Tiredness and IBD

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O was fatigued and we chalk that up to the anemia...probably had to also do with her lack of nutritional absorption too.

Any word from the doc today?
absolutely !
Gab spent every moment she physically could sleeping ~ bed, school, friends house, etc..you name it...she slept there !
And now again ~ her disease is back and when I text her and ask how she is feeling and her response is "I'm ok, but I'm sooo tired and falling asleep in random places" , momma knows there's a problem.

Is it an "emergency" problem ? Not necessarily ~ but yes, a problem none the less.
The difference is ~ Gab is 19 and can express very well her fatigue and pain and whatnot.

Just keep pushing dear :hug:
It can unfortunately be a long road to diagnosis, as I am quite sure you have now figured out
We are here for you and I hope you're taking care of YOU in the meantime ! :)
Yes, Andrew was very tired (my husband noticed especially at football training). Once he had the Modulen and felt better, he had alot more energy.
Thanks one and all!:hug:

The GI told me that tiredness is not a common complaint of GI problems.
Yes I made sure to use great detail on how bad her tiredness is getting.
I think it is not a common complaint of other GI problems.

I think it is a very common complaint of active IBD patients and even among those who are in "remission".

You may want to provide your GI with a copy of this article from 2009:

Fatigue and health-related quality of life in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease.

In children with primarily inactive IBD, fatigue was significantly higher and HRQOL was significantly lower than in healthy controls. Results among children with IBD were comparable to children with rheumatologic diseases and cancer
Absolutely, I think that was the straw that broke that camels back for us, we just said something is not right - He did not have the "D", blood in the stool. Just daily stomach aches every morning, weight loss. It would take him forever to do homework and he would cry and say he was too tired
I think it is not a common complaint of other GI problems.

I think it is a very common complaint of active IBD patients and even among those who are in "remission".

You may want to provide your GI with a copy of this article from 2009:

Fatigue and health-related quality of life in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease.

In children with primarily inactive IBD, fatigue was significantly higher and HRQOL was significantly lower than in healthy controls. Results among children with IBD were comparable to children with rheumatologic diseases and cancer

Thanks Patricia56:hug:
I know for Grace it's all connected. I guess sometimes you need to know your not nuts!:ybatty:
Your GI is incompetent and you need to hit the eject button on him ASAP. This was the last straw for this guy where I'm concerned (for whatever that's worth :) )

What a *********, pardon my French. Lethargy isn't a common GI complaint? He needs to go soak his head. Where'd he get his medical training, in driver's ed? Holy Crap. Ditch that loser with extreme prejudice and go find your poor kid a competent doctor.

I'm in awe of that statement. Holy crap!!

To answer your question, diagnosis obviously has no bearing on symptoms. Putting a label on a thing changes it not at all. You could die of Crohn's without ever being diagnosed. Maybe you meant something I'm not grasping, but certainly you can be lethargic from Crohn's/UC before being diagnosed with them.

Get away from that GI!! Holy crap!!
Just to add to the chorus... fatigue was definitely one of Stephen's symptoms too... Was falling asleep after school most days...
Farmwife .....fatigue here as well my daughter even fell asleep a few times in class before diagnosis.
Let's just take a moment and explore muppets request that we excuse his* French.

Douche bag is not in fact French. Douche would appear to be of French origin from the Italian doccia which eventually means something like water pipe (note the final -a on doccia denoting the feminine quality of the water pipe).

If one were to choose to use the phrase Douche Bag in French one could use the literal translation and say "poire vaginale".

However WordReference.com suggests that you simply describe the person as a cretin.

I have to admit that the advantage of cretin over douche bag is the unfortunate visuals that douche bag brings up for me thanks to certain damaging experiences in my now distant youth.

So with all of my considerable might behind it I cry out - Cretin!!!!!

*I seem to be inherently unable to discern male gender on this forum. For this I have decided I shall not apologize. Everyone gets a blind spot for free.

But I can fix the pronouns after the fact.

Which I have done.
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Let's just take a moment and explore muppets request that we excuse her French.

