Too much liquid

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Jun 26, 2011
Ok I havnt been on here much, i have been very lucky to have things working well. Now though .all day long I have been having way too much liquid coming out of my stoma,which is sending me to the washroom on a hourly basis. Sounds like alot of gas, much gurgling going on. Not having any other problems like vomiting, cramping or any other issues, but this liquid output is crazy. Do i have a blockage????? It just started this morn ,going all day long. I did eat some macarrons yesterday.HELP PLEASE.
Sounds to me as though you have a touch of diarrhoea - possibly from the macaroons. They would have had either coconut or ground almonds, both of which upset me. I get this effect from time to time if I eat the wrong things!

If it were me, I would take 2 Imodium tablets, then one later in the day. Eat only things that are bland and that you know won't upset you and, most important, keep up the liquids to replace what you are losing. If it goes longer than 24 hours it is time to go and see your GP or GI.

I hope that it stops soon. It can be most distressing if you don't know what's happening. :ghug:
Thankyou , i am hoping that its the problem and not a blockage. I have no other problems ,and yes i am drinking gatorade right now. Off to find some anti diareahia(bad spelling)pills. I have no Imodium here at home. So hope these other ones help. Tnx again.
i had similar problems the day i ate a noodle salad (think i hardly chewed it cause i was hungry) i had water output with a lot of the gurgling and gassy bubbles. eventually i began to notice big pieces of food in my bag. i was amazed at how such big chunks where even managing to get out of the stoma lol i was fine after a few hours.

i hope it calms down soon! its a good sign you have no pain. could also just be a tummy bug. just stay hydrated!
Haha I ate those macarrons like there was no tomorrow......they were sooo good. Lesson learned. Ireland must be beautiful. Tnx for advice.
You haven't mentioned the quantities you drink. I had a stoma (reversed, and long since gone). I found that when I had it, I was much more prone to "flushing" if I did not pace my consumption of any fluid. It would lead to me feeling dehydrated, which lead to drinking more and the cycle gets worse. Gatorade I found to be irritating. I switched to Powerade whenever I needed something of this sort.
I have been drinking as much liquid as possible, Im trying to flush my system. I called my G I Nurse and she says stay on soft foods for the day with plenty of liquids. I already seem to be passing larger chunks. Im quite sure it was those macarrons. Way too much coconut. Now i just have a sad face when seeing them on the counter :( I too use Powerade. Shamrock15,my fellow Canadian I suppose flushing means ridding most excess liquid.??? I have no pain what so ever so i guess this is good. I am glad that you feel well after the reversal. I cannot wait for my time to come for the procedure. Thank you all for all help. Hope you ALL fell well.
Flushing will take the food out with it - if you still recognize the food and it isn't being digested, the water may be taking it out with it. You actually can have too much water through your bowels. Hope it resolves soon for you (from the displaced Nova Scotian...)
I have had this happen to me numerous times. If I eat something that doesn't agree with me during a flare-up then I start passing a lot of liquid with undigested bits. Mushrooms always do this. I have to stay on a bland diet to avoid this. It usually lasts a few days. Its amazing how much liquid can cone out in one day! I drink water mostly to stay hydrated. And there isn't any pain. Justmany trips emptying my bag

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