Trapped wind pains

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Nov 27, 2012
Hi, iv been on Azathioprine for about 4 weeks now. Ever since starting it iv had bad trapped wind pain in the middle if my stomach. I was just wondering if anyone else experienced this?
I can't cope with the pain any more and I'm seeing a specialist nurse today so going to try and get it sorted out.
yes i do but it lasts for about 15 minutes at a time then will ease. then come back about an hour later x
are you on anythign else apart from aza?x
That's what happened with me as well.

I'm on
50mg aza
10mg buscopan (two tabs 3 times a day)
Multi vitamin

The nurse does not know if its just a coincidence that it come when I started the aza as my inflammation marker on my blood test is slightly raised so think my bowle could still be slightly narrowed.
Because of this they are starting me on infliximab next week to decrease the inflammation.
I am not eating as much as I should as the pain does not help and am only 5st 2lbs and should be about 7 or 8 st. They are worried about this so I think they are just trying to sort my bowel out as fast as possible now.
does the pain get worse after eating and/or go through to the back.
does it get worse at any particular time?
where is the pain. you say middle do you mean at the belly button or under the ribs in the middle? does anything relieve it for you?

No it does not get worse after eating
No does not go into my back
Just before bed about 9:30pm, when I have not had a bm for a day, when I feel I need to let out wind
Middle as in belly button
Heat pad, rubbing stomach, someone rubbing my back, bm, letting out wind.
it doesn't sound like a reaction to the drug.. maybe just a side effect or another flare. im not too familiar with blockages but could it be a partial blockage
did you get an app with your gi. sure hope remicade works for you and you get healthy soon.
The nurse called the GI in today while I was there and said it may be a partial blockage. Iv had a blockage b4 and ended up in hospital the week b4 Xmas. I have had no crohns pain since leaving hospital. Just this wind pain. I think it's also known as a stricture.
Thanks for your replies everyone x
Trapped wind pains are the pits! Are you having normal bm's or are you constipated?

If you are constipated, then it might be helpful to eat something soft like canned peaches or talk to your GI doctor about whether you should take a laxative.

If you are not constipated, you could ask your doctor about Bentyl (Dicyclomine) which is an antispasmodic. However, be warned that this drug is constipating.

Recently, I bought an over the counter probiotic called Phillip's Colon Health and that helped me with trapped wind (gas) pain. This product was very gentle.

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