Douche bag is not in fact French. Douche would appear to be of French origin from the Italian doccia which eventually means something like water pipe (note the final -a on doccia denoting the feminine quality of the water pipe).

If one were to choose to use the phrase Douche Bag in French one could use the literal translation and say "poire vaginale".

However WordReference.com suggests that you simply describe the person as a cretin.

I have to admit that the advantage of cretin over douche bag is the unfortunate visuals that douche bag brings up for me thanks to certain damaging experiences in my now distant youth.

So with all of my considerable might behind it I cry out - Cretin!!!!!


Oh my. Tears of laughter are flowing.

muppet meet Patrica, Pattrica meet muppet.:D

FYI- muppet is man. At least Kermit has a gun to man-up his avatar.;)
Must keep it in, must keep it in.... BAAAHAAAHAAA. I'm at work. I must act professional but you make it so hard
OMGosh Patricia! :rof::rof:

You have always been the consumate professional in the bunch. Always staying on topic. You have been pulled into the bantor. What have we done to you?

Well I guess you can technically say your response was on topic;)
Patricia ~ I have come to grow very fond of your posts and your wisdom ~
I have to say now tho....

I am completely in AWE and admiration ! :ywow:

At least Kermit has a gun to man-up his avatar.;)

Oh, gosh. Was I supposed to "woman-up" my avatar? Gee, what would I use for that purpose since apparently a gun is out of reach.

Actually I'm not even sure what it would mean to woman-up.

Which is good since it nicely relieves me of the responsibility to change my lovely avatar of which I am very fond since it is my own artwork.
OMGosh Patricia! :rof::rof:

You have always been the consumate professional in the bunch. Always staying on topic. You have been pulled into the bantor. What have we done to you?

Well I guess you can technically say your response was on topic;)

I don't see how a discussion of the most appropriate term for gushing fluids would be off topic on this board.

I never knew you were so Sam-Hill funny.:biggrin:

:heart:Is it because I sent you a friends request?:heart:
Be careful you might start getting bombarded with friends request from others.;)
Wait, what did I miss? Damn I must have dosed off. Hmm cant be that, apparently fatigue isnt a GI symptom.
Funny is not my strong suit. Not.

I have like 2 jokes up my sleeve and they are there because they are hiding from being slaughtered when I deliver them.

But every now and then the planets and moons align while the tides are low, or maybe that's high, and various stars agree to shine brightly so as to shower my brain with a high concentration of squarks or gluons.

In that brief window of time I become - gasp - funny!

Enjoy it while it lasts because it will almost surely be gone tomorrow.

Sigh. I will miss it. Deeply.
I'm late to the party and have no douche related jokes. I only make poop jokes. :yfaint:

I will say that Claire's doc takes extreme tiredness seriously. At least it's worth a CBC to be sure the anemia isn't severe.

I would never tell anyone to fire their doc but if you don't have a diagnosis and a plan by the end of the year, I would aggressively pursue another physician. Your baby is MORE than worth a second opinion....this has gone on for months!

Wait, what did I miss? Damn I must have dosed off. Hmm cant be that, apparently fatigue isn't a GI symptom.


That was also Sam-Hill funny.:D

Patricia I must be your opposite personality.;)

Only occasionally will seriousness hit me like a lawn dart from Heaven.:ytongue:
My dear old dad always tells people, I'm the one to set next to in a funeral. It's because I'm the life of the party.:soledance:
Tiredness yes it was a common everyday issue. Falling asleep all the time. You need to fired the GI, put his balls in a vice and them hit him in the nuts with that damn rolling pin I have heard about.

I think she just carries it around threating people but has never really used it for what it is for. Pounding that **** out of that GI.. He needs it for he is so full of it. I wonder does his ass get jealous from all the **** that spill out of his mouth. Hmmm...
Tiredness yes it was a common everyday issue. Falling asleep all the time. You need to fired the GI, put his balls in a vice and them hit him in the nuts with that damn rolling pin I have heard about.

I think she just carries it around threating people but has never really used it for what it is for. Pounding that **** out of that GI.. He needs it for he is so full of it. I wonder does his ass get jealous from all the **** that spill out of his mouth. Hmmm...

