I had three and half foot of small bowel removed 6 months ago due to adhesions from an appendix op 25 years ago, I have the 8 inch vertical scar, open surgery.
Can anyone help in the toilet department?
Before the surgery, I used to eat a dessertsp whole linseeds with oat cereal every morning and that, with an oatcake and cheese, mid morning, fishcake at lunch, fish or meat and veg at teatime and scone for supper, not only was fine for my migraines but kept me regular.
I daren't go back to the linseeds, so am eating allbran morning then some veg (not hard veg) and taking laxido since I got totally bunged up a couple of weeks after the op. I have got the laxido down to 2 teaspoons, but my bms are all over the place.
If I take less than 2 teasps laxido, I get bunged up, sit there straining and nothing moves, then a lot of days, I am OK on 2 teasps laxido, now, suddenly I am getting the odd day of 5 or 6 trips to the loo with horrible stomach pain remaining (obviously too much). Darent leave off the allbran or laxido completely or will get totally bunged up. My migraines are back and I have horrible constant tinnitus.
What do you guys take to keep regular.
Any advice welcome.:ysmile:
Can anyone help in the toilet department?
Before the surgery, I used to eat a dessertsp whole linseeds with oat cereal every morning and that, with an oatcake and cheese, mid morning, fishcake at lunch, fish or meat and veg at teatime and scone for supper, not only was fine for my migraines but kept me regular.
I daren't go back to the linseeds, so am eating allbran morning then some veg (not hard veg) and taking laxido since I got totally bunged up a couple of weeks after the op. I have got the laxido down to 2 teaspoons, but my bms are all over the place.
If I take less than 2 teasps laxido, I get bunged up, sit there straining and nothing moves, then a lot of days, I am OK on 2 teasps laxido, now, suddenly I am getting the odd day of 5 or 6 trips to the loo with horrible stomach pain remaining (obviously too much). Darent leave off the allbran or laxido completely or will get totally bunged up. My migraines are back and I have horrible constant tinnitus.
What do you guys take to keep regular.
Any advice welcome.:ysmile: