Trouble Sleeping Through the Night

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Nov 6, 2010
Anyone else have severe trouble sleeping the whole night? Seems like no matter what time I go to sleep, etc., I wake up a few hours later with stomach pains and a terrible urge to use the restroom. So naturally, I get up and go... and after going back to sleep, it happens again (and again, and again, depending on the night). I'm often in the restroom for a good 10 minutes at least. It's really driving me crazy because I haven't had a full night's sleep in a few months.
Suggestions anyone? :[
During a flare, a full night's sleep just doesn't happen for me. I've gotten to where I barely even wake up to go, though. I do my business and am back asleep within seconds of hitting the pillow. I just don't think sleeping through the night is attainable while flaring bad.
yup - during a flare no full nights sleep.....

now, even though I'm asymptomatic due to drugs.....I'm not sleeping well - was awake @330-4am this morning AGAIN...having trouble going back to sleep.....UGH!
I have a difficult time sleep especially while flaring. Even when Im not flaring I have a hard time my doc prescribed Amitryptaline....and that has been a saving grace for me. From what I know a lot of people with CD take Amitryptaline...and most love it.
Erm, maybe taking a med to help you sleep is not the best idea if you have to use the bathroom in the night! What about something like codeine (a strong painkiller with the added side effect of constipation) before bed?
I have been experiencing this the last couple weeks, my first flare up. Every night I've been making frequent trips to the bathroom. The thing that sucks, is hardly anything ever comes out. It's like an ounce of poo with a couple drops of blood every time. I find it very had to go back to sleep after all these trips. The good news is that I haven't been going as frequently during the day and I'm hoping that will keep up since I have to get back to work here soon. I'm running out of sick days from this horrible disease and it's only the first of February.
Erm, maybe taking a med to help you sleep is not the best idea if you have to use the bathroom in the night! What about something like codeine (a strong painkiller with the added side effect of constipation) before bed?

ive done this a few times and it usually works, but if i do wake up i feel all spaced out and kinda weird (hard to explain, sorry) . even more strange that i take codeine during the day and i feel perfectly normal.

codeine is defo the best thing ive ever had with regards to going the longest without needing the loo! couldnt be without it, especially before i head out on the town!

i also find a nice, really hot bath makes me sleep better, especially if you use radox or something soothing like that to relax the mind.
I'm a huge fan of Amitriptyline!
In high doses it treats depression, but docs discovered that in low doses it acts as a muscle relaxant and relieves migraines, joint pains and headaches. And it works for Crohn's by reducing spasms and cramps etc.
I take mine at 10pm and don't wake up at all til 7am, bright eyed and bushy tailed!
I have been experiencing this the last couple weeks, my first flare up. Every night I've been making frequent trips to the bathroom. The thing that sucks, is hardly anything ever comes out. It's like an ounce of poo with a couple drops of blood every time. I find it very had to go back to sleep after all these trips.

YES! That's the exact thing that's been happening to me. It's so frustrating. I also find myself getting very flush in the face and sweating; sounds strange maybe? but that's what tends to happen and makes it even harder to get back to sleep. I have a GI appt. in 2 days and I'll definitely ask about the Amitriptyline and see what he thinks. Although, someone made a point that maybe meds aren't the best idea if you get up to go to the bathroom in the night, and that's a good point. I'd -much- rather have to get up than to have an accident in my sleep...

I appreciate all your input by the way guys :]
I recommend Seroquel! 25mgs or lower and you'll sleep like a baby. And bonus- you don't have to worry about the whole antipsychotic thing as that stuff kicks in around the 300mg mark.

EDIT: Joan kinda beat me to it, haha!
Seroquel is too expensive though.
I recommend Seroquel! 25mgs or lower and you'll sleep like a baby. And bonus- you don't have to worry about the whole antipsychotic thing as that stuff kicks in around the 300mg mark.

EDIT: Joan kinda beat me to it, haha!
Seroquel is too expensive though.

Expensive or not, if it works, I'd almost pay anything for it... Ha ha. Oh, desperation..
During a bad flare up, I usually go to the toilet once an hour, day and night. So I barely get any sleep. During a moderate flare up, Prednisone wakes me up twice a night.

I find that rooibos tea helps me to sleep at night.
I've been feeling a lot better today, slept the whole night last night. I'm guessing it's because I'm on my 4th day of Pred. Hopefully this good feeling will continue, but it almost seems too good to be true considering how awful the last two weeks have been. Do you guys recommend seeing a food allergen specialist along with you GI? I think that is going to be first on my plate. I find it hard to believe that UC and Crohn's are not supposed to be caused by foods. My sister has had celiac's her whole life and I'm starting to wonder if that is what has caused my problem.
Okay, since we're sort of on the topic.. (And just as a testimonial, thank god for this forum and you guys; I don't know where in the world else I'd be able to whine about these embarrassing kinds of problems, and everyone on here is so helpful.) Another thing that tends to happen in my late night adventures to the bathroom... I'll go (just a little) when I first sit down, but I'll continue to sit there for a pretty long while (up to 10 minutes on rare occasions) because it still feels like I have to go; sometimes I will go again, a little, and sometimes not. And even then, sometimes, as soon as I get up off the loo to go back to bed (which can take up to 15 minutes), my stomach will suddenly start gurgling and hurting, and I won't even make it back to bed before having to go again... It's ridiculous!
Okay, since we're sort of on the topic.. (And just as a testimonial, thank god for this forum and you guys; I don't know where in the world else I'd be able to whine about these embarrassing kinds of problems, and everyone on here is so helpful.) Another thing that tends to happen in my late night adventures to the bathroom... I'll go (just a little) when I first sit down, but I'll continue to sit there for a pretty long while (up to 10 minutes on rare occasions) because it still feels like I have to go; sometimes I will go again, a little, and sometimes not. And even then, sometimes, as soon as I get up off the loo to go back to bed (which can take up to 15 minutes), my stomach will suddenly start gurgling and hurting, and I won't even make it back to bed before having to go again... It's ridiculous!

Yes, that is exactly how it feels. Like making a trail to the toilet. There is always that feeling like u have to let more out, but there is nothing to be let out. That feeling goes away, u think your in the clear until u lay down again. Round 2, 3, 4 and 5, then its time to wake up.

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