You tell him Myreinhard! Remind me never to get on your bad side :thumleft:
I didn't know we were allowed to use colorful language here. My posts might become VERY different in the future... :p
We are all adults right? **** is not a bad word on the Crohnsforum. It is a bodily fluid totally allowed. Hey I was totally holding back. If you can't say **** here it would be wrong. I mean it is the main topic of conversation in my house.
I didn't know we were allowed to use colorful language here. My posts might become VERY different in the future... :p

:ymad:Mary what have you done! Like muppet wasn't foward enough!:eek:

I'm still thinking about reporting your post women!:cool2:

You tell him Myreinhard! Remind me never to get on your bad side :thumleft:

I am just so frustrated. I know I need to get control of that. Unfortunately I am a control freak and getting control of being a control freak is part of my vicious cycle. I need :sign0085:
Why must you bring crohnsinct into this.:ymad:
Haven't y'all been bad enough.:eek:

crohnsinct you need not say anything! :ymad:
I swear I'll make that pic of you with NO make-up, sitting in a car with fake bubbles, public domain!:eek:
Do you hear me!!!Public Domain. :eek:
You'll be the poster child for why we don't drink and drive!!!!:ylol:

Oh listen to that farmwife waving her rolling pin. She thinks she is tough. We are so scared.


:eek:LOOK what we've turned this thread into!:eek:
People from all over the INTERNET can see this.:yfaint:

:cool2:I'm taking Grace's picture off! I don't want her to be associated with this.:lol2:
I think we need a dozen sets of lawn darts. That's what she said it took.

Now which part of the body to aim for..... well that's pretty obvious so on to the next question.

How many of them

- all at once (how many darts are in a set of lawn darts anyway?)
- or just a few at a time delivered randomly so she never knows when to expect them

Hmmm. I know she said they had to come from Heaven but we are an angelic lot don't you think?

Well maybe not Myreinhard. I'll give you that. But the rest of us.

Ok, maybe not Muppet either.

Crohnstinct? Oh my we're losing the angelic crowd fast.

I think I may still qualify at least on paper on this forum since my earlier posts were really quite prim don't you think?

So I get to throw lawn darts at Farmwife until she fires her current GI for someone better. MUCH better.


Oooh. I just looked up lawn darts. These are big suckers. I was thinking something like an outdoor version of darts. No way. These things are 12 inches long with the pointy end weighted. They have been banned in the US and Canada since the 1980's. They are going to hurt. Could do some serious damage.

I am reconsidering although bashing people with rolling pins can do serious damage too.

Maybe threatening her at sword point? :arghmatey_ani:
Hey I might not have angel wings. I do go to church twice a month, when I am not hungover. (Hate the sin not the sinner... Just saying) I do pray for Grace and Farmwife nightly. I just want to get results here. Come on... I live in Michigan I will go with you to Motts I will hold your rolling pin. (If she even has one).

You know I am just messing around Farmwife. Don't you go and get all sad or anything. Don't do anything crazy like tip a cow or anything, I know how much you love cows and all. :lol2::lol2::eek::yfaint:
New GI!

Move on over to the other thread and let this one die!!!:ymad:

What message did you delete Mary?:ylol:
Patricia, here in Georgia we also have those cows at the experiment station of the agricultural college. Wonder what happens if you tip the cows that have windows?!?!
Ok ok ok dead dead dead

I deleted nothing. Do you want me to delete something?

You're not mad or anything are you?

You know we love you right?


Of course I'm not offended but........

You've opened your self up to endless picking on and dare I say witty banter from me!:lol2:

Just to let you know I hit the thank you buttons for everyone out of habit!
Not because you deserve it!:cool2:

Ryan was so tired, uninterested in doing anything, moody! For 3 months we didn't know what the heck was wrong with him. I took photos of the back of his head our entire DC trip because he was so grumpy! Didn't want to ask him to turn around!

It has to do with absorption. Their poor bodies are starving for nutrients because they don't absorb what they are taking in!

I found this thread very interesting. I knew that fatigue could be a symptom of Crohn's but I did not realize how severe it was to all of your children. Danny (undiagnosed) has fatigue as his most debilitating symptom.
Thanks Farmwife.

