Clinic and showed the doc my CT reports all of which show thickening of the TI. She asked if I take Aspirin on a regular basis and said that can be the cause, even though I exhibit CD symptoms.
Were they asking because they think the aspirin is the cause of the inflammation? I ask because maybe they think the aspirin caused inflammation which then caused Crohn's. For many Crohn's began after a stressful event...emotional or physical.
I asked why all CT scans show inflammation of my TI, and they're still unsure about CD, I asked why I was in pain there all the time and the reason for that result. She said aspirin can cause it, and asked how often I take it. She also said just because my TI is severly swolen doesn't mean I have CD.
you would have to take aspirin in pretty high dose for that I think. The 5-ASA drugs are prescribed for treating Crohn's. NSADs are not too bad if you take them with food as suggested. They cause less havoc than IB Profin, Advill and Motrin.

It is funny how all the doctors (mine included) keep saying diet has nothing to do with Crohn's. Yet the later portion ilium is the main site of troubles with Crohn's and it is also responsible for breaking down a lot of the fats we eat. It is well documented that as a society we consume far far more Omega6 from animal fats, and other sources, than is healthy for us. In Dr. James Scala's book, "Eating Right for a Bad Gut" he explains the bodies immune response to excess Omega6 fat. O6 triggers prostiglandin production in the gut that attacks the bowel wall. That in turn starts to effect how well we reabsorb Bile which gets into the Colon where it causes Diarrhea.

Just makes too much sense for me to ignore.

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