Trying to be informed, supportive wife

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 16, 2015
My husband was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease a few years ago. He's had two bad flares, and lots of medications. He has had success with Humira, but is now building antibodies to it. I am trying to find information and support online. Thanks.
Hello sarah27 and welcome to the forum! :)I'm sorry to hear that your husband is starting to build up a resistance to Humira. :hug:

What other medications has he tried? Is this the only biologic he's taken? There are many different treatment options and another medication is supposed to be approved for the treatment of Crohn's disease by the FDA soon. It was supposed to be this year but it might be next year although there are some members on the forum who are already taking it. It's called Stelara/Ustekinumab. Although many people do have success when switching to Remicade or Cimzia or a combination of a biologic with an immunosuppressant like Mercaptopurine or Azathioprine, even Methotrexate can be added to those to help get a flare under control. If he didn't tolerate Mercaptopurine in the past then it's possible that Allopurinol can be added to a lower dose. Sometimes though when medication doesn't seem to be helping then surgery may be a last resort. This is what I had to do many years ago but it did help kick start remission for me.

What are his symptoms currently? If he's in a lot of pain or has frequent bowel movements then he may want to try a low residue diet or possibly a liquid diet (be sure to make sure he's getting enough nutrition by making your own soups and having him drink the broth and by using supplement drinks) to at least help with his symptoms until his doctor is able to get him on a medication that works better for him.

I hope your husband can find something that works for him. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask anytime. :)
Hi Sarah,

I cannot help with your medication issues, but just wanted to give you a thumbs up!
Without support from my family and relationships, I wouldn't be anyway near as healthy as I am now. its great to see non-Crohnies on here looking for help and support for their loved ones!

Go you, and good luck to your hubbie, I hope he finds something that works for him!
When I had my resection it sure helped having support from my wife. Hope you get some answers soon.
Welcome! So happy you're here. Support is so important for both of you!

Just to echo what Jennifer said, often when antibodies to biologics happen, adding an immunomodulator helps. Does he have an appt with his GI dr regarding it.....or what does the Dr have to say? How are his symptoms? Is he in a flare?