Tight face from Prednisone

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May 25, 2010
Just got home from ER. This afternoon my neck, shoulders and face started hurting. Sort of like the "moon face" that you get from prednisone, but more of a tightening sensation than swelling. I've had no change in my meds in 3 weeks, so I had no idea what was causing it. Was also getting some sharp pains in the abdomen in places different than I have been. By the time I got to ER, I could barely turn my head because the neck muscles were so tight and the tummy pains very severe. They gave me pain meds, muscle relaxers, took blood, told me they have no idea what was causing it, and sent me home knowing that I have a doctors appointment in 12 hours. My doctor was unavailable for the appt., so I'll be seeing one of the physician assistants. I plan on having a nice long talk with her. I hope she can figure something out because I have had enough. Good night and I hope everyone is doing well.
Oh Bev, not another setback! I hope they can get to the bottom of the problem so you are able to feel well soon.

I am thinking about you and sending healing (((thoughts))) and (((hugs))) your way. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Take care. :kiss:
same here Bev. I hope you can get some answers from someone tomorrow! Sore necks are really immobilizing so I hope t lest that will be gone by the time you wake up.
Let us know what happens.
Funny b/c I was half joking around with someone the other day about pitching a tent in the dr's office until I got some answers... :D Not suggesting ... :D
Hope you feel better soon Beverly

just a suggestion, but when I had sinusitis a few years back, my neck, shoulders and face tightenend and I couldn't move my head, I felt sick and had stomach ache, I would never have suspected it would be sinuses, I thought I had a brain tumour!
a hefty dose of anti biotics soon sorted it.
Good thought, Joan! Very possible.

The other one I thought of is... when was your last dose of Remi? I remember one of my doses...about 8 days after...I think I had a reaction to it (although the doctor in ER disagreed... :rolleyes: ) - but my whole body hurt...seriously...to the point where my hubby had to lift me out of bed to get me to the toilet...and then into the vehicle to take to ER. Reading up on it after, I believe it was a post-infusion reaction.... but it only happened the one time in 5-6 years of being on Remi....

Whatever the problem is...something is definitely going on... I really hope they find out SOON!!

((((((((((( Beverly )))))))))
I'm now out of my drug-induced coma.......Woke up enough today to go to dr's appt. They did x-rays, blood work, and said everything is somehow associated to Crohn's or drug side effects. Sciatic nerve, just there, neck muscle spasms from not enough excercise, stomach pains from Crohn's, etc...... My GI appt was in August, but they moved it to tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.

As for sinuses, they say it's just muscle spasms, but good thought. I had a sinus infection one time that felt like a toothache and I went to the dentist :lol:

It has been 5-6 weeks since my last remicade, so I don't think it's a reaction, just maybe I'm getting due and it's wearing off? I just realzed that andI haven't been on it long enough to tell.

My family doctor's office is only 1 mile from my house and I've been a patient there for close to 15 years. And my daughter-in-law started working there last year. I don't need the tent, they just know me. We've teased them about setting up a family room for us as sometimes we go in pairs. In fact, my mother had an appt. today because she wanted to make sure she's well enough for her cateract surgery next week. When the dr. heard I was with the P.A. he left my mom's room and came to check on me. After consulting and running tests, they were unable to find anything other than Crohn's, they called and had my G.I. appt moved to tomorrow. I hope I get some answers then.

I don't even remember starting this thread last night between the muscle relaxers and the pain meds, but I'm glad I did. It's nice to log on and see how much support I have here. You all are the best!!!! :ghug: I really appreciate the encouragement. Hopefully my GI will come up with some answers tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone. I'm going back to la-la land for the night and hope I get some better answers tomorrow. The drugs are nice, but they are temporary. I'll let ya'll know what happens when I can.

I hope all of you are well and do something fun today!!!!!!
Hi Beverly, hope you're better this morning. It seems a little dismissive to just say everything is crohn's related. I don't care what it's related to, make it go away!! Good luck with the GI today:).

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