I am speechless! And oh so very proud of you all! I am so glad I left the forum in your able hands.

Yes I have a mouth like a sailor...and I drink...and teach Sunday school every single Sunday. I grew up in Da Bronx and you know what they say...So bite me!

BUT! And I am sooooo scared of Mary as I type this...and looking up for lawn darts....no firing of new GI yet please...new one hasn't been approved yet and I don't trust anyone!

And look at JMK...brown noser trying to bring this all back on point. Watch it girlfriend or you will be uninvited to Chicago!
For a dead thread this one seems pretty lively...:grr1d:

Ok Crohnsinct we will hold off on the lawn darts for now. But they are only on standby you understand?

I don't mind long threads if I'm the one that's making them longer.:D
Oh ok don't fire him yet per Sunday school teacher. Waiting on this scope has been a long wait.

Crohnsinct Your scared of me... Yeah right. Actually the GIs were kinda scared of me, I actually have tamed a lot since Rowans surgery. Sometimes I just like to talked a lot of smack. Cant help it sometimes. I am from Detroit so... I am a badass. Just saying.... lol jk. Ha ha ha ha
Sunday School teacher...Mary :ylol: Well I am from the Bronx so you have to go some to beat that badassiness but I have heard Detroit is rough and since hubby moved me to the burbs I have been softening. Would love to see the two of us tear it up though!

Now let's see if I can shed some light on this situation. I think the problem comes from Motts not being in your network and it is far from you right? So I would imagine of course doc doesn't have privelages there.

The whole ER admit theory is O.K. except Motts isn't in your network and is far. If you show up on ER's doorstep insurance is sure to deny that claim...sure you can say visiting a friend in the area but the insurance company still has the call on whether or not it was a bonafide emergency and whether or not in their opinion you could have survived the ride to a network hospital. Just saying it could be risky. I wouldn't do it unless you are ready for a big fight with insurance afterward and prepared to pay should you lose and since you are already trying to get approval to go OON it would look very suspicious. Just thinking out loud here.

Have you left yet?
Crohnsinct, somebody's gotta try to steer things back in line! That's why yall need me even more in Chicago. Who knows where you'd end up! :eek:

I can get stirred up too! Haven't you ever heard the saying "Don't make me go all Country Girl on you!" :nonono:
:heart:jmckinley Thank you my friend for being the voice of reason.

To the rest of you...
y'all are a vengeful group!:ack: Don't hurt me and let this thread die!!!:ack:

CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH CARE???! Did you talk to anyone about this yet? Secondary insurance through the state we are fortunate to have it most states do not. This would stop all this network work around crap happening. At least ask someone at Devos about it.
Dear Myreinhard - you have responded to a dead thread or haven't you heard. I would remove your post but I am not an esteemed forum monitor. Please repost in one of farmwife's other very much alive threads:ytongue:

Long live "Tiredness and IBD":thumright:
I think it is about time someone with all the angelic qualities such as I chimed in. :ybiggrin:

Speaking in terms of IBD then yes, fatigue is a very common problem. Many of you will know that I have waxed lyrical about how quickly Matt was diagnosed and it was only after that diagnosis that I thought back about the lethargy and dark circles under his eyes and how many different reasons I had at the time for why he was that way...end of the school year approaching, university, heavy soccer load.

Both of my kids had lethargy and no doubt it was down to:

Chronic pain
Disrupted sleep patterns
Chronic inflammation and the toll it takes on the body
Periodic anorexia and/or decreased appetite and reduced food choices.

Dusty. xxx
Now I could say bugger off T but since I am so angelic I won't partake in such language.
To think I have missed all this and more while riding on the river of Crohn's denial.
and yes, we had crazy fatigue. Although Izz (dare I say remission?? Her CRP was crazy low last month) will still sleep 11-12 hours. She isn't constantly fatigued/falling asleep/too tired to do anything anymore though.
Even though my son is feeling mostly better these days he still has a lot of fatigue. It is almost always the first thing he says to me when I pick him up from school, even on good days.

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