Trust Your GUT! CT Scan Showed Active Colitis

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Aug 11, 2014
What a journey it's been to get some type of diagnosis and I know my journey was shorter than most. 3 months of daily moderate to severe abdominal, lower back, shoulder blade and perineum pain. Recently started passing blood and mucous and was "on the couch" or in bed for so long. Saw a horrible internist that wrote it all off as stress even after a colonoscopy. My short term disability was suspended because of his consult note and I have great difficulty in getting into see another GI doc because it is now a 2nd opinion.

Many tests of course all negative until now. It's likely the biggest pun we all share but you have to trust your GUT. I knew this was more than IBS. All of my research pointed to IBD and I doubted myself many times but I felt it in my bones that this was IBD.

Keep pushing for tests, keep researching and don't give up. I keep a pain/symptom diary because its way too difficult to remember everything when you finally get to see the right doc that will listen. I got a diagram of the front and back of a body and listed all the areas where I have pain. I used a file from a google search, pasted it into my pain diary Word document and can refer to each area of pain by number in my diary.

My journey has really just begun but I am finally on the road and no longer standing at the side, thumb up and waiting for a ride. Sad to be happy over a positive test but we all know how that feels time and time again to hear "we can't find anything wrong with you".

I still have to wait to see a GI for a full diagnosis of what type of Colitis and to get on the right treatment but this is an amazing step forward for me. I pray for all of those still undiagnosed...someday you will find an answer.
I'm glad you finally have some answers and can begin treatment.

I don't put much trust in anybody but my GI specialist.
so awesome you are to some form of resolution! i mean not awesome cuz IBDs are just a pain in the @$$ (usually literally) but it would exciting to finally tell your primary care doctor you're not crazy.
I feel the exact same as you! I'm really glad you've found some answers :) sadly I'm still undiagnosed :( but you've given me the motivation to keep pushing for more tests :)

Kirsty x

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